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Cargo Ship Sinks of f Llŷn Coast Posted Sunday, November 27, 2011 by penllyn
A mayday call was sent out from the Swanland cargo ship at around 2am this morning from 20-miles north-west of the Llyn peninsula in north Wales after the hull cracked.
Six people were initially thought to be missing, but one man was later found alive by coastguards.
Two others were recovered from the water, the Holyhead Coastguard said.

The Swanland

A spokeswoman said: "We had a mayday call at just after 2am this morning and it was for cargo ship with eight people onboard.
"It had a cracked hull so some other vessels went to the scene and they provided shelter for the people that were in the water.
"Two helicopters and two life boats were sent to the scene. Two people have been recovered from the water and we are still searching for six."
Two of the men recovered were airlifted to safety and taken to RAF Valley in Anglesey, Wales.
The spokeswoman said: "I haven't got much information on their condition but I have heard that they are okay."
The search is ongoing for the five still missing, she said.
Jim Green, from Holyhead Coastguard, said: "We are very concerned for the safety of the other six crew members. We know that at least some of them are wearing immersion suits and have strobe lighting with them, however sea conditions are challenging at best."
He added that the 81-metre cargo carrier was carrying 3,000 tonnes of limestone but it appears to have sunk.
Gale-force winds battered the Irish Sea during the early hours of the morning and the Coastguard believe this could have been what caused the incident.
The Duke of Cambridge, who qualified as an RAF Search and Rescue Force (Sarf) helicopter co-pilot last September, is based at RAF Valley.
It is not yet known whether he is involved in the search and rescue operation.
The original two helicopters from RAF Valley and the Dublin Coastguard have now been replaced with helicopters from RAF Chivenor and the Irish Coastguard, said the Marine and Coastguard Agency.
Lifeboat crews from RNLI Phwllheli and Porthdinllaen are assisting in the search.
An RNLI spokeswoman said: "Porthdinllaen all-weather lifeboat was launched in gale force winds and rough seas at 2.30am to a cargo vessel in distress with a damaged hull. Phwllheli all-weather lifeboat was also launched.
"A short while later the 80 metre cargo ship sank. A helicopter from RAF Valley rescued two of its crew. The two RNLI lifeboats, along with four search and rescue helicopters and two other commercial boats, are searching for the remaining six crew."

Partneriaeth Tirlun Llŷn - Ein Tirlun Ein Treftadaeth Posted Tuesday, October 14, 2008 by penllyn
Cyfres o gyfleoedd i chi gyfrannu at drafodaeth ar yr hyn sy’n bwysig i chi am ein tirlun a’r dreftadaeth. Dewch i helpu i lunio cais am arian gan Gronfa Loteri’r Dreftadaeth.

Beth yw trysorau pwysicaf Pen Llŷn?
Sut orau i ddathlu’r etifeddiaeth honno?
Sut mae sicrhau fod mwy o bobl (a’r cenedlaethau i ddod)
yn deall a gwerthfawrogi tirlun treftadol y Penrhyn?
Pa grefftau traddodiadaol dylid eu meithrin a’u datblygu?

Prynhawn (4-6) Nos (7-9)
16/10/08 Oriel Plas Glyn y Weddw, Llanbedrog.
20/10/08 Y Ganolfan, Nefyn.
21/10/08 Y Neuadd, Sarn.
22/10/08 Canolfan Hamdden Dwyfor, Pwllheli.

Mae cyfle hefyd i chi fynegi barn fel arall neu gael rhagor o
fanlylion am y prosiect. Cysylltwch â - Arwel Jones / / 01758 613999

Llŷn Landscape Partnership - Our Landscape Our Heritage
A series of opportunities for you to contribute to a debate on what is important about our landscape and its heritage. Help shape an application for Heritage Lottery Funding.

What are Pen Llŷn’s most important treasures?
What is the best way to celebrate that inheritance?
How do we ensure that more people (and generations to
come) understand and appreciate Llŷn’s heritage landscape?
Which traditional skills should be nurtured and developed?

Afternoon (4-6) Evening (7-9)
16/10/08 Oriel Plas Glyn y Weddw, Llanbedrog.
20/10/08 Y Ganolfan, Nefyn.
21/10/08 Y Neuadd, Sarn.
22/10/08 Canolfan Hamdden Dwyfor, Pwllheli.

There is also another way for you to have your say or get further information. Contact - Arwel Jones / / 01758 613999

Cronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy Posted Monday, July 7, 2008 by penllyn
Cronfa Datblygu CynaliadwyGrantiau ar gyfer prosiectau ynArdal o Harddwch Naturiol Eithriadol LlynArdal o Harddwch Naturiol EithriadolMae Ardaloedd o Harddwch Naturiol Eithriadol (AHNE) yn dirweddau sy’ngenedlaethol bwysig ac wedi eu dynodi ar sail eu harddwch gweledolarbennig. Mae 5 AHNE yng Nghymru sef Penrhyn Llyn,Ynys Môn, BryniauClwyd, Penrhyn Gwyr a Dyffryn Gwy.Mae Penrhyn Llyn yn adnabyddus am ei arfordir amrywiol a diddorol a’rtirlun hardd a oedd y prif sail dros ddynodi’r ardal yn AHNE yn ôl yn 1956.Mae oddeutu chwarter y Penrhyn Lly^ n, cyfanswm o 15,500 hectar, oddimewn yr ardal ddynodedig gyda’r rhan fwyaf yn dir arfordirol ond hefyd ynymestyn i mewn i’r tir i gynnwys yr ardal o amgylch Garn Fadryn. Mae’rmap isod yn dangos union ffiniau’r AHNE:Beth yw’r Gronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy?Mae’r Gronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy yn ffynhonnell grant ar gyfer prosiectauamgylcheddol, economaidd a chymunedol sydd yn datblygu, ac yn arbrofidulliau mwy cynaliadwy o fyw mewn Ardaloedd o Harddwch NaturiolEithriadol. Mae “cynaliadwy” yn golygu cydbwysedd rhwng anghenioncymdeithasol ac economaidd presennol a’r angen i warchod yr amgylchedda buddiannau cymunedau’r dyfodol.Gall y Gronfa hefyd roi cefnogaeth i brosiectau mewn ardaloedd sy’n agosi’r AHNE lle gellir dangos yn glir fod budd uniongyrchol i’r ardalddynodedig.Y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol sydd wedi sefydlu’r Gronfa hon a bydd y grant yncael ei weinyddu gan Uned AHNE Lly^n mewn cydweithrediad gyda CyngorCefn Gwlad Cymru.Pwy all ymgeisio ?• Grwpiau cymunedol, gwirfoddol neu bartneriaethau;• Cynghorau cymuned;• Awdurdodau lleol;• Y sector preifat (am brosiectau o ddiddordeb cyhoeddus ehangach);• Unigolion (am brosiectau o ddiddordeb cyhoeddus ehangach);Pa fath o brosiectau a gefnogir ?Cefnogir prosiectau sy’n cyd-fynd ag amcanion y Gronfa ac sydd o fudd i’rArdal o Harddwch Naturiol Eithriadol, megis prosiectau sydd yn:• Cynnal neu wella harddwch naturiol y tirlun a’r arfordir yn cynnwysnodweddion lleol;• Cofnodi a hybu lles bywyd gwyllt lleol;• Cofnodi a chynnal olion hanesyddol;• Cynnal ac adfer adeiladau a strwythurau hanesyddol pwysig;• Hybu datblygiad cymdeithasol a diwylliannol;• Hybu mentrau economaidd cynaliadwy;• Codi ymwybyddiaeth a hybu cyfleon i ddysgu am wahanol nodweddion yrardal;• Datblygu a gwella cyfleon i weld a mwynhau’r AHNE.Os bydd llawer o geisiadau rhoddir blaenoriaeth i brosiectau sy’n:• Arddangos syniadau arloesol neu arfer da;• Rhoi cyfle i bobl ifanc a chymunedau lleol fod yn rhan ohonynt;• Yn denu cyfraniadau o ffynonellau eraill, yn ariannol ac mewn nwyddauneu wasanaethau;• Yn cynyddu dealltwriaeth o gynaliadwyedd ac yn hybu ffyrdd mwycynaliadwy o fyw.Enghreifftiau o brosiectau a allai gael eucefnogi:• Prosiectau gan ysgolion megis rheoli tir ar gyfer bywyd gwyllt, cofnodihanes lleol a diwylliant;• Prosiectau i leihau’r defnydd o foduron a chynyddu gweithgareddauhamdden iachus;• Tacluso tiroedd mewn pentrefi er lles y gymuned ac ar gyfer bywyd gwyllt;• Adfer nodweddion hanesyddol lleol e.e. llyn y pentref, perllan gymunedol,ffiniau traddodiadol;• Rhaglenni hyfforddiant i ddiogelu sgiliau traddodiadol e.e. codi waliaucerrig, plygu gwrychoedd a rheolaeth gadwriaethol.Grant a chyfraddau grantMae cyfanswm o £50,000 yn y Gronfa ar ddechrau bob blwyddyn ariannol(Ebrill). Gellir gwneud ceisiadau am grantiau bychan hyd at £1,000 neugrantiau mwy hyd at uchafswm o £25,000. Isod gwelir canllawiau ariannolcyffredinol y gronfa:• Rhoddir grant tuag at ddatblygu prosiectau, a rheoli prosiectau(costau staff);• Fel arfer rhoddir hyd at 50% o grant ond rhoddir hyd at 75% mewnachosion haeddiannol a chyfradd uwch eto mewn achosion arbennig;• Disgwylir i ymgeiswyr dalu o leiaf 25% o’r costau, o gyllid eu hunain neudrwy gyllid o ffynonellau eraill. Gall gwaith gwirfoddol fod yn gyfraniadmewn math tuag at gostau’r prosiect;• Fel arfer bydd taliadau yn cael eu gwneud ar ôl i’r prosiect gael ei gwblhau.Enghreifftiau o Brosiectau yn Lly^nProsiect Cadw’r Lliw yn Lly^nProsiect sy'n anelu i gynyddu a gwella ansawdd rhostir arfordirol ac iseldirLly^n ac Eifionydd yw Cadw’r Lliw yn Lly^ n. Mae’n brosiect tair blynedd areolir gan swyddog llawn amser dan reolaeth Partneriaeth Lliw yn Lly^ n, sy'ncynnwys cynrychiolwyr o chwe sefydliad.Mae’r prosiect yn goruchwylio gwaith cynnal a chadw a gwarchod ar 12 osafleoedd rhostir. Mae hyn yn cynnwys gwaith rheoli rhedyn a phlanhigionymledol eraill, darparu ffensys gwell, rheoli pori a monitro newidiadau yn ycynefin a’r bywyd gwyllt.Bydd y prosiect hefyd yn ceisio codi ymwybyddiaeth a meithrindealltwriaeth o rostiroedd drwy wella llwybrau cyhoeddus ar y safleoedd,cynhyrchu deunydd addysgol a chodi ymwybyddiaeth drwy’r wasg.Gweler y wefan am fwy o wybodaeth - www.lliwynllyn.orgMurlun Canolfan y Babell, LlanaelhaearnEglwys LlandegwningProsiect yw hwn i ddathlu treftadaeth yr ardal drwy greu murlun ar gyferCanolfan y Babell i gofnodi a dathlu hanes pobol o’r ardal a gweithgareddaulleol. Rhoddodd y prosiect gyfle i 30 o blant Ysgol Gynradd Llanaelhaearn iweithio gyda’r artist, Beverly Bell-Hughes i greu cyfanwaith ceramig.Yn ychwanegol i hyn, rhoddodd gyfle i drigolion lleol a rhieni gyfrannu drwygefnogi sesiynau gweithdai a darparu ymchwil o hanes lleol. Bu’r prosiect yncyfrannu tuag at ddatblygiad addysgiadol y plant ac yn darparu cyfleoedd iddysgu am hanes lleol ynghyd â thraddodiadau diwylliannol yr ardal.Ffurfiwyd Cyfeillion Eglwys Llandegwning yn dilyn apêl leol panbenderfynwyd gwerthu’r eglwys ar y farchnad agored yn2001. Mae’r eglwys yn adeilad rhestredig gradd II, yn dyddioyn ôl i 1840, ond wedi ei hadeiladu ar sylfeini cynharach.Sefydlwyd pwyllgor, sydd erbyn hyn yn gwmni cyfyngedigdrwy warant, a chyda chymorth grant o’r Gronfallwyddwyd i brynu lês yr eglwys a’i hadfer i gyflwr da.Hefyd gosodwyd arddangosfa barhaol yn dathluhanes yr ardal yn yr eglwys er rhoi gwybodaethi bobl leol ac ymwelwyr sydd â diddordebmewn hanes lleol, adeiladau hanesyddol neudaith y Pererinion i Enlli.Gwybodaeth bellach ac ymgeisio am grantAm ragor o wybodaeth a ffurflen gais cysylltwch â’r Uned AHNE, gweler ymanylion isod:UNED AHNE LLYNGwasanaeth Cynllunio a Thrafnidiaeth,Cyfadran Amgylchedd,Cyngor Gwynedd,Pwllheli,Gwynedd,LL53 5AAFfôn: 01758 704 155/^

Cylchlythyr rhif 7 Communities first newsletter No 7 Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2007 by penllyn

Murlun newydd gan blant y fro yn hen gwt gwylwyr y glannau Llŷn Posted Thursday, January 25, 2007 by penllyn
Mae hen Orsaf Gwylwyr y Glannau a saif mewn lleoliad trawiadol ar ben Mynydd Mawr, Llŷn wedi ei adfywio gyda murlun lliwgar newydd a grëwyd gan blant sy’n aelodau o’r Urdd yn Aberdaron. Bydd yr adeilad ar agor o ddydd Sadwrn y Pasg (7fed o Ebrill) ymlaen.

Gyda chymorth yr arlunydd lleol Kim Atkinson, mae’r plant lleol wedi creu murlun sy’n tywys ymwelwyr ar daith o’r rhostir a thros y clogwyni i ddarganfod y cyfoeth o fywyd gwyllt a welir ar y penrhyn gwyllt a hardd hwn sy’n cynnig golygfeydd godidog o Ynys Enlli. Rhoddwyd y project ar waith fel rhan o fenter Cadw’r Lliw yn Llŷn, a darparwyd rhan o’r cymorth ariannol gan Gymdeithas Dyffryn Clwyd yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol.

Man i wylwyr y glannau wylio cychod a llongau am bron i 80 mlynedd oedd hen orsaf gwylwyr y glannau nes i dechnoleg lloeren olygu erbyn 1990 nad oedd angen gwasanaeth o’r fath mwyach. Yn ogystal â dangos gwaith y plant, mae’n gartref hefyd i arddangosfa sy’n egluro pwysigrwydd y rhostir o gwmpas a’r bywyd gwyllt a welir yn y murlun, a sut mae’r Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol yn gwarchod y tirlun arbennig hwn.

Mae rhostir arfordirol Llŷn yn un o’r rhai pwysicaf yn Ewrop. Mae’r carped o borffor a melyn yn darparu cynefin cyfoethog i lawer o rywogaethau prinnaf Ewrop, megis y cor-rosyn rhuddfannog, sy’n blodeuo am ddiwrnod yn unig, y bras melyn, gloynnod byw fel y glesyn cyffredin a britheg y gors, y fursen, y frân goesgoch, a chen eurwallt. Ond mae rhostir Llŷn o dan fygythiad difrifol oherwydd y dulliau o’i amaethu a’i reoli. Mae gorbori yn ogystal â lledaeniad llystyfiant wedi cyfrannu tuag at golli 80% o rostir iseldir y DU yn y 150 mlynedd diwethaf.

Mae tîm yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol ar Ben Llŷn yn gweithio i warchod y rhostir pwysig hwn drwy ailgodi’r cloddiau pridd traddodiadol rhwng caeau er mwyn annog bywyd gwyllt i’r ardal, a thrwy gyflwyno merlod i bori a helpu i reoli’r llystyfiant.

Meddai Richard Neale, Rheolwr Eiddo Llŷn ac Eifionydd: “Rydym wrth ein bodd gyda murlun y plant yn Hen Orsaf Gwylwyr y Glannau ar Fynydd Mawr – mae’n dod â’r amrywiaeth o rywogaethau a geir yma – llawer ohonyn nhw’n brin iawn – yn fyw. Efallai bod rhostiroedd Llŷn yn edrych yn wyllt ond mae angen rheolaeth ofalus arnyn nhw i sicrhau goroesiad eu bywyd gwyllt naturiol. Bydd yr arddangosfa newydd, gobeithio, yn helpu ymwelwyr i sylweddoli mor bwysig ac unigryw yw rhostiroedd hanesyddol Llŷn a’r angen i’w gwarchod ar gyfer y dyfodol.”

Murlun newydd gan blant y fro yn hen gwt gwylwyr y glannau Llŷn Posted Thursday, January 25, 2007 by penllyn
Mae hen Orsaf Gwylwyr y Glannau a saif mewn lleoliad trawiadol ar ben Mynydd Mawr, Llŷn wedi ei adfywio gyda murlun lliwgar newydd a grëwyd gan blant sy’n aelodau o’r Urdd yn Aberdaron. Bydd yr adeilad ar agor o ddydd Sadwrn y Pasg (7fed o Ebrill) ymlaen.

Gyda chymorth yr arlunydd lleol Kim Atkinson, mae’r plant lleol wedi creu murlun sy’n tywys ymwelwyr ar daith o’r rhostir a thros y clogwyni i ddarganfod y cyfoeth o fywyd gwyllt a welir ar y penrhyn gwyllt a hardd hwn sy’n cynnig golygfeydd godidog o Ynys Enlli. Rhoddwyd y project ar waith fel rhan o fenter Cadw’r Lliw yn Llŷn, a darparwyd rhan o’r cymorth ariannol gan Gymdeithas Dyffryn Clwyd yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol.

Man i wylwyr y glannau wylio cychod a llongau am bron i 80 mlynedd oedd hen orsaf gwylwyr y glannau nes i dechnoleg lloeren olygu erbyn 1990 nad oedd angen gwasanaeth o’r fath mwyach. Yn ogystal â dangos gwaith y plant, mae’n gartref hefyd i arddangosfa sy’n egluro pwysigrwydd y rhostir o gwmpas a’r bywyd gwyllt a welir yn y murlun, a sut mae’r Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol yn gwarchod y tirlun arbennig hwn.

Mae rhostir arfordirol Llŷn yn un o’r rhai pwysicaf yn Ewrop. Mae’r carped o borffor a melyn yn darparu cynefin cyfoethog i lawer o rywogaethau prinnaf Ewrop, megis y cor-rosyn rhuddfannog, sy’n blodeuo am ddiwrnod yn unig, y bras melyn, gloynnod byw fel y glesyn cyffredin a britheg y gors, y fursen, y frân goesgoch, a chen eurwallt. Ond mae rhostir Llŷn o dan fygythiad difrifol oherwydd y dulliau o’i amaethu a’i reoli. Mae gorbori yn ogystal â lledaeniad llystyfiant wedi cyfrannu tuag at golli 80% o rostir iseldir y DU yn y 150 mlynedd diwethaf.

Mae tîm yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol ar Ben Llŷn yn gweithio i warchod y rhostir pwysig hwn drwy ailgodi’r cloddiau pridd traddodiadol rhwng caeau er mwyn annog bywyd gwyllt i’r ardal, a thrwy gyflwyno merlod i bori a helpu i reoli’r llystyfiant.

Meddai Richard Neale, Rheolwr Eiddo Llŷn ac Eifionydd: “Rydym wrth ein bodd gyda murlun y plant yn Hen Orsaf Gwylwyr y Glannau ar Fynydd Mawr – mae’n dod â’r amrywiaeth o rywogaethau a geir yma – llawer ohonyn nhw’n brin iawn – yn fyw. Efallai bod rhostiroedd Llŷn yn edrych yn wyllt ond mae angen rheolaeth ofalus arnyn nhw i sicrhau goroesiad eu bywyd gwyllt naturiol. Bydd yr arddangosfa newydd, gobeithio, yn helpu ymwelwyr i sylweddoli mor bwysig ac unigryw yw rhostiroedd hanesyddol Llŷn a’r angen i’w gwarchod ar gyfer y dyfodol.”

Llyn Heaths and houses Posted Tuesday, June 6, 2006 by penllyn
The heaths under National Trust ownershipon the Llyn peninsula are internationallyimportant for wildlife, and include severalSSSIs. The Cadw’r Lliw yn Llyn project -apartnership with CCW- aims to improveheath management whilst increasing publicawareness of them. Work has begun onrestoration of the heaths, with newinterpretative elements provided andeducational activities enhancing publicaccess.The area is home toabout 40% of Wales’breeding population ofthe rare chough.Heavy sheep grazingwhich is otherwisevery damaging to theheaths benefits thechough. Restoring theheaths could decreasenumbers of chough,making it essential thatthere are sufficientalternative feeding sites around the heaths.Possible impacts on the spotted rockrosewhich has its only mainland UK site atUwchmynydd must also be monitored.The very beauty of a place can beproblematic. The popular sand dunes atTywyn y Fach are the home to theHutchensia, a tiny annual found on opensand. It cannot withstand erosion, and oftensuccumbs to the flip-flops of beach goers.Facilities required by these tourists areprovided seek harmony with the area, withevery effort made to avoid detracting fromthe Llyn’s beauty.Other buildings like the tyddyn –simplecrog-loft cottages- have long been part ofthe Llyn’s landscape with their appearancealong roads and hillsides typical for the area.These vernacular buildings are unsuited tomodern family life which has led to manybeing improved beyond recognition. TheTrust aims to maintain the historicappearance of the tyddyn by restoring themfor use as holiday accommodation.

Llwybr arfordir Llyn - Llyn coastal path Posted Thursday, May 18, 2006 by penllyn
Mae llwybr 95 milltir o amgylch arfordir Llyˆn wedi cael ei agor yn swyddogol. Drwy ddilyn y llwybr arfordirol gall cerddwyr weld traethau, bryniau a rhostir a bydd cyfle i ymweld â threfi a phentrefi arfordirol yn ogystal â llefydd fel Eglwys Clynnog Fawr, Nant Gwrtheyrn, Eglwys Pistyll, Plas yn Rhiw, Plas Glyn y Weddw a'r Lôn Goed.

Mae'r llwybr yn cael ei hyrwyddo fel ffordd o gadw'n heini ac er ei fod eisoes ar y map ymwelwyr mae Cyngor Gwynedd am weld trigolion lleol yn ei ddefnyddio hefyd. "Mae'r farchnad ar gyfer ymwelwyr sy'n cerdded yn bendant ar gynnydd," meddai Wyn Evans, y swyddog sy'n gyfrifol am y cynllun. "Ond rydyn ni am i bobl leol ei ddefnyddio hefyd i ddod yn heini," meddai. Mae'r llwybr wedi ei sefydlu gan y cyngor a Chyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru ar hyd llwybrau cyhoeddus, ffyrdd tawel a thiroedd lle mae hawl i fynediad.

"Mae cerdded yn cael ei ystyried fel un o'r ffyrdd gorau sydd ar gael o gadw'n heini a dwi'n falch iawn o weld y datblygiad hwn yn symud ymlaen," meddai'r cynghorydd Tomos Evans. "Mae'r llwybr arfordirol arbennig hwn yn adnodd gwerthfawr sy'n cysylltu nifer o safleoedd sydd o ddiddordeb mawr yn ddiwylliannol, hanesyddol ac amgylcheddol, gyda rhan fawr o'r llwybr yn dilyn y fan lle teithiodd pererinion yn ystod eu taith i Ynys Enlli. "Rydyn ni'n gobeithio y bydd agor y llwybr yn swyddogol o fudd i fusnesau lleol oherwydd y cynnydd mewn lleoedd diddorol i bobl i gerdded a mwynhau yn Llyˆn," meddai.

Dywedodd Wyn Evans fod gwaith wedi bod yn cael ei wneud ar y llwybrau ers rhai blynyddoedd ond mai'r hwb olaf oedd prosiect arbennig dros y 12 mis diwethaf. "Yn y dyfodol dwi'n edrych ymlaen at lwybr a fydd yn mynd o gwmpas holl arfordir Cymru," meddai. "Ond am rwan gall y llwybr hwn yn Llyˆn gael ei ddefnyddio i hybu'r ardal."


The 95 miles of the Llyn coastal path has been officialy opened. The path allows ramblers to take in some of the most outstanding views in wales. It covers some diverse environments from upland heaths, cliffs, villages and sandy beaches. Some of the places en-route incude Clynnog Fawr Church, Nant Gwrtheyrn, Pistyll Church, Plas yn Rhiw, Plas Glyn y Weddw and Lôn Goed.


Rhwyfo i Iwerddon mewn 11 awr a hanner Posted Sunday, May 14, 2006 by penllyn
Nod y pum aelod o Glwb Rhwyfo Pwllheli ddydd Gwener oedd croesi o Borth Oer i Benrhyn Wicklow - taith o ryw 50 milltir - mewn 12 - 15 awr. Ond llwyddodd i tîm i groesi mewn 11 awr a hanner gan sefydlu amser ar gyfer y croesiad fel bod timau eraill yn gallu ei herio yn y dyfodol.

Cyn y ras dywedodd Eifion Owen, darlithydd yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor sydd eisoes wedi hwylio a hwylfyrddio dros y Môr Celtaidd, fod yr her "yn cael ei hadnabod fel y Sialens 6°G gan y byddwn yn atal y cloc unwaith ein bod yn croesi y linell meridian 6° Gorllewin sy'n rhedeg i lawr drwy Benrhyn Wicklow".

"Rydym i gyd yn ymarfer yn galed ers rhai wythnosau bellach i wella'n ffitrwydd ac i baratoi'r corff ar gyfer y sialens unigryw hon," meddai.

48 milltir morwrol sy'n gwahanu Porth Oer a Phenrhyn Wicklow ond fe all y daith fod yn hirach na hynny oherwydd effaith gwyntoedd a thonnau. Roedd pedwar ohonyn nhw'n rhwyfo ar unrhyw adeg gydag un yn llywio ac roedd pob aelod o'r criw yn llywio'r cwch yn eu tro.

Roedd y rhwyfwyr yn defnyddio'r sialens i godi arian at wasanaeth ambiwlans awyr Cymru. Hefyd y gobaith oedd sbarduno diddordeb mewn rhwyfo Celtaidd gan ddenu mwy o aelodau i Glwb Rhwyfo Pwllheli gafodd ei sefydlu yn 2001.
"Fe fyddwn ni'n cynnal diwrnod agored yn Nhraeth Glan don Pwllheli ar Fai 20 i'r perwyl yna," meddai Geraint Hughes.(Cadeirydd y clwb)


Five members of Pwllheli rowing club set off from Portoer on friday morning at five o'clock. Their aim was to make the crossing to Wicklow in a time frame of 12-15 hours. They achieved their goal of rowing the 50 nautical miles in just 11 and a half! This has set a record for future teams from the club to try and beat.

Before the race, Eifion Owen explained that the chalenge was called the 6° challenge. The 'finishing line' was the 6° West meridian line that runs through the Wicklow peninsula. There were 4 members rowing at all times, with the fifth at the tiller. They also managed to raise money for the air ambulance.


Prif Weithredwr newydd CYTÛN - New Chief Executive of CYTÛN Posted Thursday, May 4, 2006 by penllyn
Y Parchedig Aled Edwards fydd Prif Weithredwr newydd CYTÛN: Eglwysi Ynghyd yng Nghymru.Tros gyfnod o saith mlynedd bu Aled yn Swyddog Cyswllt CYTÛN ar Gyfer y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol.Y mae gan Aled radd mewn Hanes a Diwinyddiaeth o Goleg Prifysgol Cymru, Llanbedr Pont Steffan lle y bu hefyd yn Llywydd Undeb Gristnogol y Coleg.
Cafodd Aled ei hyfforddi ar gyfer y weinidogaeth i’r eglwys Anglicanaidd yng Ngholeg y Drindod, Bryste, a chafodd ei ordeinio yn Esgobaeth Bangor yn 1979. Am gyfnod o wyth mlynedd (1985-93) gwasanaethodd fel rheithor prosiect eciwmenaidd lleol rhwng yr Eglwys yng Nghymru ac Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru ym Motwnnog ar Benrhyn Llyˆn, Gwynedd cyn ei sefydlu yn Ficer plwyf allweddol, Cymraeg ei iaith, Eglwys Dewi Sant Caerdydd.
Daw Aled i swydd Prif Weithredwr CYTÛN ymrwymiad cryf i eciwmeniaeth ac mae ganddo broffil cyhoeddus yng Nghymru fel ymgyrchydd ar ran ffoaduriaid a cheiswyr lloches. Y mae ganddo hefyd wybodaeth drylwyr o wleidyddiaeth ddatganoledig Cymru. ‘Y mae gennyf argyhoeddiad cryf’ meddai Aled ‘y daw eciwmeniaeth o ewyllys Dduw ar gyfer yr eglwys a’i fyd. Credaf yn angerddol mewn Cymru sy’n fan ar gyfer dwyn pobl at ei gilydd mewn cenedl fyw sy’n meddu ar ymdeimlad newydd o genedligrwydd mewn cymdeithas lle nad oes neb yn cael ei adael ar ôl - yn arbennig y difreintiedig a’r bregus. Edrychaf ymlaen yn fawr at gael adeiladu ar waith da fy rhagflaenydd yn CYTÛN’
Y mae Aled yn gadeirydd nifer o gyrff gwirfoddol yn cynnwys Cyngor Ffoaduriaid Cymru a Displaced People in Action.Y mae’n Gymrawd y Sefydliad Materion Cymreig.
Bu’n weithgar yn sefydlu Cyngor Aml Ffydd Cymru yn 2001 a Fforwm Cymunedau Ffydd y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol wedi hynny. Ef hefyd fu’n cynhyrchu neu’n cymryd rhan mewn nifer o ddathliadau neu wasanaethau cenedlaethol i ddathlu agor y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol yn 1999, defod Cymru’n Cofio yn 2005 i goffau pasio 60 mlynedd ers diwedd yr Ail Ryfel Byd a’r gwasanaeth coffau cenedlaethol a gafwyd yn Neuadd Dewi Sant, Caerdydd y llynedd.
Yn gyfrannydd cyson i raglenni teledu a radio yn Gymraeg a Saesneg y mae hefyd wedi ysgrifennu’n helaeth gan gynnwys Transforming Power - A Christian Reflection on Welsh Devolution ac Ystyried Gwahaniaethau a Gobeithion - Golwg ar Ddatganoli o Safbwynt Ffydd ar y cyd gyda Graham Blount, Swyddog Seneddol Eglwysi’r Alban. Y mae’n ysgrifennu erthyglau wythnosol ar gyfer gwefan BBC Cymru’r Byd.
Bydd y Parchedig Aled Edwards yn olynu’r Parchedig Gethin Abraham-Williams, fydd yn ymddeol fel Prif Weithredwr CYTÛN ddiwedd Awst. Gan groesawu apwyntiad Aled, dywedodd Gethin ‘Bendith i CYTÛN fydd cael Prif Weithredwr o’i gefnid a’i brofiad, ac mae’n rhoi boddhad mawr i mi wybod y bydd yn fy olynu yn y weinidogaeth arbennig hon o alluogi’r eglwysi i ddirnad yr hyn sydd ganddyn nhw’n gyffredin a sut y gallant weithio gyda’i gilydd mewn cenhadaeth a gwasanaeth yn y Gymru newydd ac ymhellach.'
Mae Aled yn briod i Marie, therapydd iaith a lleferydd. Y mae ganddyn nhw dri o blant sy’n oedolion: Seimon, Meleri a Steffan. Y mae ganddo ddiddordeb angerddol mewn rygbi Cymreig gan gefnogi Scarlets Llanelli. Y mae ei ddiddordebau eraill yn cynnwys gwylio  Star Trek a’r sioe wleidyddol boblogaidd Americanaidd The West Wing.
Rhif Ffôn Symudol: Y Parchedig  Aled Edwards 0775 144 6071


The Revd Aled Edwards is to be the new Chief Executive of CYTÛN: Churches Together in Wales.For the last seven years Aled has been the CYTÛN National Assembly for Wales Liaison Officer. Aled is a joint honours graduate in History and Theology of the University of Wales, Lampeter, where he served as President of the College’s Christian Union.
Aled trained for the Anglican ministry at Trinity College, Bristol, and was ordained in the Diocese of Bangor in 1979. For eight years (1985-93) he served as rector of a joint Anglican/Presbyterian Local Ecumenical Project on the Llyˆn Peninsula in Gwynedd before becoming Vicar of the key Welsh language parish of Eglwys Dewi Sant in the centre of Cardiff.
Aled brings to the post of CYTÛN Chief Executive a strong commitment to ecumenism and a public profile in Wales as a campaigner for asylum seekers and refugees. He also has a thorough knowledge of devolved Welsh politics. 'I have a deeply held conviction,' Aled says, 'that ecumenism flows from the very will of God for his church and world. I believe passionately in a Wales where people come together in a vibrant and new sense of nationhood in a society where no-one gets left behind – especially the most vulnerable and excluded.’
Aled chairs a number of voluntary bodies including the Welsh Refugee Council and Displaced People in Action. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Welsh Affairs.
He helped set up the Inter-Faith Council for Wales in 2001 and subsequently the National Assembly's Faith Communities Forum. Aled has also produced and taken part in a number of services and celebrations to mark national events, including the inauguration of the National Assembly for Wales in 1999, the Wales Remembers event to mark the 60th anniversary of the ending of the Second World War in 2005, and last year's UK Police Federation Memorial Service held in Saint David’s Hall, Cardiff.
A regular broadcaster on Welsh and English language radio and TV, Aled has authored a number of works, including Transforming Power - A Christian Reflection on Welsh Devolution and co-wrote  Considering Contrasts and Futures - A Faith Reflection on Devolution with Graham Blount, the Scottish Churches Parliamentary Officer. He writes weekly articles for BBC Wales’ Welsh language website Cymru’r Byd.
The Revd Aled Edwards succeeds the Revd Gethin Abraham-Williams, who retires as CYTÛN Chief Executive at the end of August. Welcoming Aled's appointment, Gethin said, 'CYTÛN is blessed to have a candidate with his background and experience, and it gives me great satisfaction to know that he will succeed me in this wonderful ministry of helping the Churches to discover what they have in common and how they can work together in mission and service in the new Wales and beyond.'
Aled is married to Marie, a speech and language therapist. They have three grown-up children: Seimon, Meleri and Steffan.
He has a passionate interest in Welsh rugby and supports the Llanelli Scarlets. His other hobbies include watching Star Trek and the hit American political show The West Wing.
For further information:
Revd Aled Edwards 0775 144 6071

(Members of CYTÛN: Churches Together in Wales are: Church in Wales, Presbyterian Church of Wales, United Reformed Church, Methodist Church, Covenanted Baptist Churches of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Roman Catholic Church, the Union of Welsh Independents, the Baptist Union of Wales, the Congregational Federation, the German Speaking Lutheran Church, the Salvation Army, and the Religious Society of Friends.)


Ysgolion yn wynebu Newid Posted Monday, November 14, 2005 by penllyn
Cofiwch i stori flaen y Llanw y mis diwethaf son am gynlluniau Cyngor Gwynedd i newid trefn ysgolion cynradd Llyn - a gweddiil ysgolion gwledig y sir wrth ragweld gostyngiad yn nifer eu disgyblion.

Ers hynny, cynhaliwyd cyfarfod ar gyfer holl lywodraethwyr ysgolion cynradd dalgylch Botwnnog lle cyflwynodd pennaeth ysgolion y sir, Dr Gwynne Jones, adroddiad manwl yn amlinellu gweledigaeth y Cyngor. Y drefn sy'n cael ei ffafrio yw i ffederaleiddio neu glystyru ysgolion (sef, rhannu pennaeth a chorff llwyodraethol rhwng dwy neu ragor o ysgolion). Bu sôn hefyd am y posibiliadau o gau ysgolion gan ganoli'r addysg gynradd mewn ysgol fro, er y dylid nodi nad yw'r Cyngor yn dymuno cau unrhyw ysgol.

Roedd nifer o lywodraethwyr, rhieni ac athrawon yn bryderus iawn wedi'r cyfarfod a gynhaliwyd ym Motwnnog ym mis Hydref. Un a fu yno oedd y Cynghorydd Liz Saville,

'Rhaid cytuno bod gwasanaethu ardal wledig gyda phoblogaeth isel a gwasgaredig, megis LIyn, yn gostus. Mae cynnal pennaeth ym mhob ysgol yn ddrud. Os mai arbedion ariannol yw'r unig ystyriaeth, hawdd dod i'r casgliad mai lleihau nifer y prifathrawon yw'r ateb darbodus. Ond mae ystyriaethau eraill, megis ansawdd addysg em plant ac, i raddau, Cymreictod ein cymunedau. Oes, mae'n rhaid bod yn effro i'r angen i arbed arian, ond ffolineb fyddai neidio I newidiadau heb geisio canfod y canlyniadau.'

I raddau helaeth, mae'r drefn Ffederaleiddio heb ei phrofi. Mae arolygwyr wedi brolio nifer o ysgolion Llyn mewn adroddiadau disglair yn ddiweddar ac mae dylanwad em hathrawon ymroddedig yn mynd tu hwnt i ddysgu ysgrifennu a mathemateg. Mae'n debyg hefyd bod maint ein hysgolion yn Llyn yn cyfrannu at eu llwyddiant wrth gyflwyno'r iaith i ddisgyblion o gartrefi diGymraeg, ac at y Gymraeg a glywir ar wefusau plant yn yr iard chwarae. Beth yn union fydd effaith y drefn newydd ar addysg ein plant?

Mae disgwyl i lywodraethwyr pob ysgol gynradd yn Llyn anfon eu hawgrymiadau am sut bydd eu hysgol yn cyfrannu at yr addrefnu erbyn dechrau Rhagfyr.
o'r Llanw.

Amddiffyn ysgolion Gwynedd 1970
Hanes Ysgol Bryncroes

Gosod Sylfeini Cadarn - Laying strong Foundations Posted Saturday, November 12, 2005 by penllyn
Sawl gwaith da chi 'di clywed pobi yn cwyno nad oes digon o adeiladwyr, seiri, plymars a trydanwyr ar gael pan mae rhywun eu hangen nhw? Wel, mae Partneriaeth Cymunedau'n Gyntaf Pen Llyn am wneud rhywbeth am y peth.

Dros y misoedd diwethaf cynhaliwyd gwaith ymchwil o fewn y diwydiant adeiladu i ddarganfod os oedd modd datblygu cynllun prentisio lleol i sicrhau fod yna gyfleon yn cael eu cynnig i bobl ifanc yr ardal, ac os oedd modd hwyluso'r gwaith o hyfforddi prentis o ochr y cyflogwr.

Mae'r bartneriaeth bellach wedi Iansio cynllun 'Cyswllt Prentisio' fydd yn cynnig gwasanaeth paru er mwyn dod a darpar brentis a chyflogwr at ei gilydd ac mae cynlluniau hefyd i ysgafnhau'r baich gweinyddol sydd ynghlwm a chyflogi prentis. Mae'r bartneriaeth hefyd yn cydweithio yn agos gyda Ysgol Uwchradd Botwnnog, sydd am y tro cyntaf eleni yn cynnig cwrs TGAU mewn Adeiladu. Byddwn hefyd yn cydweithio gyda'r ysgol i gynnig cyrsiau gyda'r nos i rai sydd eisoes yn gweithio o fewn y diwydiant.

Mae cynlluniau eisoes yn cael eu Ilunio i ymestyn y cynliun i gynnwys diwydiannau eraill, gan ystyried y gwersi ddysgwyd hyd yma.

Bydd rhoi cymorth i brentisiaid heddiw yn gofalu fod gwaith parhaol ar gael i'r dyfodol a na fydd yr ardal yn dioddef o brinder crefftwyr.

Ffoniwch Cyswllt Prentisio - 01758 730309

Laying strong Foundations
How many times have you heard people complaining that there aren't enough builders, joiners, plumbers and electricians available when you need them? Well, the Pen Llyn Communities First Partnership is going to do something about it.
During recent months research was conducted within the construction industry to gauge the feasibility of developing a local apprenticeship scheme in order to ensure that opportunities are available for the young people of the area, and facilitate the work of training an apprentice for employers.

The Partnership has now launched it's 'Apprenticeship Link' scheme that will offer a 'matchmaking' service Intended to bring together prospective apprentices and employers; and there are also plans to lighten the administrative burden involved in employing an apprentice.

The Partnership also cooperates closely with Ysgol Botwnnog that will, this year, be offering a GCSE course in Construction for the first time. We shall also be working in partnership with the school to offer evening classes for those who are al ready working in the industry.

Plans are already being drawn to extend the scheme to include other industries, taking note of lessons learnt to date.
Supporting today's apprentices will mean that permanent work shall be available in the future and that the area will not suffer from a lack of craftspeople.
Phone Apprentice Link on- 01758 730309

Hamilton Oil - on the Horizon Posted Friday, September 16, 2005 by penllyn
Now that Oil prices seem to be sky rocketing, it could be just a coincidence, but an oil rig was spotted off the north coast of Llyn on Friday. Are the Hamilton oil fields off this A.O.N.B. about to be re-prospected, or is it just a 'passing' mobile rig?

This rig about 5Km off tudweiliog was heading west at 18.00 hrs on September 16th 2005
Sureley the natural elements of solar and sea are nicer (see above) :-)

27% o boblogaeth Dwyfor yn uniaith Saesneg! Posted Thursday, April 28, 2005 by penllyn
Yn ôl adroddiad iaith diweddar - Erbyn 2001, yr oedd 27% o boblogaeth Dwyfor yn uniaith Saesneg.
Hyd at 1971, allfudo oedd yn bennaf gyfrifol am y dirywiad yn y ganran o siaradwyr Cymraeg, ond ers 1981, gwelwyd mai mewnfudiaeth o bobl ddi-Gymraeg fu’n bennaf gyfrifol am y newid ieithyddol. Rhwng 1981 ac 1991, cynyddodd canran pobl uniaith Saesneg o 19% i 25% o’r boblogaeth gyfan. Erbyn 2001, yr oedd 27% o boblogaeth Dwyfor yn uniaith Saesneg.
Newidiadau ieithyddol yn Nwyfor rhwng 1981-2001
Roedd y mewnlifiad gynyddol o boblogaeth ddi-Gymraeg i Ddwyfor ar ôl 1981 i'w briodoli'n rhannol i economi de ddwyrain Lloegr yn 'gorboethi' gan arwain at gynnydd ym mhrisiau tai a symudiad pobl fwyfwy tua'r gorllewin i chwilio am eiddo rhatach. Roedd eraill am symud i fyw i'r cefn gwlad a chael bywyd symlach. Dengys y tabl isod y newid a fu yng nghanran siaradwyr Cymraeg Dwyfor fesul cymuned rhwng 1981 a 2001:

Yn 1981, roedd 82% o boblogaeth yr ardal yn siaradwyr Cymraeg, ac yr oedd 10 allan o 13 o gymunedau gyda 80%+ o siaradwyr Cymraeg. Erbyn 1991, yr oedd hynny wedi gostwng i 5 cymuned, ac yn 2001, gwelir mai dim ond 2 gymuned oedd ar ôl gyda chanran o 80%+ yn siarad Cymraeg. Mae rhai academyddion wedi nodi fod y trothwy o 80% o siaradwyr iaith yn y gymuned yn hanfodol i ddiogelu dyfodol yr iaith honno, oherwydd fod unrhyw beth dan y lefel hon yn annigonol i sicrhau’r ‘más critigol’ o siaradwyr sy’n angenrheidiol i’w chynnal.
Gwelwyd y gostyngiadau mwyaf yng nghanran siaradwyr Cymraeg yng nghymunedau Llanbedrog, Aberdaron a Llanengan. Yn ôl mesur yr Athro Harold Carter, erbyn 2001 dim ond Pwllheli a Llanaelhaearn o holl gymunedau Dwyfor oedd â chanran digon uchel o siaradwyr Cymraeg i sicrhau dyfodol yr iaith yn y cymunedau hynny. Meddai Carter & Aitchison:
Critically for the future of the language, the ... ward areas recording negative differences [between 1991 & 2001] ... are seen to be dominantly located within Y Fro Gymraeg. Particularly noteworthy are: ...a dispersed collection of areas in the Llyn Peninsula ...
canran y boblogaeth a anwyd tu allan i Gymru, 2001:

- yn y 12 mis cyn Cyfrifiad 2001, gwelir bod 5,780 o bobl wedi ymfudo i Wynedd, gyda 60% ohonynt yn dod o Loegr. Rhaid cofio fod nifer gymharol fechan o fewnfudwyr yn gallu cael effaith andwyol ar gymunedau os yw'r boblogaeth yn brin – er enghraifft, er mai dim ond 65 o bobl ddi-Gymraeg symudodd i Dudweiliog dros gyfnod o 10 mlynedd rhwng 1991-2001, eto gwelwyd gostyngiad o 10% yng nghanran y siaradwyr Cymraeg dros yr un cyfnod.


According to a recent language study it would appear that there has been a drastic increase in the percentage of monoglot english speakers in the Dwyfor area. Using benchmark figures from 1981, 1991 and the most recent (2001) census figures from the government, it shows that as of four years ago, 27% of the population of Dwyfor were monoglot english speakers.

Until 1971 de-population with young people moving away to find work was mainly responsible for the errosion in the percentage of Welsh speakers in Dwyfor. Since 1981, however, the main reason for the demise of europes oldest indegenous language and it's associated culture is the influx of non-Welsh speakers. Between 1981 and 1991 the rise in the percentage of monoglot english speakers in the Dwyfor area was from 19% to 25% of the total population. By 2001 it was 27%!

Linguistic changes in Dwyfor 1981 - 2001

The migration of non-Welsh speakers into Dwyfor after 1981 can be linked to the over heating of the economy of the south west of england and the subsequent knock-on effect of spiraling property prices. This lead directly in to the movement of 'economic migrants' from the south of england moving westward in search of cheaper investements.

The other main factor that has been identified is the influx of people searching for 'the good life'. The table above shows the % of Welsh speakers in Dwyfor 1981-2001 by parish, with the last column denoting the %age change.

In 1981 82% of the population were Welsh speakers. 10 out of the 13 communities had 80%+ Welsh speakers. By 1991 only 5 had 80%+, and only 2 by 2001. According to academics there must be above 80% of speakers in community for the language to survive. Below this figure there is not the 'critical mass' to sustain the language as a viable, living community language.

In 2001 over30% of the housing stock in Llanengan was given over to holiday homes (585 of them), 25% of housing in Llanbedrog was holiday homes (146 of them), and 20% of the housing stock in Aberdaron - 109 holiday homes!

This graphic shows the % of the populations of communities that were born outside of Wales. For example, 55% of Llanbedrog residents were born in england, and only 75% of the housing stock is occupied year round!

Felin Uchaf Posted Wednesday, March 30, 2005 by Pete
Mae yna fenter newydd yn y fro, sef - Menter Y Felin Uchaf. Y bwriad ydyw - Creu Canolfan Addysg i ymchwilio i’r ffordd o fyw a Chydweithio Creadigol mewn Partneriaeth a’n Gilydd a’n Amgylchedd.

Y bwriad ydyw i drawsffurfio yr hen dy fferm a’r tir sydd yn ei amgylchu i fod yn Ganolfan Hyfforddi, Iachad ac Addysg.
Darparu canolbwynt a hwylustod i bobl of bob oed i’w galluogi i ddod ynghyd i ddysgu a rhannu trwy brofiadau megis:-
• Tyfu bwyd yn Fiodeinameg
• Sefydlu Coedwigaeth o’r newydd
• Diogelu ac Hyrwyddo cynefin Amrywiaethol oddifewn i’r fferm bresennol a tu hwnt er lles Bywyd Gwyllt.
• Therapi Cyflenwol
• Dosbarthiadau Astudiaeth Hanes naturiol
• Crefftau traddodiadol
• Ail ddarganfod Ysbrydolrwydd fel Unigolion ac fel Cymuned
• Dosbarthiadau astudio Seryddiaeth
• Cefnogaeth i Addysgwyr
• Ymchwilio ein Potential Gelfyddol oddifewn y Tirlun
• Ymchwil Gwyddoniaeth Goethean


There is a new venture underway in the area that aims to become an educational centre for exploring ways of living and working in creative partnership, with each other and our environment.

The group will transforming the old farm house and its surrounding land into a working, healing, learning centre.
Providing the focus and facilities for people of all ages to be able to come together to learn and share through their experiences.
Experiences such as:
• Growing our food Biodynamically
• Planting new Woodland
• Conserving and Enhancing the Habitats and Biodiversity within the existing farm and beyond, for the benefit of Wildlife.
• Complementary Therapies
• Natural History Study Groups
• Traditional Crafts
• Rediscovering Individual and Collective Spirituality
• Astronomy Study Groups
• Support for Educators
• Researching Natural Phenomena [Goethean Science]
• Exploring our Artistic Potential within the Landscape
To get in touch-
Menter y Felin Uchaf, Rhoshirwaun, Pwllheli LL53 8HS
Phone Dafydd on 01758 780388
Email: info@felinuchaf

Tipio anghyfreithlon yn fwy cyffredin nag a feddyliwyd - Fly-tipping more common than thought Posted Thursday, March 3, 2005 by penllyn

'flytip' rhwng Boduan a Mynydd Nefyn wythnos yma

Cafodd gwir sefyllfa tipio anghyfreithlon ei datgelu yn y ffigurau a ryddhawyd heddiw (dydd Iau 3 Mawrth). Sbwriel cartref sydd ar frig y rhestr eitemau sy'n cael eu gadael yn anghyfreithlon yn fwyaf aml, ac fe ddatgelwyd mai hoff fan pobl i adael sbwriel yw ochr y ffordd.

Mae ystadegau wedi'u casglu drwy "Flycapture", sef cronfa ddata tipio anghyfreithlon genedlaethol newydd sy'n cael ei chefnogi gan Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru, ac a gafodd ei sefydlu mewn partneriaeth gydag Asiantaeth Amgylchedd Cymru a Chymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru.

Rhwng Ebrill a Thachwedd 2004, cofnodwyd bron i 13,500 o achosion o dipio anghyfreithlon. Amcangyfrifir fod cost glanhau ar ôl tipio anghyfreithlon o gwmpas £725,000, a dalwyd o bwrs y cyhoedd.

Dywedodd Carwyn Jones, Gweinidog yr Amgylchedd: "Mae tipio anghyfreithlon yn anghyfrifol ac yn hunanol, yn ogystal â bod yn anghyfreithlon, a dydyn ni ddim yn mynd i'w oddef. Dylai unrhyw un sy'n ystyried gwaredu gwastraff yn anghyfreithlon fod yn ymwybodol o fesurau newydd i roi terfyn ar yr ymddygiad hwn.

"Mae gan awdurdodau lleol y pwer, bellach, i ddelio â'r drosedd amgylcheddol ddifrifol yma ac fe allai tipwyr anghyfreithlon wynebu dirwy o gymaint â £50,000 os caiff y Mesur Cymdogaethau Glân a'r Amgylchedd ei fabwysiadu.

"Mae Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru yn ariannu ymgyrch i roi diwedd ar dipio anghyfreithlon, a rhoi terfyn ar yr arfer gwrth-gymdeithasol yma. Mae ffigurau heddiw yn nodi rhai tueddiadau diddorol, a fydd yn caniatáu inni ganolbwyntio adnoddau a thargedu mannau lle mae'r broblem ar ei gwaethaf."

Y pum eitem sy'n cael eu gadael yn anghyfreithlon yn fwyaf aml:
1. Sbwriel cartref
2. Nwyddau gwyn fel oergelloedd, rhewgelloedd a cheginau
3. Sbwriel adeiladu, dymchwel a gwella cartref
4. Sbwriel gardd
5. Sbwriel o fusnesau

hoff fan pobl i dipio'n anghyfreithlon:
1. Ochr y ffordd
2. Tir cyngor, fel ystadau tai, meysydd parcio, parciau a mannau agored
3. Lonydd cefn
4. Llwybrau gwledig
5. Safleoedd preifat gan gynnwys tir preifat a safleoedd diwydiannol


The true extent of the menace of fly-tipping has been revealed in figures released today (Thursday 3 March). Household rubbish tops the list of most frequently fly-tipped items, and the fly-tippers' favourite spot to dump rubbish is revealed as the roadside.

Statistics have been collected through "Flycapture", a new national fly-tipping database supported by the Welsh Assembly Government, and set up in partnership with the Environment Agency Wales and the Welsh Local Government Association.

Between April and November 2004, nearly 13,500 fly-tipping incidents were recorded. It is estimated that the cost of cleaning up after fly-tippers was in the region of £725,000, met from the public purse.

Environment Minister Carwyn Jones said: "Fly-tipping is irresponsible and selfish, as well as illegal, and will not be tolerated. Anyone thinking of illegally disposing of waste should be aware of new measures to stamp out this behaviour.

"Local authorities now have the power to deal with this serious environmental crime and fly-tippers could face a maximum fine of £50,000 if the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill is adopted.

"The Welsh Assembly Government is funding a campaign to end fly-tipping, and put a stop to this anti-social practice. Today's figures identify some interesting trends, which will allow us to focus resources and target hotspots."

Top five most frequently fly-tipped items:
1. Household rubbish
2. White goods such as fridges, freezers and kitchens
3. Construction, demolition and home improvement rubbish
4. Garden rubbish
5. Rubbish from businesses

Fly-tippers' top 5 favourite spots to tip:
1. Roadside
2. Council land, such as housing estates, car parks, parks and open spaces
3. Back alleyways
4. Country paths
5. Private sites including private land and industrial sites

Incidents across North Wales between April and November 2004 were recorded as follows:
Incidents - 1,827
Total Costs - £117,808

Local authorities and the Environment Agency use "Flycapture" to record details of all fly-tipping incidents they deal with. Local Authorities also record information on actions taken to deal with fly-tipping.

"Flycapture" is not intended to be a total picture of all fly-tipping as it does not currently collect data in relation to incidents dealt with by private landowners or other organisations.

Proposals in the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill will, if adopted, raise the maximum penalty in a Magistrates' Court to £50,000 to reflect the seriousness of large scale illegal dumping. The Bill introduces additional powers to allow authorities to stop, search and seize vehicles involved in fly-tipping. The Bill received its Third Reading in the House of Commons on 21 February, and its First Reading in the House of Lords the following day.

Frequently Asked Questions

If I am having building or home improvement work done at home, how can I make sure it is disposed of correctly?
If you are using the services of builders, plumbers or electricians ask them where they will be disposing of your waste.

Ensure the person removing your building waste is a registered carrier; ask for evidence they are a registered carrier. If you are unsure you can check with the Environment Agency. Ask your builder where he will take your waste.

In case they do fly-tip your waste and it is traced back to you - keep a note of their name, telephone number and vehicle registration number so you can pass this on to the enforcing authorities.

How do I know waste is being fly-tipped?
Fly-tipping happens at all hours of the day and night so you may witness it at any time. Suspicious activities include vehicles laden with rubbish driving down narrow track lanes.

What do I do if I see an incident?
If you see someone fly-tipping try to take note of:

a) When and where it is happening
b) Registration of the vehicle
c) Description the vehicle: what colour is it? Is there anything special about it? Does it have an insignia / contact numbers?
d) What sort of rubbish is being dumped?

Then call your local council who will normally deal with it - don't try and tackle the fly-tipper yourself!!!! source-

Gwasanaeth post - Rural postal service Posted Friday, February 18, 2005 by penllyn
Bydd yr ail gasgliad post y dydd yn cael ei ddiddymu yn ardal côd post LL, oherwydd ei fod yn costio gormod i'w rhedeg. Bydd amser gwaith y gweithwyr yn cael ei newid. Y bwriad ydyw y bydd hyn yn golygu fod y gwasanaeth yn fwy effeithlon ac yn y pendraw yn sicrhau ei barhad ynghyd a sicrhau swyddi tymor hir.

blwch post ger Hirdre Tudweiliog dechrau wythnos diwaethaf

Rural postal services in the LL postcode area are under threat according to North Wales Royal Mail Area manager Mr Ian Johnston. Due to increasing competition and the need to improve efficiency, second collections from the rural pedestal boxes will be cut.
As a result of the single deliveries a day taking place later in the day, the second collection is extremely costly in terms of manpower as regards to the amount of post collected. Inevitable overtime and duty structures will be implemented along with the loss of services in the attempt to safeguard market share and long term job security.

O Ddrws i Ddrws - Canolfan newydd Posted Wednesday, February 16, 2005 by penllyn
Roedd Stryd y Plas, Nefyn yn fwrlwm o brysurdeb fore Gwener, 4 Chwefror pan agorwyd Drws Agored yn swyddogol gan Hywel Williams A.S. Daeth twr o gefnogwyr yr achos ynghyd i weld penllanw tair blynedd o waith dygn ac yr oedd yn amlwg fod yr hyn a gyflawnwyd yn eu bodloni.
Y mae 0 Ddrws i Ddrws, ers dwy flynedd bellach, wedi bod yn darparu cludiant cymunedol fforddiadwy ym Mhen Llyn ar gyfer y rhai hynny sydd angen cludiant o'r fath oherwydd oedran, afiechyd, anabledd neu oherwydd nad yw cludiant cyhoeddus yn ddigonol. Rhoddir blaenoriaeth i ofal iechyd ond ymgymerir hefyd a theithiau i gwrdd ag anghenion pob dydd er mwyn galluogi pobl i gymdeithasu a gwella ansawdd eu bywydau. Erbyn hyn mae trigolion Llyn yn hen gyfarwydd a gweld y cerbyd aml-bwrpas glas a gwyn gyda John Griffith, ein gyrrwr cyflogedig, yn cludo'r anabl i fannau pell ac agos. Ond dibynna'r fenter yn drwm ar wasanaeth rhwydwaith o wirfoddolwyr sy'n defnyddio eu ceir eu hunain i gwrdd ag anghenion dros ddau gain o gleientau. Er bod y defnyddwyr yn cyfrannu tuag at y costau rhaid i'r elusen ysgwyddo rhan helaeth o'r baich ariannol ac mae'r milltiroedd di-gyswllt - sef y pellter y mae'r gwirfoddolwyr yn ei deithio o'u cartrefi eu hunain i gartref y cwsmer ac yn ôl - yn gostus. Dyna pam mae angen cael gyrwyr ym mhob ardal ac ymroi yn ddi-baid i godi arian. Mae Adran Trafnidiaeth Cyhoeddus Gwynedd a nifer o bobl y penrhyn wedi bod yn haelionus ond nid hawdd yw dod o hyd i ffynonellau ariannol newydd, yn enwedig mewn ardal wledig fel hon ble nad oes ilawer o fusnesau mawr i noddi elusennau lleol.

Hywel Williams AS gyda Elaine Davies, un o sylfaenwyr Drws Agored,
yn ystod agoriad swyddogol eu swyddfa newydd yn Nefyn ddechrau'r mis.

Y ffactor yma a arweiniodd at y penderfyniad i brynu, adnewyddu ac addasu hen siop ger Y Groes yn Nefyn. Drwy wneud hyn yr oedd modd cael swyddfa heb dalu rhent ac ar yr un pryd gallesid gwneud darpariaeth ar gyfer unigolion ac asiantaethau eraill sy'n gwasanaethu'r gymuned a throsglwyddo'r elw a wneir i goffrau'r elusen. I'r perwyl hwn gwnaed ceisiadau llwyddiannus am grantiau i'r Cynulliad ac i Gyngor Gwynedd a derbyniwyd nawdd gan Nwy Prydain. Cwblhawyd y gwaith i safon uchel ac mae'r cymhorthion diweddaraf yn eu lle at wasanaeth defnyddwyr, ynghyd a chyfleusterau ar gyfer yr anabl. Mae yma swyddfeydd ar osod wrth yr awr neu yn ddyddiol ac ystafell gynhadledd eitha helaeth ar gyfer cyfarfodydd o bob math am bris rhesymol. Hefyd am delerau digon rhesymol, gellir liogi cyfrifiaduron wrth yr awr i wneud unrhyw waith neu i fynd ar y rhyngrwyd. Mae cyrsiau i oedolion wedi cychwyn yma'n barod a gwneir defnydd o'r ystafell gynghori. Mae croeso i unrhyw un ffonio Angela yn y swyddfa am ragor o fanylion neu alw i weld yr adnoddau sydd argael.

Os am ffynnu, rhaid i bob busnes ddatblygu a gwella, felly byddem yn falch o dderbyn awgrymiadau wrth baratoi ar gyfer y dyfodol. Byddem hefyd yn falch o glywed gan unrhyw un a ddymunai gynnig ei wasanaeth a'i arbenigedd. Y rhif ffôn ydy: (01758) 721777.
(or Llanw chwefror 2005)

A new community centre was officialy opened by local MP Hywel Williams in Nefyn. The New centre is just off the groes at the top of stryd y plas in the old 'Mace' building. The Drws Agored (open door) centre is the base for the successful and vital 'o ddrws iddrws' service, the rural community transport system.
This service now has 216 clients with two employees that are supported by a network of volunteers. This service is much more than a taxi service, it provides much needed contact, services and interaction with some of the most needy in this rural area. Angela Jones of Llanbedrog works as a receptionist at the centre, and John Griffith of Tudweiliog is one of the drivers.

Apart from the O ddrws i ddrws service, the centre also houses I.T. facilities and is the venue for courses being run by coleg Meirion Dwyfor. There are eight courses being run including language lessons, arts and crafts courses and I.T. classes. A community web-site is also being run from the centre called stiwdio Nefyn.- stiwdio-nefyn
You can phone the centre - (01758) 721777 or go here- o ddrws i ddrws

SAFLEOEDD AILGYLCHU SYMUDOL / MOBILE RECYCLING SITES Posted Sunday, February 13, 2005 by penllyn
Bydd sgipiau cymunedol ar gyfer cael gwared ag eitemau o wastraff domestig ar
gael yn y mannau canlynol, ar y dyddiadau a nodir, am gyfnod o wythnos ar y tro (MAWRTH I SADWRN)
Civic Amenity skips will be provided for the disposal of items of domestic waste (not normal household refuse) at the following locations on the dates listed for a period of one week at a time (TUESDAY TO SATURDAY).

Sunami Posted Thursday, February 10, 2005 by penllyn
Derbyniwyd rhoddion arian i helpu pobl Asia wedi trychineb y Sunami ar ôl y ddaeargryn dros y nadolig. Dyma rhai ymysg llawer o ymdrechion lleol i godi arian;-
Cafwyd apel llwyddiannus faer Pwllheli Elfed Griffiths gyda blychau yn y siopau.
Codwyd £500 gan ddisgyblion ysgol Llanbedrog.
Cynhaliwyd ocsiwn yn Neuadd Goffa Chwilog a gododd £4,069. Trefniwyd yr ocsiwn gan bwyllgor o ardaloedd Y Ffôr, Llwyndyrys, Llangybi a Rhoslan a oedd yn gyfrifol hyd at hyn am godi dros £7,000.
Cynhaliodd disgyblion ysgol Abersoch fore Coffi a gwerthu teganau a gododd £160.
Codwyd digon o arian gan clwb y rotary Pwllheli i anfon 6 blwch acwa (werth £250 yr un) a fydd yn cael ei yrru i'r ardal.
Local fund raising efforts have helped the people of Asia that were effected due to the devastating Sunami that hit the area following the earthquake at Christmas. Here are some of the local campaigns-
An appeal was made by Pwllheli mayor Elfed Griffiths with collection boxes in Pwllheli shops, and was very successful.
Pupils from Ysgol Llanbedrog also held a non-uniform day and raised £500.
Another team effort resulted in an auction in Chwilog Memorial hall that raised £4,069. This was part of the fund raising activities of a committee in the Y Ffôr, Llwyndyrys, Llangybi and Rhoslan areas that have raised over £7,000.
Pupils from ysgol Abersoch held a coffee morning and sold their unwanted toys to raise £160.
Pwllheli rotarians also raised enough money from the christmas float to purchase 6 blue aqua boxes that will be sent out to the region.

SAFLEOEDD AILGYLCHU SYMUDOL / MOBILE RECYCLING SITES Posted Saturday, November 13, 2004 by penllyn
Bydd sgipiau cymunedol ar gyfer cael gwared ag eitemau o wastraff domestig ar
gael yn y mannau canlynol, ar y dyddiadau a nodir, am gyfnod o wythnos ar y tro (MAWRTH I SADWRN)


Civic Amenity skips will be provided for the disposal of items of domestic waste (not normal household refuse) at the following locations on the dates listed for a period of one week at a time (TUESDAY TO SATURDAY).

Marina PWLLHELI Marina Posted Wednesday, October 20, 2004 by penllyn
Bu'r mudiad pwyso tai Cymuned yn canmol Dafydd Iwan ddoe wrth i arweinydd Plaid Cymru siarad o blaid cynnig i gynnal Astudiaeth Iaith ar gyfer datblygiad arfaethedig Marina Pwllheli. Galwodd Dafydd Iwan nid yn unig am astudiaeth iaith ond hefyd am asesiad ehangach o adnoddau Cyngor Gwynedd yn ardal Pwllheli. Dylai'r Cyngor fod yn gweithio ar brosiectau penodol i leihau effeithiau ieithyddol niweidiol y datblygiad, dwedodd Dafydd Iwan.

'Mae hyn yn gam pwysig gan Plaid Cymru,' meddai Aran Jones, Prif Weithredwr Cymuned. 'Mae'r syniad o astudiaeth iaith wedi'i dderbyn gan y Cynulliad, ond mae wedi bod angen arweiniad clir yn y maes er mwyn sicrhau dull safonol o fynd o gwmpas y gwaith. Bydd Cymuned yn cysylltu gyda'r Cyngor yn fuan er mwyn cynnig mewnbwn seiliedig ar ein profiadau ein hunain ac ar brofiadau grwpiau yn Iwerddon lle mae astudiaethau iaith yn cael eu defnyddio'n aml.'

'Rydym yn credu bod Dafydd Iwan wedi cynnig yr arweiniad roedd angen yn hyn o beth, nid yn unig ar ran Gwynedd ond ar ran Cymru,' ychwanegodd Aran Jones. 'Ein unig ofn ydy bod yr amserlen o dri mis er mwyn paratoi'r adroddiad braidd yn dynn ar gyfer sicrhau astudiaeth iaith blaengar a chynhwysfawr, a mynegodd swyddogion y Cyngor eu hunain ansicrwydd am ymarferoldeb yr amserlen. Beth sy'n bwysig yn hyn o beth ydy sicrhau astudiaeth iaith a fydd yn gweithio fel patrwm ar gyfer pob cyngor yng Nghymru, nid arbed wythnos neu ddwy yma ac acw.

Paswyd y cynnig i gynnal Astudiaeth Iaith heb bleidlais yn ei erbyn, a roedd aelodau Cymuned oedd wedi bod yn gwylio'r cyfarfod o'r oriel cyhoeddus yn gweld y canlyniad yn un pwysig. 'Mae'n dda gen i weld Plaid Cymru'n brwydro dros eu hegwyddorion sylfaenol,' dwedodd Richard Evans, Cadeirydd Pwyllgor Gwaith Cymuned, 'ac mae hyn yn debyg o gynyddu ffydd pobl leol ynddynt.'

Am fwy o fanylion, cysylltwch ag Aran Jones ar 01758-612712.


The Welsh housing pressure group Cymuned have applauded the plaid Cymru councillor Dafydd Iwan for his stance on the proposal of a language impact study in relation to the proposed development of the Marina at Pwllheli. In a meeting on Tuesday it was agreed to defer the decision on doubling the capacity of the Marina until after such information had been gathered.

This is an important step and blueprints for this kind of study are already used in parts of Ireland, where developments over a certain size must include language impact studies. The three month period is going to be tight to achieve a meaningfull study, but it is a step in the right direction.

For more information, contact Aran Jones on 01758-612712.

Source - Cymuned

£6m for regeneration and redevelopment of coastal areas Posted Wednesday, October 13, 2004 by penllyn
Welsh economic development minister Andrew Davies has announced plans to allocate a further £6m to the regeneration and redevelopment of coastal areas to build economic, social and tourism potential in areas of outstanding natural beauty.
There was also additional funding for social justice and regeneration amounting to £58m over three years. Priorities include rolling out the ‘communities first’ anti-poverty programme across the most deprived areas of Wales.
Both of these measures may impact on Llyn with talk of extending the marina and the two communities first areas in the Llyn AONB area.

This comes as part of the three-year spending plan, which follows chancellor Gordon Brown’s spending review in July, giving Wales an additional £2.5bn a year.
Welsh Local Government Association leader Alex Aldridge said: ‘Local government was seeking a larger increase than 5% and in this climate, pressures on frontline services will continue unabated.’
Plaid Cymru shadow finance minister Dai Lloyd said the settlement was poor compared with England’s 27% rise. He also attacked the absence of funds for rural economies.

The final budget will be announced next month, but if you can't wait, or want to see the draft-Welsh Assembly draft budget
It also includes an £800m capital investment programme to modernise hospitals and revamp social care. Economic development and transport will also receive £800m extra over the three years.
Schemes that encourage healthier lifestyles will get an extra £45m, while new money in the culture budget will include support for community programmes aimed at increasing physical activity.
The budget also includes plans for a £119m crime-fighting fund, with more than half its resources being used to combat substance misuse.
Welsh economic development minister Andrew Davies said- "Wales has already benefited from over £2.5bn of public and private sector match funding through the current round of structural funding. This additional funding will have a real impact on these communities, creating opportunity and ensuring everyone in Wales plays an integral role in generating and benefiting from a prosperous economy."

Source - newstart

strategaeth e-ddysgu ar gyfer Cymru / e-learning strategy for Wales Posted Wednesday, October 13, 2004 by penllyn

E-Ddysgu yng Nghymru: Datblygiadau Cyfredol a Barn Rhanddeiliaid ar Flaenoriaethau i`r Dyfodol
Mae`r ddogfennau yma`n darparu manylion ar gamau gweithredu cyfredol i ddefnyddio technoleg e-ddysgu mewn addysg a hyfforddiant yng Nghymru, a dealltwriaeth fwy eglur ynghylch sut y gallai hynny gyfrannu at hybu perfformiad a chyfrangogiad mewn dysgu. Mae`n cynnwys testun anerchiad cyweirnod gan y Gweinidog dros Addysg a Dysgu Gydol Oes.

Mae hefyd yn darparu dadansoddiad cryno o`r adborth a dderbyniwyd gan ymatebwyr i ymgynghoriad 2003 ar ddogfen 'strategaeth e-ddysgu ar gyfer Cymru‚' a gyhoeddwyd gan ELWa ac uned Cymru Ar-lein Llywodraeth y

Gallwch dod o hyd i'r dogfennau yma:Yma


E-Learning in Wales: Current Developments and Stakeholder Views on Future Priorities.

This document provides details on current action to utilise e-learning technology in education and training in Wales, and understand more clearly how it might contribute to enhancing learning performance and participation. It includes the text of a keynote address by the Minister for Education and Lifelong Learning.

It also provides a summary analysis of feedback provided by respondents to the 2003 consultation on the `e-learning strategy for Wales` document, published by ELWa and the Assembly Government`s Cymru Ar-lein unit.

You can access the documents at this address:Here
Source-Cymru ar lein

Antur Dwyryd-Llyn yn nwylo'r derbynwyr! Posted Thursday, October 7, 2004 by penllyn

Mae 18 o bobl wedi colli eu swyddi yn Antur Dwyryd-Llyn, roedd ar Antur Dwyryd-Llyn arian i hyd at 100 o gwmnïau bach ac unigolion lleol, sefydlwyd Antur Dwyryd-Llyn yn 1988 i roi gwasanaethau hyfforddiant a menter i fusnesau lleol - diolch yn fawr am beidio talu £350 oedd yn dyledus i mi ers dros blwyddyn (sarcasm).

Derbyniwyd y cyfarwyddwyr £36,769 mewn (directors emoluments) y blwyddyn diwaethaf !

Dyma'r rhestr o cyfarwyddwyr ar yr amser-


Business eye? more like small local business poke in the eye!

Antur Dwyryd-Llyn are in the hands of the receivers!
The above is a list of the directors who received emoluments of £36,769 last year, and yet couldn't stear the agency towards paying small local business they claimed to be assisting.

What makes this worrying for local business is that these directors hold over 50 directorships between them! The Agency has close ties with the main RDA the WDA, ELWA, the council, Gwynedd economic Partnership and many other organisations.

It was central to the delivery of training and small grants and business advice and the delivery of assembly and european programes. It should never have been allowed to get into this pitifull situation. Not only has it damadged it's own image but, has sevearly damadged the prospects of serious inward investment and set back economic growth locally, GDP and the faith of small local business in the local institutions and those who run them.

Antur Dwyryd was responsible for the Contract shop
This was supposed to promote inter-trading and local sourcing of goods, services and products. (and presumably paying for them!)
and Gwynedd business news

a quarterly publication, Produced by Antur Dwyryd Llyn, the publication tracked key initiatives and current business developments, as well as highlighting funding programs and other schemes available for local companies. (ironic)

The fact that WEFO decided not to fund some schemes had been put forward as a reason for the problems earlier in the year. This echoes calls made in June 2001-
"Dafydd Wyn Jones , managing director of Antur Dwyryd Llyn the local business development agency has added to comments made by others that the underfunding of business development grants in Gwynedd could be detrimental to the local economy.
He blames the Objective 1 National panel, who only agreed to half of the sum asked for in the bid last year. ( £1.4m + matched funding to make £2.8m).His comments come shortly before the Council consider alternative ways of funding business grants later this week. The initial plan was for the project to run for 3 years, but the funding has already run out.
Figures quoted for 2000/1 were- advisors had dealt with £5,751,946 of development project, 182 new jobs were created and 89 new start-ups were created. Up until the end of January this year, 296 new jobs were created, and 107 new start-ups during the 10 month period. 1999/2000 saw 200 new jobs and 66 new start-ups."

The euro cash cow will inevitably run dry, and all businesses should try and keep to their core, and stated business and not take their eye off the ball.

Antur Dwyryd-Llyn was a non-profit making Company, Limited by Guarantee which had a volunteer Board of Directors, the majority of whom were drawn from the private sector.  Representatives from partner organisations in the public sector were also members of the Board.  Antur Dwyryd was originally formed in 1988, North West Wales' first ever Enterprise Agency.

This was the direct result of a Welsh Office initiative and was supported by the Development Board for Rural Wales (DBRW); Welsh Development Agency (WDA),  Gwynedd County Council; and the then District Councils of Meirionydd and Dwyfor, and the private sector, notably ICI, and Nuclear Electric (now Magnox/BNFL). 

A community based initiative, Antur Llyn, was established to cover the Pwllheli area.  In April 1995, with the full support of all partners, the organisations merged to create  Antur Dwyryd Llyn.  The following year, April 1996, Gwynedd Council invited the agency to extend its area to include South Meirionydd including the main settlements of Bala, Dolgellau, Tywyn and Barmouth.

Credudwyr Antur Dwyryd-Llyn Dewch Ynghyd, e-bostiwch - neu ewch i fforwm Fforwm Credudwyr

Creditors get in touch at - or go to the Creditors Fforum

canolfannau cymunedol i elwa - Community centres to benefit Posted Wednesday, October 6, 2004 by penllyn
Bydd canolfannau cymunedol a phrosiectau lleol ar draws Cymru yn elwa ar werth bron £3.5m o grantiau oddi wrth Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru.

Mae'r Gweinidog dros Gyfiawnder Cymdeithasol ac Adfywio, Edwina Hart, wedi rhoi sêl ei bendith ar 48 o wahanol gynlluniau ar draws Cymru. Bydd cyllid gwerth £3.37m yn cael ei rannu dros y tair blynedd nesaf fel rhan o'r cylch diweddaraf o geisiadau o dan Raglen Cyfleusterau a Gweithgareddau Cymunedol Llywodraeth y Cynulliad.

Mae'r cynllun yn cynnig cymorth grantiau i grwpiau gwirfoddol a chymunedol a'i nod yw gwella cyfleusterau a gweithgareddau i bobl o bob oed a gallu.

Meddai Mrs. Hart: "Mae gennym etifeddiaeth gyfoethog o adeiladau cymunedol a chyfleusterau lleol ym mhob rhan o Gymru sydd wedi ein helpu i feithrin cymunedau cryf a gweithgar. Ond mae angen enbyd i gymaint ohonynt gael eu hadnewyddu a'u gwella er mwyn bod yn addas ar gyfer yr 21ain ganrif.

"Gwn fod grwpiau bychain ledled Cymru sy'n gweithio'n anhygoel o galed, fel arfer yn ddi-dâl - ac mae'r rhain yn hanfodol i ysbryd y gymuned. Rwy'n falch bod Llywodraeth y Cynulliad yn gallu eu helpu i ddal ati am flynyddoedd lawer i ddod.

Bydd llawer o'r grantiau a rennir yn y cylch cyllido hwn yn talu am adnewyddu adeiladau cymunedol neu neuaddau pentrefi, ond mae rhai gweithgareddau cymunedol hefyd wedi derbyn cymorth. Mae'r rhain yn cynnwys cynllun cerddoriaeth a drama i bobl ifanc anfoddog, prosiect i wella diogelwch trwy osod cloeon am ddim, a chynnig cyngor ar ddiogeledd i bobl hyglwyf a chyflogau i staff y mae mawr angen amdanynt mewn parc sglefr-fyrddio.

Rhoddwyd cyllid hefyd i sawl canolfan er mwyn creu gwell mynediad i'r anabl neu ystafelloedd newid a thoiledau modern ar gyfer timau chwaraeon lleol.

Ychwanegodd Mrs. Hart: "Bu hwn yn gylch cyllido hynod gystadleuol unwaith eto, a derbyniwyd 119 o geisiadau. Rwy'n falch bod y rhaglen grantiau hon yn dal mor hygyrch a deniadol i grwpiau gwirfoddol a chymunedol ledled Cymru."


Communities across Wales to benefit from funding boost

Community centres and local projects across Wales are set to benefit from nearly £3.5m worth of grants from the Welsh Assembly Government.

The Minister for Social Justice and Regeneration, Edwina Hart, has given the go-ahead to 48 different schemes across Wales. Funding worth £3.37m will be issued over the next three years as part of the latest round of applications under the Assembly Government’s Community Facilities and Activities Programme (CFAP).

The scheme offers grant support to voluntary and community groups and aims to improve facilities and activities for people of all ages and abilities.

Mrs Hart said: "We have a rich heritage of community buildings and local facilities all over Wales which have helped us build strong and active communities. However, so many are in desperate need of refurbishment and improvement to be fit for the 21st century.

"I know that there are small groups throughout Wales which work incredibly hard, usually unpaid - and these are a vital ingredient to the community spirit. I am proud that the Assembly Government is able to help them carry on for many years to come.

Many of the grants issued in this round of funds will pay for the renovation of community buildings or village halls, but some community activities have also been supported. These include a music and drama scheme for disaffected young people, a project to improve safety by fitting free locks and offering security advice to vulnerable people and salaries for much-needed staff at a skateboard park.

Funding has also been given to several centres that need better disabled access or modernised changing rooms and toilets for local sports teams.

Mrs Hart added: "This has been another highly competitive funding round, with 119 applications received. I am pleased that this grant programme continues to be so accessible and attractive to voluntary and community groups throughout Wales."

A full list of the bids approved in this round of funding in Gwynedd is-

Building Upgrade Restoration
Upgrade of Sailors institute building for disabled access

Darparu Canolfan Gymunedol I Llanwnda ar fro
Build a Community Centre, 160 metres square, including a multipurpose Hall, general meeting room, toilets and kitchen

The NW Wales Regional Sports & Leisure Centre
Environmental works and amenity improvements to site of proposed leisure centre

Estyniad a Gwellainnau
Extension to hall and improvement of the facilities in the kitchen

Canolfan cymunedol - Neuadd y Sarnau
To build an extension which would include a toilet and other suitable facilities for the disabled, the elderly, young people and children

The Community Facilities and Activities Programme is for voluntary and community groups.

The scheme has a total budget of £7.665m and holds four funding rounds each year.

CFAP can help provide facilities or carry out activities, which will promote the regeneration of communities.

Priorities include ensuring equal access to disabled people, improving the well-being of the community by encouraging active and healthy lifestyles, strengthening cultural and linguistic identity, involving people of all ages and helping reduce poverty, inequality, discrimination and social disadvantage.

Information on future rounds of the Community Facilities and Activities Programme can be obtained from the Regeneration Unit, Communities Directorate, Welsh Assembly Government, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NQ or by e-mailing-

TECHNOLOGY COULD BOOST NEW LOCALISM Posted Wednesday, September 22, 2004 by penllyn

Local councils could use technology to build a new sense of local community by moving away from centralised web services towards smaller local online projects, according to a new report from independent think tank the New Local Government Network-

"There is a danger that in the next 20 or 30 years, local communities will be so lacking in cohesion that the whole concept of local government gets called into question," says James Crabtree, one of the report's authors and a visiting research fellow at the Institute of Public Policy Research ( "By using technology to support communities, local government can encourage shared interests among people, find out more about their concerns and equip itself to serve them better."

You can get chapter 1 of the the report here-
Invisible Villages - Preface & Chapter 1 (PDF version)

This web site is another example of "social software", or internet-based collaborative tools, and is evolving to facilitate communication and the sharing of ideas among local people. Since 1999 we have been attempting to drive forward the use of technology at in this remote part of west Wales through addressing perceived weaknesses in provision by use of social economic models.

This site proved itself as a valuable tool in the hands of local people to secure broadband for the whole area and give all local citizens a vital economic tool a whole year ahead of most other U.K. rural areas, and all with little financial input, whilst harnessing local enthusiasm, hard work and shared interests with the use of new technology.

The report, 'Invisible villages: techno-localism and the enabling council', says that such an approach will help local authorities to resolve two apparently conflicting trends: on the one hand, the devolution of power from the centre to local institutions; and on the other, the declining cohesiveness of local communities, as they become increasingly transient and less tied to geographical location.

A new generation of "social software", or internet-based collaborative tools, is evolving to facilitate communication and the sharing of ideas among local people, and local government has a role to play in supporting this kind of online civic engagement, the report says.

It cites a number of online community projects, part or wholly funded by local authorities, which go some way towards fulfilling these objectives. These include (, a community web site for the inhabitants of Torfaen in South Wales, and Cumbria County Council Discussion Forum (, which invites local people to address concerns to the council and form their own discussion groups. But such initiatives are currently in the minority, says the report, with few local authorities exploiting "the inherently social nature of the web".

The Torfaen portal, launched in 2003 was part of a £1.6 million project, the portal (web-site) itself costing £1million.
e-communities was supposed to deliver similar cut-down versions throughout Wales, but was axed at the eleventh hour, leaving a gaping hole in the assemblies Cymru ar-lein 'vision' and strategy for communities, and saving £25million in the WDA's budget. - visionary or myopic - you decide!

New ADSL limits take effect Posted Monday, September 6, 2004 by penllyn
Shortly before seven o'clock this morning, BT updated their online systems for the new ADSL line limits.
To check if you can now receive broadband, enter your telephone number into the checker. The checker at has alread been updated to use the new limits information
Once again, it is advisable to leave any ADSL orders for at least a few hours (preferably a day or so). This will give BT Wholesale and its associated ISPs a chance to iron out any last minute issues.

It looks as though there is going to be deeper cuts in the war for bb customers this autumn. This is good news for customers with the emphasis on higher bandwidth and lower prices. This will be good news as the new bt line db rules also are about to come into play.
One big example is being shown by Wanadoo, who are getting rid of the baseline 512k offering and bringing in the 1mb connection as the new 'minimum' being offered.
Wanadoo, as part of its price changes earlier in the week has removed the 0.5Mbps from its product portfolio. Now they just sell a 1Mbps service, with three bandwidth allowance options.
Existing 0.5Mbps users will continue, but new customers will only have a 1Mbps option. If a customers line proves to be outside the new specifications for a 1Mbps line (due to change 6th September), then Wanadoo will provision a 0.5Mbps line. The number failing the new 60dB 1Mbps limit should be less than around 10% of lines.
This move to increase line rates while at the same time reducing prices makes some 0.25Mbps services offered by some providers look like antiques. There have also been calls from some service providers for BT Wholesale to widen its product portfolio and allow providers access to full-rate ADSL, i.e. up-to 8Mbps downstream and up-to 1Mbps upstream. The 2Mbps limit that has existed since 2000 on BT Wholesale products is starting to look a bit old.

Plusnet is also dropping the entry level price of its ADSL services with effect from yesterday.-
1Mbps from £14.99, and 2Mbps from £19.99!

Another inovative provider (and my personal favourite) e-mailed this to us today-
Eclipse Internet recently announced that it is making its high speed FLEX Broadband service available to even more users in remote parts of the country. Still the UK's only boostable speed service, FLEX Broadband costs from just £17.99 per month. This announcement comes as a result of news from BT on the success of their extended reach trials in Milton Keynes in which Eclipse has been involved.

Trials have shown that people living and working further than 5.5km from their local exchange can now receive ADSL broadband services when previously they could not. It is a major step forward in the delivery of broadband to the vast majority of the UK population.

Eclipse Internet is now accepting advance orders for its FLEX Broadband 512Kbps services based on the new limits set. Advance orders will be processed when the new range limits come into effect on 6th September. With a five day set up period this means that customers who have previously been too far away from their exchange to get broadband can start benefiting from FLEX as early as 11th September.

Until the end of August* Eclipse is also offering one month's free flexing for new FLEX Broadband users. Customers placing advance orders during this period will benefit from this offer from the date of their line activation.

This is a significant step in the quest for 'Broadband Britain' and will mean that many more people in your community will now be able to benefit from broadband. Please spread the good news to all those frustrated dial-up users who have been denied broadband access until now!

To order FLEX Broadband simply visit

* FLEX Orders placed by the 31st August 2004. Flexing may be limited to 512k depending on the distance from the Exchange.


Here more info. on the BT trial findings -

Questions and Answers from BT

Q. What exactly is BT announcing? Following trials in Milton Keynes, Dingwall and Fort William delivering ADSL services beyond the previous 60dB (6km) limit, BT is announcing it has done away with the distance limit for its 512kb/secADSL broadband services. This means more than a million additional homes and businesses connected to broadband enabled exchanges should be able to get ADSL service from September 6, 2004, raising the average percentage of households on an enabled exchange that can get broadband from approx 96% to 99.8%. BT is also increasing the range for 1Mb/sec premium ADSL services from 4km to approximately 6km (60dB) – making 1 mb/sec ADSL available to 96 per cent of homes and businesses connected to broadband exchanges.

Q. How is BT doing this? Following the trials we have a much better understanding of the performance of ADSL over longer lines. One of the key issues has been improved clarity on how much impact the internal wiring within customer premises has on performance of long lines. The trial found that for one in five lines over 60 dB [less than 1% off all lines] a visit by a BT engineer was required to get the service working. After an engineer visit just 5% of lines over 60dB were found not to work – this relates to less than 0.2% of all UK lines.

Q. What effect does the internal wiring in a house have on line loss? In the trials it was confirmed that: on long lines the internal wiring within a home or business property has a more significant effect on the overall line performance/line loss that previously understood. This is one of the significant breakthroughs of the trial. The installation of a broadband specific face plate on the main telephone socket and the isolation of internal wiring from the broadband connection has meant many of the trial customers were able to get broadband where it would previously not have been possible.

Q. Can I ask BT to do a line test on my phone line right now, so that I will know if I can get service? Please don’t – from September 6 we will take orders on any line for 500 k ADSL. The broadband availability number checkers will be updated on that date which will include an indication of likelihood of service being possible.

Q. What happens for trialists who want to migrate to full broadband service under the new rules? This will depend on your individual service provider but where SPs have used their normal terms and conditions for this trial we would expect a smooth transition. Where Service Providers offered the trial at a discounted price, some billing adjustments may be required.

Q. Why is this announcement being made when the trial is still under way? It is not due to end until September 30th? The evidence produced by the trials so far is decisive and has enabled us to move quickly on this. Our priority is to bring broadband to as may people as possible, as quickly as possible. Thanks to the trialists we've been able to do that.

Q. Will people beyond the previous limit of 60dB line loss get a poorer quality service? Where service is provided on some of the longest lines there might be some degradation of service resulting in loss of sync. Where this occurs the decision will between the customer and their service provider as to whether they decide to continue with the connection.

Q. What would an engineer do to try to get me broadband service if it doesn’t work when I try to install it? The Service Provider will send you your broadband installation kit after taking your order. Once you have received the kit, follow the self install instructions. The trial results showed that for one in five lines over 60dB an engineer was needed in order to get a broadband connection working. For approximately 5% of customers with lines over 60dB it did not prove possible to provide service even after an engineer visit. The engineer will do one or more of the following to try to get the line working: • Ensure PSTN line is fault free • Swap local loop pair for a shorter or better cable pair (if available) • Isolation of the customer’s phone extension wiring • Check micro-filter at PC and main socket installed correctly (and ask customer to confirm has installed micro-filter at other sockets with telephone equipment) • Check customer’s own equipment is not causing faults • Fitting a new front plate at the master socket

Q. How much will end users be charged for the engineering visit? BT won't be charging for the engineering visit. The engineer visit is part of the new standard repair process for long lines and will not be chargeable. If an engineering visit is required, BT will agree to waive the usual fee for this work, provided we are able to have some flexibility in the delivery date. However, if the customer’s internal wiring is found to be at fault, an offer will be made to the customer to correct this at a cost (as per current process and procedures).

Q. What happens if the engineer fails to get the broadband line working at all? If the BT engineer is unable to get the broadband line working at all the Service Provider will be informed in writing by BT Wholesale that despite all the BT engineers’ efforts it was not possible to get broadband to work and BT Wholesale will recommend ceasing/cancelling the order for broadband service.

Antur Dwyryd Llyn - Paying on time? Posted Friday, August 27, 2004 by penllyn
The WDA's press centre is running a story under the heading of- Selling Online and Paying in Time, ( ) I am personally waiting for Antur Dwyryd Llyn to pay a bill for £350 for goods they purchased off me, that they received on 17-8-03!

The fact that my bill says "terms are strictly COD" seem to have been totally ignored, it seems rich therefore that the press release says-

"Terry Williams of Antur Dwyryd Llyn, who are supporting the event alongside Gwynedd Council, commented: “I would strongly recommend that representatives from local organisations come along to one of these sessions as there will be plenty to benefit from.

“The arrival of Broadband in many parts of Gwynedd is opening up new opportunities for local businesses and we are fortunate to have a great team at the ICT centre in Penrhyndeudraeth who are able to help people make the most of these opportunities.”

I thought it was Terry Thomas who was that famouse 'Cad' and comedian (I'm not talking computer aided design here!)
, and not Terry Williams, who'm obviously has a wry if not warped sense of humour.- The benefit we would like is for you'r company to pay it's debts, and beleive it or not we had heard something about broadband coming to many parts of Gwynedd!

If this seems rather obtuse, here are scans from recent letters received by myself, from Antur Dwyryd Llyn-


nice one Dafydd , so within 10 to 14 days I could expect a time frame for payment off Antur Dwyryd-Llyn, nice to see that the local business development agency had stopped playing football in the north of England and had returned to do the work it was supposed to be doing!

then I received this from Antur Dwyryd-Llyn-,


then this-


Well we are still waiting for payment....... we don't doubt that you wrote the cheque on the 4th of may 2004 a full nine months after being invoiced, but - we are still waiting for it to reach us! patience is a virtue, but this is taking the piss! ,
The last time we tried to contact the number in the last letter, the phone was hung up on us because we had the audacity to ask for a Welsh speaker!
After numerouse phonecalls, we will have no other recourse other than take Antur Dwyryd Llyn to the small claims in order to to be paid for goods they received over a year ago!

To make sure that you finally understand what we are saying here we will be forwarding this page to you, and the local press -
so when it says- " small businesses in Caernarfon and the surrounding area will be able to gain free and practical advice" does that mean advice on not paying local small business's bills, or am I just a tad too synical and sarcastic after waiting only a year?

anyone wishing a right of reply can post in the comments! at-

It is only after many phonecalls to try and resolve this (i.e. get the bill paid) that this matter is being given a public airing.

New Broadband ranges means good news for rural Llyn Posted Thursday, August 26, 2004 by penllyn
Broadband availability to match analogue TV coverage by Summer 2005 Distance limits removed for 512kb/sec ADSL services Range for 1 Mb/sec ADSL extended to reach 6km from the exchange!
BT today announced it was removing the distance related limits for the most popular broadband services, bringing potentially more than a million more UK homes and businesses within reach of broadband.

Following BT Wholesale trials in Milton Keynes and rural areas around Fort William and Dingwall in the Scottish Highlands, BT is confident a 512kb/sec ADSL service can now be provided to the vast majority of people beyond the former limit which was roughly equivalent to 6km distance from the exchange.

From September 6, 2004, the reach limit for the 512kb/sec ADSL services will be removed. BT is also increasing the range for 1 Mb/sec premium services from 4km to approximately 6km - making 1Mb/sec ADSL available to 96 per cent of homes and businesses connected to a broadband exchange.

The trial data indicates that removing the limit means 99.8 per cent of lines connected to a broadband exchange should now be able to get a 512kb/sec ADSL service. To date approximately 96 per cent of homes and businesses connected to broadband enabled exchanges were within range for 512kb/sec ADSL.

Alison Ritchie, BT chief broadband officer, said: "By pushing the boundaries on broadband reach we are building on our exchange upgrade rollout programme which means the remaining gaps in the broadband Britain jigsaw are getting smaller and smaller.
"Today's announcement, together with our exchange upgrade programme means that by next summer we expect the availability of ADSL broadband in the UK to be at 99.4 per cent - on a par with the percentage of homes that can get good quality analogue TV signals for the four main terrestrial channels*.

"The trial data and feedback from the trialists in Milton Keynes and others involved in the trials in Fort William and Dingwall has contributed to bringing broadband within reach of another million homes. Their commitment to work with us has helped bring us all a significant step closer to a truly broadband Britain.
"If you thought you couldn't get broadband - think again. When the new developments come into force in September, place an order with your service provider and in most cases BT will be able to get broadband to you."

The trials revealed that to provide broadband service to approximately one in five people beyond the former limit will require a visit by a BT engineer to make modifications to wiring at the customer premises or to local BT network cabling. BT would not charge the customer for this engineer visit. For a small number of cases it may not be possible to provide reliable broadband service at 512kb/sec, even following a visit by a BT engineer. However, BT will continue to seek a solution as the technologies develop. The trial data indicates that where the exchange is upgraded for broadband, an average of 99.8 per cent of lines should be able to get 512kb/sec ADSL broadband service.

BT's exchange upgrade programme to take broadband coverage to exchanges serving 99.6 per cent of households by summer 2005 makes the UK number one for ADSL availability in the G7 group of leading industrial countries both at the end of this year and 2005. This position was outlined in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report "The development of broadband access in rural and remote areas" which is available at

Notes -
• Previously there was a limit for 512 kb/sec broadband based on 60dB of signal loss on the line (typical line length about 6km). This meant 512 kb/sec services reached approximately 96 per cent of homes and businesses.
• The new line loss limit for 1 Mb/sec ADSL will be 60dB (approximately 6km).
• While the removal of reach limits for 512 kb/sec ADSL will mean the vast majority of people connected to a broadband exchange will be able to get service there will still be some who can not, even following a visit by a BT engineer. The trial data indicates this should only apply to an average of 0.2 per cent of lines connected to broadband enabled exchanges.
• From September 6, 2004, people who previously could not get 512 kb/sec broadband because they were out of reach will be able to order via their chosen service provider. From that date the availability checker at will be updated to show the new line status.
• Based on the trial data which indicates a national average of 99.8 per cent availability within enabled exchange areas and BT's rollout programme to upgrade exchanges serving 99.6 per cent of UK homes, BT estimates that 99.4 per cent of UK homes and businesses should be able to get 512kb/sec ADSL service by August 2005.

*Statistics published on the Ofcom website ( ) state: "Good analogue TV reception is available to nearly all viewers in the UK from the terrestrial UHF transmitter networks. ITV1, Channel 4, BBC1 and BBC2 reach about 99.4% of the population, while Channel 5 covers 80%."

Cynghorwyr newydd - New Councillors Posted Friday, June 11, 2004 by penllyn
Cynghorwyr newydd yn wardiau / New councillors for these wards-

Nefyn - Meinir Jones -50.5%
Morfa Nefyn - Liz Saville Roberts -53.4%
Llanengan - John Gwilym Jones -66.59%

Dim newid / No change or uncontested (*)-

Aberdaron- William Gareth Roberts -57.73%
Abererch - Richard Parry Hughes (*)
Botwnnog - Evan Hall Griffiths (*)
Efailnewydd/Buan - Tomos Evans (*)
Llanaelhaearn - William Arthur Evans (*)
Llanbedrog - William Penri Jones (*)
Pwllheli (south) - Alan Williams (*)
Pwllheli (North) - Michael Sol Owen -42.7%
Tudweiliog - Seimon Glyn (*)

Pobl leol yn dangos y ffordd - Local people show the way Posted Sunday, May 16, 2004 by penllyn
This is a bilingual message, the English text can be found at the end

Pan osododd BT dargedi bandeang ar gyfer pob cyfnewidfa ym Mhen Llyn roedd criw o bobl leol yn barod i fynd. O fewn ychydig fisoedd, roedd saith o’r wyth cyfnewidfa yn yr ardal – ardal rhifau 01758 – wedi cyrraedd y targed.
“Y peth pwysig oedd ymgyrchu dros yr ardal gyfan,” meddai Seimon Jones, sy’n rhedeg cynllun,sy’n cynnal wefannau cymunedol ac a oedd yn allweddol i’r broses trwy sefydlu gwefan ddwyieithog i’r ymgyrch, o’r enw

“Achos ein bod ni’n ymgyrchu tros yr ardal gyfan, roeddan ni’n gallu anfon taflenni trwy’r ddwy ysgol uwchradd a’r ddwy siop gyfrifiaduron ym Mhwllheli. Mewn undeb mae nerth.”
Roedd y targedau’n amrywio o 100 o enwau i 500 ac roedd hi’n bosib defnyddio tactegau gwahanol mewn gwahanol lefydd. Y peth pwysig, meddai Seimon, oedd fod y bobl leol yn benderfynol o lwyddo.
“Efallai nad oes gynnon ni ffyrdd a rheilffyrdd da iawn ym Mhen Llyn ond mi fydd gynnon ni’r cysylltiadau cyfathrebu.”

Local people show the way

When BT set broadband targets for every exchange on the Llyn peninsula, a group of local people were already on the job.
Within a few months, seven out of eight exchanges in the 01758 area had already reached the target.
“The crucial decision was to campaign over the area as a whole,” says Seimon Jones, who runs the website which maintains community websites and which was instrumental in the campaign with a bilingual website
“By campaining over the whole area, we were able to send leaflets out through the two local secondary schools and the two computer shops in Pwllheli. It’s a case of all for one.”
The targets ranged from 100 names to 500 and the campaigners were able to use different tactics in different places. The vital ingredient, says Seimon Jones, was the determination of local people.

“We may not have very good road and rail links in Llyn but now we will have the communications network.”

Chwilog gets 01/09/2004 RFS Broadband date! Posted Friday, May 7, 2004 by penllyn
Da iawn -good news for Chwilog residents and business' BT have given the exchange a switch on date of 1st of September! So if you want broadband, you ought to start looking for an ISP now, there are many different deals being offered so check them out.

BT themselves are doing a mailshot to all buainess line customers 1 month prior to each exchange being enabled, pointing out the benefits, pricing, and the WDA subsidy available to business in Wales. This means that you can have 1000kbps off BT with free modem and no setup charge for a monthly rate of £22.50! Taking that this is a legitimate business expense (tax deductable) its time the 56k modem was dumped for a 1000k line!

The Chwilog RFS date means that there are now 8 exchanges in Llyn in the pipeline to be ADSL enabled -
Llithfaen 02-6-2004
Tudweiliog 16-6-2004
Abersoch 23-6-2004
Nefyn 30-6-2004
Aberdaron 27-7-2005
Botwnnog 21-7-2004
Llanbedrog 18-8-2004
Chwilog 01-9-2004

Be nesaf?- what next? - If your looking to check out deals for broadband try HERE

Chwilog exchange hits BB trigger level! Posted Saturday, April 17, 2004 by penllyn
This afternoon at about 1.30, BT Wholesale Wales site was showing that the Chwilog exchange has hit the trigger levels for ADSL.
This exchange is the final one in Llyn to reach the trigger level, and could now be expecting ADSL no sooner than September. The Chwilog exchange covers the (01766) 810XXX area and includes Llangybi.

Congratulations go to Jim Boys who ran the campaign, and also to all the others involved. Also to the rest of the people over at Llangybi and Chwilog - you know who you are - well done.
This is the only exchange outside of the 01758 area that was involved with the group of campaigners and this triggering can now draw a line under our campaign that has seen us achieve all the targets that BT had set for the area.
Pwllheli exchange is already ADSL enabled, and all the others apart from Aberdaron have been given RFS dates before the end of June. Let's hope for an early RFS date for Chwilog!
The only exchange in the area without a trigger level is Rhiw, and is the only exchange with no local campaigner! According to BT the exchanges without triggers, should still fight to show that there is an interest in order that they be given either mini dslam's under the exchange activate scheme, or wireless coverage. Rhiw does have other more pressing infrastructure issues to address at present though.
Even though we have achieved our objectives in Llyn, neighbouring exchanges -Clynnog (that includes the community of Trefor) and Criccieth will now given whatever assistance we can offer to assist with their campaigns. We are now assisting many campaigners throughout Gwynedd through the focal point web site -

Peledr-x Brynberyl X-ray unit Posted Saturday, February 14, 2004 by penllyn
Wedi disgwyl yn hir am yr uned peledr-x yn Ysbyty Bryn Beryl (gwnewch 'search' am cefndir), mae'r aruwchwylwyr iechyd yn cwyno nad oes digon o ddefnydd yn cael ei gwneud ohono. Dywed aelod o Cyngor Iechyd cymunedol Gwynedd fod y sefyllfa yn gywilyddus. Galwodd arweinydd y tîm Cllr Selwyn Griffiths am i'r uned gael ei defnyddio ai datblygu iw llawn botensial.
Dywedodd prif weithredwr yr Awdurdod iechyd, Keith Thomas fod gwaith ar y fynedfa ar maes parcio anabl ar y gweill dros y tair blynedd nesaf. Er yr honiadau o ddifyg defnydd mae 1000 o gleifion wedi eu gweld yn yr uned ers Ionawr 2004.
After the long wait for the x-ray unit to be installed at Bryn Beryl (do a search at the top of the page for Bryn Beryl for background info.), health watchdogs now claim that not enough use is being made of it! Gwynedd Community Health Council member Mr Ifor Wyn Davies was reported as describing the underuse as - "disgraceful". Team leader Cllr. Selwyn Griffith called for the unit and the physiotherapy unit at Bryn Beryl to be developed to attain their full potential.
The Chief Executive Keith Thomas said that work on signage, the entrance and disabled parking would be undertaken over the next three years. Despite the underuse claims, since january 2004, 1,000 patients had seen at the unit, with an average of 30 patients seen on Wednesday and Thursdays.

Galw am wasanaeth Band-llydan - Calls for Broadband Posted Tuesday, March 11, 2003 by penllyn
Mewn araeth gan y Cyng. Dafydd Iwan yn Ysgol Botwnnog yr wythnos ddiwethaf galwodd am wasanaeth band-llydan i Lyn. Gwnaeth yr anerchiad agoriadol mewn noson a drefnwyn yn yr ysgol fel rhan o ddiwrnod agored yn ymwneud a gyrfaoedd. Un o brif themau y diwrnod oedd technoleg gwybodaeth. Roedd nifer o fusnesau a sefydliadau yn cymeryd rhan er mwyn gwasgaru gwybodaeth am wahanol yrfaoedd a chyflogaeth yn yr ardal.
Cafwyd cefnogaeth i'r alwad am Fand-llydan gan eraill yn y gynhadledd. Dywed Simon Jones o, fod Llyn un yn rhy ymylol ac mewn perygl o gael ein anghofio un waith eto oni bae ein bod yn mynu ein hawl i'r gwasanaeth rwan.
Danghoswyd yno rai o'r cyfleon a'r posibiliadau y gall y dechnoleg yma ei gynnig i ardal fel Llyn cyn belled ag y mae gwaith yn y cwestiwn, ond heb y gwasanaeth band-llydan sydd ei angen i wneud y defnydd gorau bosib o'r dechnoleg, mae yn berygl y bydd Llyn yn cael ei gadael ar ol. Gall y gwasanaeth band-llydan olygu mwy o fanteision i ardal ddiarffordd wledig fel Llyn nag i unrhyw le arall. Gallai olygu nad ydyw pellder diarffordd Llyn bellach yn rhwystr i gyflogaeth yn yr ardal ag y byddem yn gallu datblygu cyneladwyaeth ar gyfer pobl ifanc, ond i wneud hyn mae yn rhaid i ni gael isadeiliaeth technoleg gwybodaeth ar gyfer band-llydan yma yn Llyn.
Mae wedi bod yn gweithio ar sawl lefel tuag at ofalu fod Llyn yn cael y ddarpariaeth yma. Mae cysylltiadau wedi eu gwneud gyda'r gymuned leol, Cyngor Gwynedd, Coleg Meirion Dwyfor, Y Coleg Digidol a'r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol. Y mae wedi bod yn gweithio ar ddatblygu syniadau a chynal trafodaethau ar sut i gael darperiaeth band-llynan am bris rhesymol i Lyn. Mae safle ar-lein newydd wedi ei gosod - ar gyfer datblygu y prosiect ymhellach. Dyma un or datblygiadau sydd yn gofyn i popl leol gymeryd rhan a chyfranu tuag at syniadau a bod yn rhan or datblygiad pwysig yma i Lyn.
Cllr. Dafydd Iwan made a call for broadband for Llyn in a speech at Ysgol Botwnnog last week. The opening speech was made to the public attending the evening session of a careers conference. One of the main themes of the conference was Information technology. Many local companies and Organisations were at the event with guidance on career and employment opportunities.
The call for broadband and a general improvment in information technologies infrastructure and diversification of delivery was echoed by organisations taking part in the event. Simon Jones of said that Llyn was once again on the perifery and that unless there was action taken now, Llyn and it's residents would be left the wrong side of a widening digital divide.
The conference showed some of the possibilities that technology could bring to employment in the area, but unless affordable high speed connections could be made with the rest of the world, other areas would romp ahead. This rural area could reap greater benefit from broadband due to the lack of other infrastructure. The ability of desktop computers opens the doors to home working, re-location and remote networking. Llyn's remotness could finally not be an obstacle to generating local employment and sustainable development for our youth if an information technology infrastructure was put in place.
To this end has been working at all levels from the grass roots in the communities, Gwynedd county council, Coleg meirion Dwyfor, Y Coleg Digidol and the Welsh Assembly. have been working about a year now on developing ideas to bring affordable broadband to Llyn. A new website - has been set up as an online site for developing the project. This is one aspect of the development of the project that hope local people will actively take part in - visit and register to contribute and be part of the development of an important component in llyn's economic future.

£10m o ffordd - New £10m road Posted Tuesday, March 11, 2003 by penllyn
Mae'r cynulliad wedi penderfynnu eu bod am arianu gwella'r ffordd rhwng Abererch a Llanystymdwy. Mae'r cynlluniau ar y gweill ers amser maith tra roedd aros am benderfyniad yn dilyn ymchwil gyhoeddus i mewn i'r mater
Roedd rhai ffermwyr lleol yn gwrthwynebu lleoliad y ffordd newydd. Mae disawyl y bydd y ffordd newydd yn cael ei chwbwlhau erbyn haf 2005. Mae Sue Essex gweinidog yr amgylchedd wedi galw ar i'r cyngor ofalu fod cyn lleiad a ffosib o niwed yn cael ei wneud i'r amgylchedd.
The Welsh Assembly have finally given the go ahead for a £10million plan for improvements to the road between Abererch and Llanystymdwy. There has been a long wait for this final desision to be made whilst all views were considered following a public enquiery.
There have been objections from farming communities following the details of the proposed route. The new 6.5km road will be expected now to be completed by the summer of 2005. Minister for the environment, Sue Essex is reported to have asked the council to ensure that ther is a minimal environmental impact.

Cynhadledd Gyrfaoedd - careers information conference Posted Tuesday, March 11, 2003 by penllyn
Yr wythnos diwethaf cynhaliwyd diwrnod gyrfaoedd yn Ysgol Botwnnog. Trefnwyd y digwyddiad gan Gwmni Gyrfa Cymru mawn cydweithrediad gyda chwmniau lleol, y Cyngor ac eraill a oedd yn brsenol yn cynnig cyngor gyrfaoedd i'r myfyrwyn ac i'r cyhoedd. Roedd y digwyddiad mewn dau ran agorwyd yr ail ran gyda anerchiad gan y Cyng. Dafydd Iwan.
Dwy brif themau y diwrnod oedd technoleg gwybodaeth a'r diwidiant Morwrol. Roedd Coleg Meirion Dwyfor yno yn cynnig y cyrsiau morwrol newydd sydd ar gael yn y Coleg.

A careers information conference was held last week at ysgol Botwnnog. The conference was organised by Gyrfa Cymru, working closely with the Council and Others. The event was held in two sessions, with the evening session open to the wider community.
Councillor Mr. Dafydd Iwan opened the evening session where many organisations were offering advice and information to assist school pupils and the wider community on career and employment. Two of the main themes of the event were information technology and the Marine Industry. Coleg Meirion Dwyfor were amongst the exhibitors showing the new marine courses it will be starting this september.

Gwrthryfel lywodraethwyr Ysgolion Posted Saturday, July 20, 2002 by penllyn
Dal i gynyddu mae anfodlonrwydd llywodraethwyr ysgolion LI yn ynglyn A'r galw sydd arnyn nhw bellach i arolygu gwaith penaethiaid yr ysgolion. Mewn nifer o ysgolion mae'r llywodraethwyr yn ystyried gwrthryfela a gwrthod gwneud y gwaith.

Ddiwedd Mehefin derbyniodd corff llywodraethol pob ysgol lythyr yn gofyn iddyn nhw ddewis tri aelod i fynychu cwrs ar ddydd Sadwrn ac yn ystod gyda'r nos ym mis Medi, i'w hyfforddi i adolygu gwaith y penaethiaid. Tebyg fu'r ymateb mewn nifer o ysgolion - mae nhw'n ei gweld hi'n annheg gofyn i leygwyr wneud gwaith o'r fath.

Y cyntaf i gyhoeddi nad ydyn nhw'n fodlon gyrru cynrychiolwyr oedd Ysgol Foel Gron, a bellach mae ysgolion eraill, gan gynnwys Crud y Werin, Sarn Bach ac Abersoch, wedi

sgrifennu at yr Awdurdod Addysg yn nodi eu cwynion. Mae nifer o ysgolion eraill sydd heb gwrdd eto i drafod y sefyllfa.

Ers blynyddoedd bellach mae cyfres o lywodraethau wedi rhoi mwy a mwy o gyfrifoldeb ar ysgwyddau llywodraethwyr ysgolion, a'r 'Rheoli Perfformiad' ydi'r diweddaraf. Mae'n sefyllfa anodd i'r Awdurdod Addysg sy'n cael eu gorfodi i weinyddu'r cynllun. Daeth y cynllun i rym yn Lloegr ddwy flynedd yn ôl, a bellach mae'r llywodraeth yng Nghymru wedi mabwysiadu yr un cynllun.

or Llanw Gorffennaf 2002

Community Council Meetings Posted Friday, April 12, 2002 by penllyn
Community council meetings- the next community council meetings in the area are - Nefyn Town council at Y Ganolfan 9th April. Botwnnog, Y Ganolfan Bryncroes April 15, and Tudweiliog on the same day. The meetings are open to the public and press.

Community Skips Posted Friday, April 12, 2002 by penllyn
Community Skips can be found at - Mynytho, Foel Gron Quarry and Rhoshirwaun, penbryn and Trefor, Maes Gwydur - 15th-19th of April. Nefyn, Ffordd Dewi Sant, 22-26 April.

N.S.P.C.C. Posted Friday, April 12, 2002 by penllyn
Abersoch golf club will host the AGM of the Dwyfor / Eryri branch of the NSPCC on April 15th at 2am. If you think you could contribute to voluntary activities of the NSPCC locally, contact Mrs. Sue Wilson on 01758 740082.

Pwllheli Town Council Posted Wednesday, April 10, 2002 by penllyn
Pwllheli Town Councilor Alan Williams has joined the chorus of calls for urgent action regarding the lack of X-ray facilities locally. The Town council will call on the Health Trust yet again to address the situation.
In a meeting of the Health Trust at the end of March it was found that no timetable had yet been set for the installation of a new unit (As promised last year). The X-ray unit at ala Rd has been out of commission since early January.
He also expressed anger at the lack of action by the council over security improvements to the flats at Y Ddol and Yr Eifl.
The councils Housing Dept., had replied to an earlier letter by saying that they had plans to improve security over the next two or three years. Cllr. Williams is quoted to have said- "This is not good enough". The Town council will be sending another request to the housing dept..

Shelter Cymru Posted Wednesday, April 10, 2002 by penllyn
Shelter Cymru have appointed two independent tenancy advice and support workers to work on behalf of tenants in Gwynedd. The county council have been working with Shelter Cymru and have obtained funding from the assembly for the two new workers and another part-time officer to come. Megan Meeke will be covering this area and hopes she will be able to give tenants practical support and assistance.

Business Rate Cut! Posted Saturday, April 6, 2002 by penllyn
A business rate cut was announced this week by Cllr Thomas Evans. Cllr. Evans who leads the council on economic development announced reductions of between £1,000 and £2,000 to businesses.
This follows the Assembly decision to extend it's rural rate relief scheme from April 2002.

Community Skips Posted Friday, February 22, 2002 by penllyn
On thursday evening the Nefyn Fire Brigade was called out on two occasions to deal with a fire at the community skip on Ffordd Dewi Sant. The site of the skip is less than a molotov's throw from the newly built police station. The site of the skips has again been concerning locals with people dumping fridges and all sorts around the overflowing skips. The whole site was a mess by Friday, by which time the skips taken there on monday were almost lost under a mountain of rubbish.
Community skips can be found this week 25th-1 march near Penbryn Llidiardau, and at Trefor.

Antur Dwyryd-Llyn Posted Thursday, February 14, 2002 by penllyn
Dafydd Wyn Jones , managing director of Antur Dwyryd Llyn the local business development agency has added to comments made by others that the underfunding of business development grants in Gwynedd could be detrimental to the local economy.
He blames the Objective 1 National panel, who only agreed to half of the sum asked for in the bid last year. ( £1.4m + matched funding to make £2.8m).His comments come shortly before the Council consider alternative ways of funding business grants later this week. The initial plan was for the project to run for 3 years, but the funding has already run out.
Figures quoted for 2000/1 were- advisors had dealt with £5,751,946 of development project, 182 new jobs were created and 89 new start-ups were created. Up until the end of January this year, 296 new jobs were created, and 107 new start-ups during the 10 month period. 1999/2000 saw 200 new jobs and 66 new start-ups.

Community skips Posted Thursday, February 14, 2002 by penllyn
Community Skips can be found this week 18-22 Feb.- between Sarn Bach and Abersoch. Efailnewydd. Y Ffor. Between Sarn and Botwnnog. Llangybi (troed Y Garn).

Council Tax Rise Posted Monday, February 11, 2002 by penllyn
Comments have been widely spread in the press this week by the council's leader Alun Ffred Jones regarding possible council tax increases of up to 9%. This despite the Assembly's announced increases to the local Government revenue settlement. The increase is more than 8% for the year 2002/3. Edwina Hart the minister responsible said " It will boost public services and improve the quality of life for the people of Wales. The council leader cites Teachers' pay increases and new responsibilities in the area of social services amongst reasons for the envisaged increase. He is quoted as saying "It will be imposible to achieve these and other responsibilities, whilst keeping the tax increase down to the 7% which the Assembly forsees. A decision on various options will be taken on Feb 28th.
The council is yet to decide on their own pay increases that are said to be 100%. This non- performance related increase is set to bring councilors ' pay in line with Assembly guidelines. at present the 83 councillors basic allowance is £4,400 plus £1,000 expenses. The increase would take it to £9,907. Council leaders and portfolio managers allowances are also set to increase dramatically following the restructuring of the Council recently.

Community skips Posted Saturday, February 9, 2002 by penllyn
Pwllheli Town councillors have expressed concerns over the misuse of community skips in the town. Cllr. Evan John Hughes of Pwllheli said that the North Quay area of Pwllheli turned into an eyesore every time the monthly rota results in the skips being there. Cllr, Alan Williams said "we should be ashamed of the mess created. The skips are there for residents of the community. The service is currently being abused by business mainly builders and farmers.
Skips will be found next week (11th-15th) at Ffordd Dewi Sant Nefyn, Y Ganolfan car park Llithfaen, and at Tre'r Ddol Rhydyclafdy.

Steam rally Posted Thursday, February 7, 2002 by penllyn
Plans are underway to expand and develop the Llyn vintage rally. Rally organiser Joy King is now looking for sponsorship for the fourth Llyn vintage rally that is held during August annually at Bodvel Hall Boduan. This years event will be held on August the 16th-18th. Potential sponsers can contact Joy on (01766) 810279.

Bryn Beryl X-Ray Negative Posted Tuesday, February 5, 2002 by penllyn
Rumours that the oldest X-ray machine in Wales was terminally ill have been confirmed. The x-ray machine at ala rd. Pwllheli has been out of action since before christmas. It now appears as though the machine cannot be repaired because parts are no longer available. The machine is believed to have come from the old C & A hospital in Bangor about 20 years ago. Rumours that Marie Curie installed the machine are unfounded.
Patients in some parts of Dwyfor now face a round trip of up to 90 miles to use the nearest machine at Ysbyty Gwynedd, Bangor. The plans for a new X-ray machine at Bryn Beryl, announced by North West Wales Health Trust last year are still a long way down the pipeline. A spokesman said that the trust is yet to find the money needed for the project.

Foot & Mouth Compo. Posted Friday, February 1, 2002 by penllyn
Foot & Mouth compensation payments of £1.8m have been paid out by gwynedd county council to a total of 340 businesses in Gwynedd. A few larger businesses were given the maximum payment of £50,000, but 1/3 of those businesses that actually aplied received nothing. This was the second round of compensation that followed a £1.5m handout last summer.
Gwynedd's business and operations assistant Alun Roberts said that practically all the money had been allocated. Fears that the compensation would not be given to businesses that were affected but not directly linked to farming have been expressed again. This seems to have been rebutted by Mr Roberts who is reported to have said "We have compensated many secondary businesses.... grocers, bakers and those affected indirectly." The fact that 135 less businesses were compensated in the second round was also explained -" Some businesses changed their business plan during the crisis and moved from tourist activity to another form of trade."
The knock-on affect of businesses moving into other areas presumably for the most part occupied by existing business will probably never be quantified. Neither will the loss to those businesses who lacked the resources to apply for compensation, or those businesses that did not show a downturn on their books due to increased activity and expanding business.
Even so Gwynedd Council should be commended for distributing the funds allocated to Gwynedd's businesses by the National Assembly so efficiently. A sum of £300,000 was also allocated to help finance festivals and fairs and other community events. This sum coupled with the 3 strong events comission team should prove a welcome boost to the wider community. Nant Gwrtheyrn are advertising a post for an events co-ordinator.

Local Government Revenue Posted Friday, February 1, 2002 by penllyn
Edwina Hart minister for Local Government and communities has announced increases to the local Government revenue settlement. The increase is more than 8% for the year 2002/3. She said " It will boost public services and improve the quality of life for the people of Wales.
The assembly is also providing an extra £1.3m throughout wales to help local government with e-government projects, and strategic waste disposal projects.

Police fundraising Posted Friday, February 1, 2002 by penllyn
North Wales police commissioner Mr Richard Brunstrom has been leading calls for an increase of 20p a week to the rates (band D), in order to fund more police officers. This would mean an extra 30 officers.
How many new officers would be seen by Dwyfor rate-payers was not announced.

Bin-liner Posted Tuesday, January 29, 2002 by penllyn
Whilst the rest of Gwynedd residents were being given wheelie bins to deal with domestic refuse, Dwyfor ratepayers were given bin bags. Now at least an earmarked 3000 households in Pwllheli will be given special plastic bins as part of a pilot project that will help with re-cycling.The scheme will provide a blue plastic box to each household to collect paper, glass, cans and textiles. (plastic and waste oil are not covered). Cllr., Dafydd Iwan who leads on the county council's environmental matters said " we are aiming to recycle 15% of the county's domestic refuse by 2004." If successfull the project will be rolled out across Gwynedd according to the council.
The 'waste' will be collected once every fortnight as the lorry will only be able to collect from 300 houses a day. untill the 'roll-out' reaches you , you will have to make do with bin bags and using the 'network' of waste paper and bottle banks.
You can obtain more information by phoning Steffan Owen on (01286) 679146 0r e-mail

Objective 1 Objections Posted Tuesday, January 29, 2002 by penllyn
The local Economic Partnership Chaiman has again hit out at the government of the national Assembly. Cllr. Richar Parry Hughes is reported to have critisised the way the assembly seems to concentrate on larger schemes, whereas in his opinion small schemes seem to work better in Gwynedd. Gwynedd distributed £750,000 in business grants last year, but had asked for double that figure from the assembly.
He said " The potential to start new businesses to create work in the region is being smothered by bureaucracy in Cardiff".

The Cist opens again Posted Monday, January 28, 2002 by penllyn
It must be coming to the end of the financial year again because Community organisations and voluntary groups are again being given the chance to apply for grants from the Cist Gwynedd fund. This annual appeal in the press by Gwynedd county council heralds the closing date of March 29th 2002.
Grants are available for- community safety work, land or buildings, children's playing facilities, community halls, creating linguistic, cultural and leisure opportunities, and work that safeguards or protects the environment.
Details and forms are to be had from Cist Gwynedd, Chief executives Dept., Gwynedd Council, Caernarfon. or tel 01286 679613 fax-679488 or e-mail .

Road Works Posted Monday, January 28, 2002 by penllyn
Welsh transport Minister Sue Essex has announced a £12.6m investment in work on the A499, one of the main road links to the area. This scheme will include a bypass for Clynnog. The other main route between Aberech and Llanystymdwy has also been earmarked £10m , but the results of a public inquiry are yet to be announced. It is expected that work will start on both projects during 2003/4.
It has been touted by many local councillors as being vital for job prospects in the area, especially the new land purchased by the council for industrial development at Y Ffôr. As a direct result of the Clynnog By-pass 15 jobs will be lost at the Coach Inn hotel at Clynnog according to the manager Mr. Stephen Williams.

Question your- MEP-AM-MP Posted Thursday, January 17, 2002 by penllyn
Neuadd Sarn will be the venue for local people to ask questions of all their Plaid Cymru elected representatives this friday. The meeting held at 7.30 will be attended by five elected members. Two local county councillors will be present together with - Eurig Wyn M.E.P., Hywel Williams M.P. and Dafydd Wigley A.M., Translation facilities will be available for those who need them.

Alzheimer's help Posted Thursday, January 17, 2002 by penllyn
A new centre is to be opened in Penlan St. Pwllheli. The new drop-in centre for carers and anyone concerned for sufferers of dementia will open at the C.A.B. building on tuesdays and Fridays between 11am and 3pm from the 29th of January. The Alzheimer's Society drop-in centre will be run on a voluntary basis, and will provide help and support.

Dafydd Wigley -leaving politics Posted Wednesday, January 16, 2002 by penllyn
Dafydd Wigley is to leave politics. After 27 years as M.P. for Caernarfon and then as A.S. in Cardiff, he has decided not to stand for the assembly again in May next year. Mr. Wigley who was president of Plaid Cymru between 1981-84 and re-elected seven years later cited health and age as being the factors responsible for his decision. He has justly been described as having made a huge contribution to Politics in Wales and has generally been regarded as an exemplary constituency M.P.
The vacuum created by the retirement of such a gargantuan political thinker will not only be felt locally, but will be made vaster by the re-tierment of Cynnog Davies and Phil Williams from Plaid's ranks at the next elections. Mr. Wigley hopes to be able to devote more time to his work with movements that assist the disabled, and more time for himself to walk and travel.

Small Towns and villages initiative Posted Saturday, January 12, 2002 by penllyn
Nefyn could soon see the creation of a deep water harbour in the near future. At present the nearest anchorage is at Porthdinllaen. This could be one scheme put forward to boost the Fishing and tourist industries around Nefyn.
The area has been accepted as part of the WDA small towns and villages initiative. The outline bid supported by Gwynedd Council in June 2001 included the communities of Nefyn and Morfa Nefyn, Pistyll, Llithfaen, Llanaelhaearn and Trefor. The council Board has now supported a bid to extend the area covered following the Assembly' decision that further funds would now be made available for rural communities from 2001- 2004. The area now encompasses Tudweiliog, Botwnnog, Llanengan, Llanbedrog,, Efailnewydd, Buan and Abererch.
It was expected that the same kind of benefits that have been obtained by the 'Slate valleys initiative' will now take place in the Granite quarry communities- from Trefor to Morfa Nefyn. This wider area may now become eligible to secure W.D.A. business and Environmental grants. These grants require local action plans to be in place.
It was anounced in a recent community council meeting that the deep water harbour was one of a number of ideas that was put forward after consultations in Nefyn. Henry Roberts from the Councils economic development dept. said that they were looking forward to doing a lot of work in the area over the next three years.

Casey Jones Posted Saturday, January 12, 2002 by penllyn
The last through train from Birmingham to Pwllheli will arrive at the platform in Pwllheli on Sunday. The only remaining through rail link will finally be axed this weekend. The strategic rail Authority have succeeded where Beeching failed. Concerns have been raised by both Elfyn Llwyd and local M.P. Hywel Williams who in recent questions in parliament were given assurances that the future of the Cambrian coast line were assured by Transport Ministers. They were told that detailed plans on investment in the infrastructure would be contained in the plans to be unveiled on monday the 14th of january. In answers to the assembly on Jan 16 Rhodri Morgan said that the Strategic Rail initiative was more about consolidating services. Time it would appear will only show the fate of the cannonball express.

Do you want jam on that? Posted Thursday, January 10, 2002 by penllyn
A local Jam factory will soon be expanding and creating up to 11 new jobs in the area. The Welsh lady preserves Factory just outside Y Ffôr is too small to accommodate expansion plans. 58 acres of land that surrounds the factory was bought by Gwynedd Council last year at Brynllangedwydd, and the council has decided to sell three acres in order that the development proceeds.
Earlier last year the Council let a vacant unit on the Nefyn industrial estate to the company to be used as a warehouse. This was the first tenant for these units since they were built last century.

Council Structure Posted Saturday, January 5, 2002 by penllyn
Results from the survey conducted by the council into the opinions of citizens as to the future political structure of the council have been announced.
2,876 people responded to the leaflet distributed throughout Gwynedd by the council, and 64% agreed with the councils much favoured option - that of a council board as the principal forum for decisions.

Cross town traffic Posted Friday, January 4, 2002 by penllyn
In re-newed calls for better road links between Llyn and the rest of Gwynedd, local A.M. Dafydd Wigley has again stressed the importance of improvements to two of the main roads to the area. He is calling for improvements to the roads between Llanaelhaearn and Aberdesach, and also near the Haven (Butlins) holiday camp.
A council spokesman is reported to have said " The construction plans for the locality have been drawn up and submitted to the Assembly." He also said that the process could take years!
(the amber light will turn green, but wait till we put the lights up !)

Arresting healthcare Posted Thursday, December 20, 2001 by penllyn
Northern Llyn could soon see the setting up of a rapid response ambulance service. In a recent meeting of North Gwynedd Community Health Council the matter was raised. Due to tireless pressure by local councillor David Jones of Nefyn over the past 16 months and now the intervention of local A.M. Dafydd Wigley it appears as though improvements to the poor coverage in this part of the world is being addressed.
Poor response times on numerous occasions recently have bought the problem to the fore and due to Cllr. Jones' lobbying, both the Welsh Ambulance Service and North Gwynedd Community Health Council are both looking into possibilities. Sharing facilities at the new Police station in Nefyn is also under consideration.

Floodlights attract moths and planners Posted Thursday, December 20, 2001 by penllyn
A newly installed floodlight system at Glasfryn Go-kart Parc has been attracting more than just moths. Office manager Emma Williams-Jones is reported to have said that the £25k investment will create 1 full time job and 1 part time job immediately and possibly more if night time go-karting proves popular. The floodlight project attracted a Welsh Tourist Board grant and will extend the opening hours to 6pm.
The go-kart track is part of a group of ventures at Glasfryn that include a cafe and shop selling local produce. The complex employ 6 full time workers and up to 20 during the summer season. The proliferation of signs at the roadside, advertising the various attractions has now also attracted the attention of Gwynedd planners. At a recent Dwyfor area meeting the issue was raised. Planning Officer Griff Morris pointed out that brown tourist info signs had received permission, but that they had been joined by other signs contrary to the conditions attached to the granting of permission for the 'official signs'. He also said that permission was for the site as a whole and not for each individual attraction. Both Councillors Tomos Evans and Seimon Glyn said that such rural successes deserved support and that jobs had been created. Councillors failed to agree and had to defer the decision.

Cheese factory matures Posted Wednesday, December 12, 2001 by penllyn
South Caernarfon Creameries have just announced plans to create between 25 and 30 new jobs over the next three years. This follows the announcement by the WDA that the company is to be awarded a processing and marketing grant. The work on the expansion at the factory at Y Ffôr should be completed by july 2002. The planned investment will come to £2.6 million, of which 40% is objective one money. The company will be installing new vats as part of the scheme that will produce 1,200 tons of cheese monthly.

Cynllun Cymunedau'n Gyntaf Posted Thursday, November 15, 2001 by penllyn
Mae Cyngor Gwynedd newydd gael cadarnhad gan y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol fod y cais i gynnwys ardal De Llyn -sef wardiau Aberdaron, Botwnnog a Thudweiliog - fel rhan o’r Cynllun Cymunedau’n Gyntaf, wedi llwyddo. Mae 88 cymuned, neu ward, yng Nghymru eisoes wedi eu dynodi yn rhan o’r cynllun arloesol yma; yn eu plith ward de Pwllheli.
Dyma gyfle arbennig, gydag arian dynodedig, i bawb oddi fewn i’r cymunedau yma gyfrannu tuag at gynllun arloesol ac i geisio adnabod a chynnig atebion tymor hir i’r ffactorau amrywiol sydd yn achosi problemau cymunedol. Mae'r rhaglen yn cynnig arian ar gyfer newidiadau a gwelliannau lleol - boed yn ymwneud â hyfforddiant, gwaith, gweithgareddau cymunedol, gwasanaethau lleol, gwell amgylchedd neu well safon byw. Dan y cynllun yma, pobl leol fydd yn penderfynu beth sydd ei angen.
Mae’r Cynulliad yn cydnabod mai nid ymateb tymor byr sydd ei angen ond arian tymor hir sydd yn rhoi cyfle i wneud gwir newid ac effaith. I’r perwyl .hwnnw, fe fydd sicrwydd o arian i gynllunio dros y tair blynedd nesaf gan edrych ymlaen hefyd
dros o leiaf 10 mlynedd i ddod. Cyflwynir rhagor o fanylion yng nghyfarfod Fforwm Bro Llyn yn Neuadd Sarn Mellteyrn ar nos Fawrth, 28 Tachwedd 2001.
o'r Llanw tach.2001

Communities First Posted Thursday, November 15, 2001 by penllyn
Two areas in Llyn have been designated as part of the Communities First Programme run by the assembly. One area is the Pwllheli South ward. A public meeting will be held at Ysgol Cymerau on Thursday 22nd of November at 7pm. Local residents are urged to attend to find out what it's all about. The other area includes the wards of Aberdaron, Botwnnog and Tudweiliog.

Fforwm Bro Posted Thursday, November 15, 2001 by penllyn
Cynhelir cyfarfod cyhoeddus Fforwm Bro Llyn am 7.30 nos Fercher, 28 Tachwedd 2001 yn Neuadd Sarn Mellteyrn. Bydd cyfle i drafod gyda chynrychiolwyr ELWA, yr angen am gyrsiau hyfforddi sy’n diwallu anghenion lleol er mwyn i bobl Llyn gael y sgiliau i’w galluogi i gael swyddi yn yr ardal. Bydd cyhoeddiad hefyd bod De Llyn i gael arian drwy Gynllun Cymunedau’n Gyntaf. Mae’n flwyddyn erbyn hyn ers y cyfarfod cyhoeddus cyntaf ble y trafodwyd anghenion penodol ar gyfer ceisio gwella sefyllfa Llyn. Fe benderfynwyd bryd hynny i sefydlu Fforwm Bro Llyn a, dros y misoedd diwethaf, mae’r grwp bach a enwebwyd fel Pwyllgor Llywio wedi bod wrthi’n trafod ac yn cynllunio.
Un pwnc sydd wedi cael cryn sylw yn y trafodaethau ydi anghenion cyflogwyr bach a’r hyn sydd yn achosi pryderon neu rwystrau i gyflogi a hyfforddi yn yr ardal, ac i ddenu pobl ifanc i aros i ddilyn gyrfa yn eu hardal. Mae teimlad y dylid sicrhau bod darpariaeth hyfforddi yn diwallu anghenion lleol ac i’r perwyl hwnnw gwahoddwyd ELWA, sef Cyngor Cenedlaethol sydd’ yn gyfrifol am hyfforddiant ac ariannu cyrff hyfforddi yn lleol, i gyflwyno eu cynlluniau ac i glywed am obeithion ac anghenion lleol Llyn, gan bobl Llyn, yng nghyfarfod nesaf y Fforwm Bro. Mae ELWA wrthi ar hyn o bryd yn ymgynghori ar eu cynllun Strategaeth Corfforaethol, drafft sydd yn cynnig cynlluniau ar gyfer 2002 i 2005 ac mae eu gwahodd nhw i gyfarfod y Fforwm yn gyfle euraid i gynnig ein sylwadau ac i geisio dylanwadu o bersbectif lleol. Peidiwch â cholli’r cyfle felly.
o'r Llanw tachwedd 2001

A Bridge too far Posted Wednesday, November 14, 2001 by penllyn
As reported here earlier in the year, the plans by Gwynedd Council to widen the Bridge at Boduan on the main Pwllheli - Nefyn road is back on the agenda. The Council originally made the decision to widen the bridge on safety grounds as they claim that two cars cannot pass each other on it. It is true that the bridge has been the site of many accidents over the years. An alternative plan costing around £600,000 has been dismissed as being the more expensive option.
Because the bridge is a listed monument the proposed widening had to be put before Cadw, the Commission with responsibility for listed buildings. Cadw have refused the planned scheme. In the Royal Commission Survey of 1964 the bridge is described as being 18'8" wide, a three arched bridge 84ft. long with a central arch span of 20ft., rebuilt in 1805. Schedule No. 1670.
The council is now taking a pro-active role and at the last Dwyfor area committee meeting Dewi Williams of the councils highways department is reported to have said, " Work should be done before a fatal accident occurs". He probably meant before another fatal accident occurs. The council has also sent a letter to the assembly and obtained the Area committees backing. It was also asking local councillors to send supportive letters.
A few councillors have sought the improvement to the Nefyn Pwllheli road in the past and it now appears as though the Council is singing from a similar hymn sheet, saying that the road network is vital if work is to be bought into the area. It is debatable that taking the cheapest option and vandalizing listed structures is truly the way to fill still empty industrial units at Nefyn or to entice visitors to the area. An even cheaper option would be better warning signs for the site of so many accidents caused by motorist, many who were unfamiliar with the road!

One Ton Inquest Posted Monday, November 12, 2001 by penllyn
Gwynedd Councils officer Sian Jones is still eager to hear the views of locals regarding the effects of the one ton cup. A report is soon to be put before Partneriaeth Pwllheli/ Llyn regarding the event. Discontent rumbles on following the recent letter by the lifeboat coxswain, with councillors and others now entering the 'debate'. The council now talks of long term gain rather than the short term, over optimistic visitor figures it was expecting prior to the event. Whether the council actual read and believed it's own hype is uncertain, but a spokesperson said that publicity lessons had been learnt.
Pwllheli Harbor consultative Committee is being kept busy with the aftermath of the one ton cup, and is also troubled by the sinking of the Pwllheli dredger Nessie. The vessel sank on the 20th of September, at mooring in Fleetwood when another vessel collided with it. The vessel ordered by Gwynedd Council in 1997 from the USA at a cost f £153,000 has had a choppy time of it since it arrived here in the winter of 1999.
After sitting idle for weeks, the dredger was unable to dredge deep enough, press-ganging almost returned in order to crew the vessel, and now faces extensive electrical re-fitting or scrapping. Huw Davies the Group Engineer with Gwynedd Councils coast protection dept., is now awaiting the Insurance assessors report as to repair or scrap Nessie.

Open Government? Posted Monday, November 12, 2001 by penllyn
'Open Government', a phrase that seems not to have reached parts of Gwynedd council yet. Councillors at Dwyfor Areas Committee meeting have raised worries about the Councils re structuring plans. Problems were raised when the Housing department was shuffled around a couple of months back. It now seems as though Council bosses are again not forthcoming with details of their strategy for the Highways dept.
Local councillors have raised many concerns but an all too familiar lack of consultation and openess has again appeared. The draft proposals for change will be put in front of the Councils Board on 18th of December. Dwyfor councillors are rightly concerned after having been told that the board did not have to ask the area commitee what they thought before making a decision anyway.
Amongst the councillors voicing their opinions were Bryan Evans, Gwynfor Hughes and Seimon Glyn.

Community skips Posted Monday, November 12, 2001 by penllyn
Community skips can be found next week at- Pwllheli- North Quay, and Abersoch- Sarn Bach.

Second Homes Posted Saturday, November 10, 2001 by penllyn
The National Assembly for Wales is to include Llyn as part of the 2000/1 Wales planning research programme. The study will aid the assembly with future planning policies and assist the development of sustainable rural communities. The project will aim to establish the locations and numbers of holiday homes and second homes, improving methods of data collection and establish data on land use and the way planning systems can control new housing development.

Road Works Posted Saturday, November 10, 2001 by penllyn
More details are emerging regarding the now £3million investment in roads in the area. Despite this injection of capital in improving the road infrastructure, there are still concerns over the time that it will take to re-open the road at Rhiw. £1,910,000 has been earmarked for the proposed new road that will replace the road damaged by Plas yn Rhiw nearly a year ago. It has remained closed and according to council spokesmen if all goes smoothly it will take abot 18 months for work to begin.
There have already been two public meetings regarding the road in Rhiw but some local residents say that nothing came of them. They say that the public bodies involved are slowing the process down with seven different routes having been proposed. A council spokesperson said that because of the involvement of so many outside bodies the process would be a long one. The 12-mile journey to Pwllheli will remain for now a 21mile journey for the residents of Rhiw.
The slow pace of the findings of a public inquiry into the proposed improvements to the stretch of road between Abererch and Pandy garage were also criticized this week by Pwllheli Town Councilors. A letter is to be sent to the assembly to ask them to announce the findings of the report into the multi-million pound scheme that is believed to have been completed last month.
£874,000 is to be spent on rural road repairs and roads that have suffered damage due to land slippage- £91,000 on the road to Uwchmynydd in Aberdaron, and Y Lôn Gam in Nefyn -£630,000.

Crime figures Posted Saturday, November 10, 2001 by penllyn
Two local towns appear on the Gwynedds top 20 cime hotspots list. Areas in Caernarfon and Bangor occupy five out of six of the top positions with Pwllheli coming in at number five. Nefyn comes in at No. 20. Theft damage, assault and damage to motor vehicles account for the majority of crimes. The overall figures are 5.2 crimes per 1000 head of population as compared to 9.8 the national (England and Wales) figure.
The Gwynedd Crime Partnership report has come under fire though by residents of Trefor. Returning fire, Clive James, Gwynedd county councils crime partnership coordinator has asked residents to report crime and to submit their findings to the council.

One Ton Clanger Posted Saturday, November 10, 2001 by penllyn
You can't please all the people all the time, and this seems true with regard to the One Ton Cup event held in Pwllheli this year. The event seems to have attracted diametrically opposed views on its 'success'. These views were first expressed on Stondin Silwyn,the Heno TV programme and letters to the local press. The subject has again attracted media coverage, with Wales today airing the views of some disgruntled local business people.
The fresh round of inquests into the event included a letter to the Pwllheli harbor Consultative Committee by lifeboat coxswain Robert Wright. It is reported to have estimated a figure of less than 200 extra visitors to the area. He also said that the public money spent on the event would have been better spent on enhancing the harbor's facilities for locals than promoting a yacht race for millionaires. Many local businesses are claiming to have actually lost money directly as a result of the anticipated thousands of visitors not materializing.
It seems as though people actually believed the spinning and hype before the event!

The Chips are up! Posted Friday, November 9, 2001 by penllyn
Allports fish and Chips in Pwllheli have already won the award for best chip shop in Wales. Now, as regional winners they could be in line for the best chip shop in Britain. The competition organized by the Sea Fish Industry Federation will take plaice at the cafe royal London next week. The Allport's shop in Porthmadog has won the best shop in Wales award twice before but John Allport is confident of battering the competition this time.
Allports web site- Allports

Warm Welcome Posted Friday, November 9, 2001 by penllyn
Gwynedds Welsh language Initiative officer Iddon Edwards announced this week that estate agents in Gwynedd are supporting a scheme that will issue people moving into Welsh language communities with a welcome pack. The pack produced by the Welsh Language Board includes information on Welsh, it's use in the community, and how people should go about learning the language. This is one of the proposals put forward by speakers on behalf of the pressure group Cymuned and others recently.
In a document put forward by the Independent Wales Party this week it was proposed that houses in Gwynedd would only be sold to people who have lived here for ten years. Both Cymuned and the I.W.P. submitted proposals to the Welsh Assembly's culture committee this week. The welcome packs are, however, a welcomed if tentative step towards informing prospective new homeowners about the continuing existence of one of Europe's oldest surviving languages.

Community Skips Posted Friday, November 9, 2001 by penllyn
Community Skips
Will appear this week at - Pen-Y-Bryn Rhoshirwaun and Nefyn.

Dental decay Posted Friday, November 9, 2001 by penllyn
It appears as though the problems facing local people not being able to find dental treatment are once again biting hard in Llyn. This problem occurred a few years back when local dentists stop taking on nhs work. New dentists were attracted to the area and grants of up to £50,000 were given to coax dentists to set up. The grants system is now coming to an end and it now seems that dentists are insisting that patients either pay as a private patient or they have to sign up for Denplan insurance.
Out of 22 dentists in Gwynedd only two of these now accept adults and children under the NHS, neither of these are in Llyn. The practice of Dr. Michael Daly of Llanaelhaearn is the most recent to be criticized by local councilors. Mr. Daly is reported to have said in his defence that- it was a case of people signing the denplan scheme or paying privately, and the former was a better option. Either way it now appears that some patients will now have to pay up to £24 a month for insurance or resort to the door handle and a piece of string.

Community Skips Posted Monday, November 5, 2001 by penllyn
Community skips can be found this week at Llanbedrog, Y Ffôr, Efailnewydd, Trefor and Rhydyclafdy.

Bryn Beryl Posted Saturday, November 3, 2001 by penllyn
The future of Bryn beryl is assured according to the North West Wales NHS Trust. They have finally unveiled plans for the future of the Community hospital and the proposed moving of services from the Ala road clinic. Bryn beryl will take over all the consultation services currently at Ala rd. apart from the Obstetrics and Gynecology. The site at Ala Rd. will either be developed as a Family Center' that might actually be moved to a new building in Pwllheli at a later date.
The mid-wife led home delivery unit will benefit from a telemedicine link (video), to Ysbyty Gwynedd and electronic transfer of X-ray images will mean less of a journey for patients. The Trust has said that 87% of those who responded to the Trusts proposals had been in favour, and that it would continue to consult the local population on future plans.

Ffyrdd newydd ym Mhen Llyn werth £2.4 miliwn Posted Friday, November 2, 2001 by penllyn
Fe fydd y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol yn rhoi grant gwerth £1.9m er mwyn adeiladu ffordd newydd i bentref Rhiw ym Mhen Llyn.

Mae'r ffordd ger Porth Neigwl wedi bod ynghau ers Nadolig y llynedd yn sgil tirlithriad.

Fe fydd dros £600,000 hefyd yn mynd tuag at adnewyddu'r ffordd i draeth Nefyn gafodd ei difrodi ar ôl tirlithriad yno ddechrau mis Ionawr.
Hen amser meddwn I.

New local history resource Posted Friday, October 26, 2001 by penllyn
Three local schools are to take part in a new scheme to help preserve the histories of local people in audio and video. The schools at Penteuchaf, Llanbedrog and Crud Y Werin will be taking part in the scheme that has been put together by a partnership of local organisations, under the supervision of the local historian John Dilwyn Jones.
The nature of the project will involve local school children preparing and interviewing local people about their memories and stories about places like Nant Gwrtheyrn and Plas Glyn-Y-Weddw. The material will then be used as an invaluable historical resource by local schools and also transfered to video for sale to locals.
Nant Gwrtheyrn Trust Ltd, Plas Glyn-Y-Weddw, Bardsey island Trust, the National Trust, The Lloyd George museum and Ty Newydd Llanystumdwy. The scheme to be co-ordinated by Nant Gwrtheyrn is to be funded by the council with a grant of £9,870 that the council has received as part of the Environment Development Fund. (Assembly funding towards Wale's' areas of outstanding natural beauty).

Carry on Camping? Posted Friday, October 26, 2001 by penllyn
There were mixed signals this week regarding planning permissions and caravan sites. The owner of a'site' near Botwnnog who had lodged an appeal against a decision to close operations due to activity without seeking change of use permission was not upheld. Planning was, however, granted for an increase from six to ten caravans at Trefor. During the application in Trefor concerns were raised by many local councillors. The application was passed by a 9 to 6 vote.

Community skips Posted Thursday, October 18, 2001 by penllyn
Community skips will be found this week at- Sarn, Llangwnnadl and Abersoch.

Local Government Changes Posted Thursday, October 11, 2001 by penllyn
Following the local Government act 2000, Gwynedd Council has sent out A4 leaflets to all householders in Gwynedd showing the four possible future structures for the council. The four options have been published in the local press and we won't waste time putting them up here. The Assembly has issued guidelines on how to 'consult' with the electorate before they come to a decision. Gwynedd council has, however, been critisised by the conservative Assembly member for North Wales over the layout of the leaflet sent out. He says that it could confuse people. We have read the leaflet and tend to agree that the leaflet is confusing, but the councils own preferance is clearly stated in BOLD TYPE.
More salient points were raised by retired local councillor Mr Thomas John Williams of Nefyn. Mr Williams said that it was impossible for people to express an opinion without being details of the costs involved under the different options. He also questioned the point of having 83 councillors when agroup of 20 were in charge. Gwynedd councils assistant policy director Arwel Ellis Jones stated that the costs would be the same whatever option was taken, and that all options would have to be kept within the agreed budget. (no 'slippage' there then Ed.)
The main aims of the local government Act July 2000 are to make local Government - Work more efficiently, make it clear who is responsible for decisions and to make decisions more quickly. Householders are being asked to make their preferances known by filling out the form by 31st of December, and to attach additional comments prior to the council deciding what option they will adopt. Web users can also send comments to

No Bull! Posted Thursday, October 11, 2001 by penllyn
Members of Bîf Llyn have secured a three year grant worth £200,000 towards improving the quality of the stock. The grant will cover 50% of the costs of artificiall insemination and hiring bulls. The project starts next year .

Objective 1 Posted Thursday, October 11, 2001 by penllyn
Concerns about the lack of objective 1 money reaching the area seem to be being raised by many people. In recent meetings with community councils in Criccieth and Aberdaron, local M.P. Hywel Williams had to agree that there seemed to be little evidence of money being used in the locality. Cllr. Robin Hughes of Criccieth is reported to have said that he had lost all faith in the Eifionydd Partnership, ( One of the regional 'bodies' set up to oversee projects by Gwynedd Councils Economic Development Dept.). He also said " As far as I can see all that has come from objective 1 is jobs for the boys and nothing more."
A similar body was set up for Llyn called Partneriaeth Pwllheli/Llyn following a public meeting in Pwllheli last year. The Director of Planning and Economic Development Henry Roberts Chaired the meeting. Initial 'fast track' mature projects were submitted and an ideas bank was set up to collect ideas. Amongst the first round of projects from October last year were- lifelong learning centres in Caernarfon and Blaeunau a community scheme for young people in Caernarfon, Expansion and development of the skills centre on the vaynol estate in Y Felinheli.
Cllr Richard Parry Hughes has made many requests in the press over the past year for people to come forward with ideas. Henry Roberts was reported in the C&D Herald 21-6-01 "It is important in a rural area that ideas are put forward in order to take full advantage of Objective one funding". There seems to be a problem somewhere in the beuracracy of this scheme. Private enterprise abounds with ideas but frankly the lethargy, lack of vision and attitude of some in local government, stifle ideas.
Some of the larger projects by North Wales Tourism, ELWa and the WDA will work over a large geographic area and they will roll out grant schemes that can be applied for over time. No doubt such plans will filter into Llyn and be of benefit. (One project by the WEA features in our next story.) The problem is that a year has passed and the assembly has thrown large wadges of objective one money towards these big organisations who are now wandering what to do with it. One out of the seven years of the programe have passed and the organisations that presided over low gdp and high unemployment have done very little to remedy the situation.
Objective 1 was given to us in Gwynedd because gdp is less than 75% of the European avarage. It was hoped that 6,710 jobs would be created by 2010. ( At present there are about 3,000 unemployed in Gwynedd.) Unless the powers that be at local and regional level get their act together we will fall ferther behind the rest of Europe. It is doubtfull that people will ever be held accountable for their inactivity, but the citizens and communities of Gwynedd will suffer the consequences of their actions.
Much was heard about the celtic tiger in Eire under objective one, this funding won't come again. This subject will be covered again by us but in the mean-time more information can be obtained at-
or contact-

Sarn Free I.T. Classes Posted Thursday, October 11, 2001 by penllyn
The new village hall in Sarn has been the venue for local people to come to grips with new technology. The Coleg Harlech W.E.A. have been running courses on a two day and two night basis. The seminars funded by objective one money are free of charge and around 80 local people have taken advantage of the opportunity. People of all ages are being taught a variety of skills. Bethan Russell Owen of the W.E.A. said " the response to the course goes to show how needed these skills are to the rural population in Llyn."
Other courses in the internet and web design are planned for the future. Penllyn .com welcomes these moves and hope that more people will be added to the numbers of local people involved in networking on a local level. As an aside we hope to see the 200+ a day visitors to our site increase and hope that all local businesses as they embrace this technology submit their new sites to our business directory. Also if you have any problems with the internet we are always ready to offer free, unbiased (if opinionated) help to all citizens of Llyn.

Local Government 'slippage' Posted Thursday, October 11, 2001 by penllyn
Warning bells were ringing loud at a recent meeting of Gwynedd councils principal scrutiny commitee. Corporate policy director Mr Ieuan Lewis spoke of concerns raised by the district auditor who said that unless matters that had been raised were addressed the council was in danger of losing capital resources such as grants. One of the main areas of concern regards 'slippage', a council term that equates to overspending. There was 'slippage' of £3million within a capital expenditure of £25million. An 8% overspend in the private sector would mean that heads would roll.
Mr Lewis is reported to have said- " The main reason for slippages include the lack of long term planning and weakness in the management procedure, such as a lack of management skills and lack of technical skills" The probable course of action will be to send people on managerial and skills courses at the tax payers expense. The policy department had asked all departments to cut back on the number of bids submitted.
Council Chief exec. Geraint Jones is reported to have said- " We have not lost any grant aid in the past due to slippage" To be fair to the council, 'slippage' does occur at other councils and we have no knowledge of other councils figures.

Council in the Dog House Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2001 by penllyn
A call has been made by Cllr. Alan Williams of Pwllheli to replace the dog warning signs in some parts of the town with a bigger version like those in Aberdaron. It appears as though dog owners in Pwllheli cannot read the small print on the anti-fouling signs.
Llanaelhaearn community councillors are also concerned after sending a letter dated 7th Sep. to the Officer in the Public Protection Dept. of the council. It was 'promised' that the Animal Warden would contact the community council, but nothing as yet had been heard, instigating another letter concerning dog fouling and No Fouling signs in Llanaelhaearn.

Foot & Mouth Posted Tuesday, October 9, 2001 by penllyn
Gwynedd council have unveiled the second part of their package to assist business following the downturn in business following the foot and mouth crisis. As part of a £1.8 million package, Gwynedd is looking at a range of schemes aimed at assisting some businesses facing financial difficulties.
Businesses associated with agriculture - blacksmiths, haulage, food processing. Tourist related - Hotels, craft shops, attractions, pubs and restauraunts, and other businesses that have suffered as a result of statutory restrictions.
Whilst this second round of aid is welcomed it shows a lack of support for those businesses that supply or service all of the above. Wholesalers and service industries, retailers and all sectors have been hit to varying degrees by the crisis. The mechanism put in place for applying for financial assistance is the same as that run in the spring and it would be interesting to see wether the same businesses apply this time as last, or will the assistance filter down supply chains and to the wider business community who have been affected.
Deadline for applications will be December 31st

Community Skips Posted Thursday, October 4, 2001 by penllyn
Community skips will be found this week from the 6th-12th at- Tudweiliog, Llaniestyn and Nefyn.

Council Housing Posted Friday, September 28, 2001 by penllyn
Gwynedd county council are to launch a new unit next week that it is hoped will provide a better service for council tennants. All calls by tennants for maintainance will now be answered centrally at Caernarfon during office hours. New structuring of teams of five responsible for 600 houses will allow skilled council workers to improve the service. The new system that has already been approved by the Gwynedd Council Board was sevearly critisized by a recent Dwyfor Area meeting.
In this meeting local councillors slammed every aspect of the service. Under the new scheme the new Housing Maitainance Operational Unit will take over responsibilities from the Housing Dept. and Amgylchedd Gwynedd. The 're-organisation' seems more of a re-shuffle with all workers being derived from Amgylchedd Gwynedd. Asst. Director , Ffrancon Williams is quoted to have said-"slotting in had been done by matching the present responsibilities of workers with the jobs to be filled" No change there then. This Gwynedd wide re-jigging of the housing dept. has led to concerns being raised all over Gwynedd, In response to the loss of council jobs in Dolgellau, a council spokesperson said that four out of the five workers there had been invited to apply for a number of other jobs in the new organisation. Time will tell how well the new system works, the Dwyfor Maintainance Number is 704026.
Before we find out what effect the changes will have, council workers are boarding a bus and touring the area as part of a roadshow from the 25th - 3rd Oct. For information about dates and times phone (01286) 679 478. The bus is set to visit Pwllheli, Llanaelhaearn, Llannor, Llanbedrog, Abersoch, Trefor, Pistyll, Morfa, Nefyn, Llithfaen, Y Ffôr, Edern, Tudweiliog, Aberdaron, Sarn, Botwnnog and Mynytho. Council workers want to hear residents views.
This follows the condemnation in a report on the property repairs and maintainance to the councils 490 non-housing properties. These buildings include Schools, and the backlog of work is now estimated at around £11 million!
Figures showed that the council was reactive to emergencies with planned maintainance suffering as a result. The report urged improvements in almost all areas, including- better financial monitoring of work, better consultation with service users and contractors, more partnership options and plans for clearing the £11 million backlog were limited and unambitious.

Bryn Beryl Posted Friday, September 28, 2001 by penllyn
The maternity unit at Bryn Beryl is to be re-opened at last. North Wales Health Authority announced their considered decision on tuesday. The Chair of North Gwynedd Community Health Council said that the desision was due to pressure on the Trust by themselves and the aspirations of local people. The midwife run fascilities will only be available to very low-risk births and will essentialy be the same as a home birth with no specialist facilities. Postal natal care will only last for six hours. Even though this service will be welcomed as a step forward, it comes after two steps back.

Sgipiau Cymunedol Posted Friday, September 28, 2001 by penllyn
Mae'r sgipiau y Cyngor Sir allan eto- wythnos yma yn Llanaelhaearn ger cae glas., wedyn yn Rhiw , Mynytho a Rhoshirwaun ger Penbryn 1af-5ed.

Public toilets Posted Friday, September 28, 2001 by penllyn
There seem to be an awfull lot of problems with public toilets in Gwynedd recently. Some have been closed for cost savings or badly lit, others were locked at the busiest time at Easter and others close at the end of the holiday season. It seems that spending a penny and saving a penny are completely incompatible. Problems have been reported here during the last six months in Llithfaen, Aberdaron,Edern, Criccieth. Some Gwynedd Councillors have sought the help of the European member of parliament and others have condemned the council for not taking public health seriously. Closing toilets at the end of the tourist season was a subject raised in a local Tourist trade meeting as something that needed to be done to help extend the season.

Housing Report Posted Friday, September 28, 2001 by penllyn
The Land Division of the Welsh Development Agency has this week published the latest Housing Land Availability Study for the Unitary Authority of Gwynedd and the Snowdonia National Park Authority.
The Study Report supersedes the previous 1997 Report updating the land availability information to a 1st April 1999 base date.
The Study was carried out by a group which includes the House Builders Federation, Gwynedd Council and the Snowdonia National Park Authority and provides an unbiased source of information on the land available for housing development.
The Gwynedd Council area includes the majority of the Snowdonia National Park, though for planning purposes the Gwynedd Local Planning Authority is only responsible for those parts of Gwynedd falling outside the National Park.
The Snowdonia National Park Authority administers the whole of the National Park area, including that part of the park located in Conwy County Borough Council. For flexibility the results of the Study are presented for the Gwynedd Local Planning Authority, the Snowdonia National Park Authority and for the Gwynedd Council area.
The Study identifies some 1,194 plots available for housing in the Gwynedd Local Planning Authority area within the next five years, comprising 819 on large sites of five or more units and 375 on small sites of under five units.
In the Snowdonia National Park, the five year supply figure is 407 units, of which 187 are on small sites, whilst in the Gwynedd Council area as a whole the supply figure is 1,560 comprising 1,039 on large sites and 521 on small sites.
The Study incorporates an assessment of the adequacy of the identified land supplies based on the housing policy figures contained in the Gwynedd Structure Plan, which was approved by the Secretary of State for Wales in October 1993 and covers the period to 2006.
Government guidance requires local authorities to have at least a five year supply of available housing land.
On the basis of the Structure Plan comparison, the Study concludes that the land supplies amount to 8.66 years in the Gwynedd Council Area, 8.82 years in the Snowdonia National Park Authority and 8.97 years in the residual area in the County.
Housing completions in the areas during the two years since the previous 1997 Study totalled 415 in the Gwynedd Local Planning Authority area, 96 in the National Park and 511 in the Gwynedd Council area. The Study also incorporates, for information, a further land supply comparison based on average build rates since 1991.
On this basis the land supplies amount to 4.13 years in the Gwynedd Local Planning Authority Area, 7.14 years in the National Park and 4.72 years in the Gwynedd Council areas.
If sites allocated in emerging Unadopted Local Plans are included in the supply calculation, the supplies increase in both the Snowdonia National Park and Gwynedd Council areas. In the National Park the supply increases to 10.02 years based on the Structure Plan and 8.09 years based on past completions.
In the Gwynedd Council area, the supply increases to 8.96 years based on the Structure Plan and 4.89 years based on past completions.
Terry Stevens, Senior Planning Manager, Welsh Development Agency, Unit 7, St Asaph Business Park, Ffordd Richard Davies, St Asaph, LL17 OLJ (Tel : 01745 586293)

Cymdeithas Twristiaeth Llyn / Lleyn Tourism Association Posted Thursday, September 27, 2001 by penllyn
A new group will be set up to promote the local tourist industry. Proposals for the new group were put forward at a public meeting at Pwllheli yach club on tuesday. The meeting was introduced by Jonathan Williams-Ellis with Michael Parry putting forward proposals. Dewi Davies from North Wales Tourism made a speech and the Council was represented by Sian P Jones.
The new group is called Cymdeithas Twristiaeth Llyn / Lleyn Tourism Association and a number of proposals were put forward. The geographic area covered is west of the A487 Llanllyfni to Porthmadog road. An open invitation was made for all who wish to become members to attend the next meeting with their £10 annual membership fee. The fist General meeting proper will take place at the yacht club Pwllheli on October 16th at 7.30pm.

Llyn Arts Posted Thursday, September 27, 2001 by penllyn
The Arts scheme for young people in Llyn centred around Y Ganolfan in Sarn is moving along. After receiving a £20k grant from the Arts Council, the council are now looking for a young enthusiastic person with an intrest in the arts to start working on the scheme.

Cynnyrch Llyn Posted Thursday, September 27, 2001 by penllyn
Lansiwyd Cynnyrch Llyn yn swyddogol gan Dafydd Wigley yn ystod yr Arddangosfa Busnes a gynhaliwyd ym Mhwllheli. Mae 'na 16 o gwmniau lleol sy'n gweithio yn y sector fwyd wedi dod at ei gilydd i gyd-farchnata eu cynnyrch. Yr aelodau- Welsh Lady Preserves, Cig Moch Penllyn, Arwyn Williams (cigydd Edern), Perlysiau Meian, Jill & Mike Langley, Tatws Llyn, Teleri Jones Llaiestyn a William Jones Pistyll (Wyau), Llyn Seafoods, Cymdeithas pysgotwyr Llyn, Llyn Aquaculture Ltd. a Parti Cooks Pwllheli.
Mae nhw eisioes wedi furfio cwmni cydweithredol a wedi sicrhau cyllid o £10,000 gan Gronfa Cwlwm Gwledig tuag at cost y cynllun yma sydd i costio dros £19,000.

Objective One Posted Wednesday, September 26, 2001 by penllyn
Objective 1 approved projects:
Promoting Local Economic Activity

The project aims to strengthen the appeal of Gwynedd area as a location for staging major events and maximise the economic benefit for local communities. The project will raise local business awareness of the opportunities presented by staging major events and market Gwynedd as a location for such events. The project will also offer assistance to local companies organising and staging events and provide a contact point and practical support for event organisers. The project will create 15 jobs and safeguard a further 29. The project is attracting over £2 million in direct private match funding.
Organisation: Gwynedd County Council
Funding: £960,000
For further information contact: I T Jones at Gwynedd County Council on 01286 679238

The above is to be found on the Welsh European Funding Office site
This project announced recently in all the local newspapers as "has the potential to inject £7.2m revenue into the economy and create up to 100 jobs" According to sources in Gwynedd, the 'Business Plan' talked of safeguarding 44 jobs.
As part of the" £2 million in direct private matched funding." the events comission hope to receive goods or services worth £1.3m over a three year period from IMG/Harlequin organisers of the Bryn Terfel Faenol event and £560,000 off Big Triatholon Ltd., the company behind the Iron man event. In Gwynedd Councils Executive Comitee meeting 7-11-2000 the iron man competition was asked to be given £5,000 by the leisure unit of the Education Dept., and a £10,000 'contribution' by the Economic Development and Planning Department. Details can be found on Gwynedds web site.

The exact figures on jobs created will be seen in time but Gwynedd expect the three people working on the events comission to work hard to achieve the targets set for this "arms length" venture, - 150 small and medium sized companies benefiting from its support, 20 events supported, 30 marketing events, 5 venues improved , a 30% increase in visitor numbers to Gwynedd, 44 jobs created, a 10% increase in economic profit in the area and to create business clusters of local businesses that will meet the needs of event organisers.
We wish them good luck!

another Council led objective 1 project is the Gwynedd Angling Initiative

The project aims to optimise the environmental and social benefits to local communities of developing the sustainable use of fisheries in Gwynedd. This will be achieved by restoring and improving fishery resources and promoting quality angling opportunities. An extensive programme of river habitat improvements are planned with the aim of maximising stream productivity to ensure that fisheries in Gwynedd provide a valuable, sustainable natural resource for the local community and visitors. The project will create 3 new jobs and safeguard a further 31.
Organisation: Gwynedd County Council
Funding: £203,253
For further information contact: I T Jones at Gwynedd County Council on 01286 679238.

One Ton Cup Posted Monday, September 24, 2001 by penllyn
The One Ton Cup, the biggest event to hit Pwllheli since the last big event sailed in and then sailed out. This word class sailing event organised by K-Yachting will be televised this month by Sky. The event is purported to be watched by about 22million viewers in 73 countries worldwide. The races took place in Cardigan bay between the 5th-8th of september, and was won by the Greek registered Atlanti X.
In an attempt to capitalize on the event and add to it a partnership was formed between The council,WDA,Welsh Tourist Board, Business connect, the sailing club and the private sector. A marquee was erected to hold a two day business showcase. Gwynedd claimed up to 80 businesses took the opportunity to showcase their wares. The marquee did in fact have 80 stands inside, and they were filled by 45 businesses or organisations from North and mid-Wales, the tourist board and Business connect. A further 16 exhibitors showed outside the tent. (The C&D Herald counted over100).
The WDAs chief exec. opened the event saying " The one ton cup is a spectacular coup for Pwllheli and Wales.The so-called grand prix of sailing brings with it a host of economic benefits rising to millions of pounds." Over 2,500 people attended the exhibition. Many of the exhibitors were pleased with the event . The event also marked the launch of a new local food venture - Cynyrch Llyn. Eleven Llyn farmers , fishermen and caterers have joined forces to market and sell their produce.
Not all agreed with the success of the event. Paul Brett the vice chairman of Pwllheli chamber of commerce in a letter to the Cambrian News said- " In the aftermath of the one ton cup, as the town of Pwllheli recovers from the thousands of visitors who somehow didn't materialise despite prophetic, yet naive statements in the media, we will no doubt hear about the full hotels, the vast amounts of money spent by race visitors in the town, and how the One Ton Cup did for Pwllheli what the rygby word cup did for Cardiff and that 'Pigs can fly'....."
This was by no means a sole voice and Cllr Eirwyn Williams is reported in the C&D Herald as saying -"There were promises that Hotels over a wide area would be full, but it is now clear that we were all mislead in that direction." Another Criccieth councillor, Cllr Henry Jones has sent a letter to Gwynedds chief executive Geraint Jones regarding objective one money-"Large sums of money are being spent across the county, but promises of attention being given to Criccieth are not being honoured."
Local Taxi drivers were also unhappy after expecting to have a busy period, only to find that the council had arranged free bus services!
No doubt an inquest will be held, and if the 102 year old event ever returns to Pwllheli , organisers will ensure that the dinner jacketed diners will be sitting down to eat local produce and not Canadian lobsters.

Canolfan Felin Fach Mental Health Posted Thursday, September 20, 2001 by penllyn
The Canolfan Felin fach centre at Pwllheli has made an apeal for volunteers to join the hard working team. The canolfan provides support for people with and recovering from mental health problems, alcohol and drug abuse. A drop in centre and many social activities are undertaken and Christine Jones would like to hear off volunteers who wish to contribute to this invaluable service to the community. Interested? phone Christine on 701611.

Youth Clubs Posted Thursday, September 13, 2001 by newyddion
There is a shortage of local people willing to run youth clubs. This is seen as yet another nail in the coffin of rural communities. According to Peter Williams head of the councils Youth and Community Services, the problems of finding dedicated local people are now as bad as ever. (at least since 1985). On a local level leaders and or assistants are required at - Llanbedrog, Tudweiliog and Abersoch. Anyone interested should phone Gwynedd on (01286) 679190.

Housing Posted Thursday, September 13, 2001 by newyddion
Local Assembly member Dafydd Wigley has again been voicing his opinion on the housing aspect of the problems facing the dissapearing Welsh speaking communities. Mr Wigley was bought in as troubleshooter to draft a consultation document for Plaid Cymru after initial comments by local councillor Seimon Glyn sparked off widespread condemnation of Plaids and other parties policies with regard to the plight of Welsh speaking communities.
Mr Wigleys latest comments in response to events in Exmoor National Park, where the park authority is trying to help local people afford housing instead of being swamped by incomers. Dafydd said " these plans by Exmoor are the type of measures that we in Wales could take." The similarities between the statistics for the percentage of second homes and the low level of wages (8-15k) are striking. Mr Wigley tempered these comments with the reality of the Assembly needing the will to push through legislation, and the fact that the emotive subjects of language and culture also come into play in Wales.

Environmental action plan for Llyn Posted Sunday, August 19, 2001 by penllyn
Action plan for Pen Llyn’s marine life

An action plan is published next week (Monday 20 August 2001) to care for the rich marine wildlife of the Pen Llyn a'r Sarnau candidate Special Area of Conservation, which is of European importance.
The Action Plan has been put together by statutory organisations with responsibilities for the marine environment. Local people, coastal landowners, tourism companies, fishermen and others have contributed to the action plan.
In public meetings over the last two years, they said what they valued about the area's sea life and highlighted the main threats to it. Based on this feedback, and the input of members of a Liaison Group who represent the tourism, commercial and recreational interests in the site, the action plan tackles what can be done to conserve and enhance Pen Llyn and north Cardigan Bay's marine heritage.
Lucy Kay, the Countryside Council for Wales’ marine conservation expert for north west Wales said: "The Pen Llyn a'r Sarnau candidate Special Area of Conservation is a great opportunity for people to work together. The European status of the site will protect wildlife, but it will not create a no-go area. Protecting the wildlife and natural environment of this special area should help promote it as a beautiful and unspoilt place for people to visit and, of course, live."
Barry Davies, Maritime Officer for Gwynedd Council noted: "The sea and coast around Pen Llyn and north Cardigan Bay is an important and popular area for a variety of maritime activities which, together with the natural beauty of the locality, attract many visitors each year.

“There are millions who visit the Welsh coast each year, contributing some £600 million to the local economy. The challenge of managing the Special Area of Conservation is to achieve a balance that ensures protection of the natural environment as well as enabling sustainable use of the sea and coast."

The plan lists over 100 actions, such as:

* Continuing to monitor coastal water quality and take action to meet national standards;
* Ensuring that oil spill and other emergency contingency plans meet the needs of the site;
* Encouraging people who go boating or do other watersports to report the wildlife they see and take part in biological surveys;
* Publishing popular information about the area and its wildlife - especially for young people;
* Promoting voluntary codes of conduct for activities including angling, boating, scientific studies, shellfisheries;
* Ensuring the area's special qualities is taken into account in managing and developing harbours and marinas in the area.
Pen Llyn a'r Sarnau is of European importance for the variety of marine plants and animals which live on the reefs off the coast of Pen Llyn, Meirionnydd and north Ceredigion, and in the Glaslyn/Dwyryd, Mawddach and Dyfi estuaries.
Some of the wonders of this underwater world are:
* current-swept rocks carpeted in animals such as sea anemones, sea firs, soft corals and large sponges;
* dense kelp forests growing in shallow waters, providing a home for many varied creatures;
* the yellow trumpet anemone, which generally lives in the warmer water of the Mediterranean and south west Britain,
* but also lives around Ynys Enlli - at the northern edge of its range;
* many red and brown seaweeds growing as thick turf on the unique Sarnau reefs;
* the estuaries - important nursery areas for many fish species, including bass and grey mullet

ANGHYSONDEB MEWN IAWNDAL I FUSNESAU! Posted Saturday, August 4, 2001 by penllyn
Yn ddiweddar mae cwestiynnau yn cael eu gofyn, ynghylch a chysondeb y cyngor wrth ddosbarthu iawndal i fusnesau Gwynedd, yn dilyn argyfwng y traed ar genau. Mae'r cyngor wedi talu arian cyhoeddus i gwmni preifat i wneud arolwg i benderfynnu ar gyfraddau y mae gwahanol fusnesau yn ei dderbyn mewn gwahanol ardaloedd. Mae aelodau siambr fasnach Pwllheli, yn galw am atebion ynglyn a'r dosbarthiad, ac maent yn galw am gael gweld copi o'r arolwg. Dywedwyd wrthynt gan gyngor Gwynedd fod y dogfennau yn breifat ac yn gyfrinachol ac nad oeddynt ar gael i'r cyhoedd. Yn ol yr adroddiad ymddengys fod siopau a thafarndai yng Nghaernarfon i dderb yn 70% o adaliad trethi, a 100% i westai a thai bwyta, tra fod Pwllheli ar y llaw arall yn derbyn 30% i siopau a thafarndai, a 70% i westai a thai bwyta.
Mae siambr fasnach Pwllheli am fynd ar mater ymlaen i'r swyddfa Gymreig.
Rhowch eich barn yn man pleidleisio< >

NEWYDDION DA I FFERMWYR Posted Saturday, August 4, 2001 by penllyn
Cyhoeddwyd mewn cyfarfod nos fercher fod dyfodol pendant i Fart da byw Bryncir. Dywedodd y perchnogion, John Lloyd Williams,a John Huw Hughes, eu bod wedi cyrraedd y targed o £100,000, diolch i fuddsoddiad eu cyfranddalwyr. Mae'r cynlluniau ail agor nawr yn dibynnu'n llwyr ar godi'r cyfyngiadau masnachu. Cylwynwyd cynllun busnes i'r cyfranddalwyr yn y cyfarfod gan y perchnogion, ac etholwyd chwech ffarmwr i'r pwyllgor llywio, a fydd yn cyfarfod gyda'r perchnogion i drafod dyfodol y mart.

New Welsh Think tank Posted Wednesday, July 11, 2001 by penllyn
A new Multi-lingual think-tank web site has been launched today. The project is a forum for radical thinkers on the subject of the linguistic future of Wales, They say-CYMdeithasDJ is actively seeking informed debate about the linguistic future of Wales. It has been set up to disseminate challenging opinions and studies, which will assist in creating a meaningful policy-agenda for Plaid Cymru.

Cyfarfod Cymuned Mynytho Posted Saturday, July 7, 2001 by penllyn
Heidiodd canoedd o bobl o bob rhan o Gymru i neuadd Mynytho heddiw i gyfarfod sefydlu Cymuned. Roedd y neuadd yn orlawn gyda thorf y tu allan yn sefyll yn y niwl. I'r rhai nad oedd yn bresenol , mae rhan o'r cyfarfod ar gael mewn furf 'avi' (bydd y 'download' yn araf)-
Cadeirydd y cyfarfod oedd Arwel Jones gyda'r siaradwyr Seimon Glyn, Gwilym Euros a Myrddin ap Dafydd. Gwrandawyd ar sylwadau am yr argyfwng yn y cymunedau gwledig, y bygythiad i ddyfodol yr iaith ar diwylliant yn sgil y mewnlifiad ar all-lifiad. Beirniadwyd diffyg arweiniad y pleidiau gwleidyddol ar sefydliadau yn cynnwys Cymdeithas Tai Eryri ar Cynulliad. Cyfeiriwyd at ddiffyg gweledigaeth gan y cynghorau ynglyn ag arian amcan un ar perygl o wastraffu'r cyfle i gryfhau yr economi. Galwodd Seimon Glyn am sefydlu corff statudol i warchod yr iaith ar diwylliant. Gosodwyd her i bob Cymro gyfranu tuag at yr ymgyrch i sicrhau ein dyfodol.
I gysylltu a Cymuned Ffoniwch -0044(0)1970 617 036
neu e-bost
neu danfon Llythyr- 8 Heol Stanley, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, Cymru. SY23 1LS
pleidleisiwch - < >

Community Skips Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by penllyn
On the week starting the 9th of July, community skips can be found in Abersoch at Lôn Gwydryn car park, at Llanaelhaearn at Cae Glas, and at Pwllheli North Quay car park. (for domestic waste only!)

Private road works Y Ffôr Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by penllyn
A problem road, this time in Y Ffôr looks closer to being improved. The road that leads to the adult learning centre at Canolfan y Gwystl is to be improved by the present owners, Harlech Frozen Foods. This follows enquiries made by a local newspaper the Cambrian News into the condition of the road that is said to have been in a poor condition for at least ten years.

Golli Yr Herald? Posted Monday, July 2, 2001 by penllyn
It appears as though we could loose the Welsh weekly newspaper Yr Herald ', the sister paper of the Caernarfon and Denbigh Herald est, in 1855. The paper published by the trinity Mirror group has been suffering from a continued slump in circulation. It presently runs at about 1,500 copies a week , a fraction of its 15,000 circulation at it's height. The poor circulation is another indicator of the fragile situation of the Welsh language.
Management blame its demise on new media, and say losses can not be allowed to continue. Last week Trinity Mirror Digital advertised a position for a content developer interested in Journalism and the internet based at Llandudno. This follows their plans to develop-" a unique website for North Wales, with news, sport, entertainment, information and much more".
(might go for that sounds like an interesting job! ed.)

Welsh Media Posted Monday, July 2, 2001 by penllyn
A Welsh language pressure group called 'Cylch yr Iaith', have presented the B.B.C. with a 3000 name petition that calls for a new music-playing policy. The groups chaiman Elfed Roberts said that there were serious concerns regarding the promotion of English only programmes at the expense of Welsh language singers and groups. Radio Cymru are using a large proportion of their peak broadcasting hours by playing large numbers of Anglo-American songs and ignoring their duty to reflect and promote Welsh Music.
This petition presented to the B.B.C. on friday the 29th of June is the latest move in Cylch yr Iaiths long running campaign to increase the use of Welsh on Radio Cymru and S4C, and to improve the standards of broadcasting in Wales.
Another charge of not playing Welsh records was leveled at Champion F.M. the independant comercial broadcaster based at Parc Menai last week. A report in th C & D quoted Dafydd Iwan of Sain amongst others, with charges of not serving the needs of the local population and slewing their programming towards Anglo-American pop to such an extent that it may breach their licence conditions.

Cyfarfod Cymuned Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by penllyn
Mae amser cyfarfod cymuned yn neuadd Mynytho wedi newid i 2 o gloch pnawn sadwrn, Gorffennaf 7.

Granite villages new initiative Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by penllyn
Plans are underway that could mean that five local villages could share in up to a reported £1.8 million in a scheme to boost the economy in North Wales. The villages are Nefyn, Trefor, Llithfaen, Llanaelhaearn, Pistyll and Morfa Nefyn. If included in the small Towns and villages initiative, it would allow business groups to submit bids directly to the W.D.A..
Gwynedd council have been asked by the W.D.A. to choose an area to be considered for inclusion in the scheme. The project will run for 3 years and the council is supporting a bid to designate this area that has suffered the decline of Granite quarrying as was done for the slate valleys over the last three years.
The main aim is to encourage local businesses to bring in schemes that will strengthen the local economy. Initial discussions with the W.D.A. suggest that they would be very supportive to the designation of this area according to Gwynedds director of planning and economic development. The W.D.A. will favour projects such as improving high streets, joint marketing schemes and local networking.
The agency have allocated £1.8 million in 2001/2002 for schemes across North Wales. This includes £300.000 for business support, £100,000 for project managment and £1.4 million towards capital schemes.
Gwynedds Dwyfor area comittee has already agreed to target Nefyn with a package of regeneration schemes, and the W.D.A. would provide a source of funding for them. Other sources of funding would include The National Assembly, including Communities First, Local Regeneration Fund and the Environmental Development Fund.
If the bid is successful the local regeneration officer would work with Business Connect to identify opportunities develop ideas and implement schemes.

Lottery Money for Communities Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by penllyn
Lottery money distributors in Wales have joined forces in an attempt to help projects that involve people in their own communities. Community fund, The New Opportunities fund and the Heritage Fund will be able to tap into a £2.5 million fund each year.
The 'Awards for all Wales' was launched by Jenny Randerson A. M. on Tuesday who said it was a quick and easy way to get money into the communities. Applications will be welcomed from small, locally run groups that have not received lottery funding to date, areas where services and facilities are limited, black and ethnic communities and former coal mining communities.
For more information phone 0845 600 2040.

Gwynedd council Condemned Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 by penllyn
Gwynedd county council have been condemned in a report on the property repairs and maintainance to the councils 490 non-housing properties. These buildings include Schools, and the backlog of work is now estimated at around £11 million!
The best value inspections team only awarded one star to the council. Figures showed that the council was reactive to emergencies with planned maintainance suffering as a result. The report urged improvements in almost all areas, including- better financial monitoring of work, better consultation with service users and contractors, more partnership options and plans for clearing the £11 million backlog were limited and unambitious.

Grantiau 'Arwain' Posted Saturday, June 23, 2001 by newyddion
Mae grant ar gael i unigolyn sydd eisiau cychwyn prosiect gwirfoddol fydd o les i'r gymuned. Gall unigolyn hawlio hyd at £500 ar gyfer costau cychwyn prosiect neu gall grwp hyd at 4 gychwyn prosiect gyda'i gilydd a hawlio hyd at £2000.
Mae'r grantia'n dod i ben fis Awst felly ewch ati i holi'n syth un ai'r Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru ym Mae Colwyn 01492 539800 neu Mantell Gwynedd ar 01286 672626

Boduan Gardens Posted Saturday, June 23, 2001 by penllyn
The Gardens at bryniau , Boduan will be open to the public on Sunday july 1st. Admission will be £1.50 for adults and children go free. Refreshments will be available and all takings will go to charity.

Cwlwm Gwledig Posted Thursday, June 21, 2001 by penllyn
It has been stated that £48,000+ has been invested in the Dwyfor economy since the start of the Cwlwm Gwledig scheme that was launched by Gwynedd in November 2000.
Four projects in the area have benefited from the scheme - Nant Gwrtheyrn £6,436 , to convert the chapel into an interpretation centre. Cymdeithas Pysgotwyr Llyn £1,226 towards buying a computer to provide training. Cynnyrch Gwynedd Cyf £34,994 in order to purchase machinery and processing equipment.
Gwynedds director of Planning and economic development is reported to have said "If there are ideas then feed them to the regeneration officers. It is important in a rural area that ideas are put forward in order to take full advantage of Objective One funding."
The local regeneration officer for this area is Arwel Jones and can be contacted at or phone 704120

Antur Dwyryd Llyn Posted Wednesday, June 20, 2001 by penllyn
Director of Antur Dwyryd Llyn Dafydd Wyn Jones is calling for more to be done to help start-up businesses in the area. He calls for the National Assembly to implement a national scheme for low or intrest free loans. His coments follow the publishing by Business connect Gwynedd of figures that show the number of new jobs created as 182 and the number of new businesses as 90, in the year till Aprill 2001.

New livestock website Posted Wednesday, June 20, 2001 by penllyn welcomes a new local website . The site set up by locals Pryderi and Gwern from Penfras Uchaf llwyndyrys is an online auction site. The site is at present in demo mode but will be up and running by the end of the week.
The site is primarily aimed at the livestock markets and it is hoped that local farmers will use this inovative venture to the full in the absence of the traditional marts. The site can be used free of charge please go check it out.

Plaid Cymru's Rural Housing Plans. Posted Tuesday, June 19, 2001 by penllyn
Plaid Cymru have published their report on the way ahead for allowing people in rural communities to be able to obtain affordable housing . This report is in part a response to calls by local councillor Seimon Glyn during January for the party of Wales to do more for the rural communities. Cynnog Dafis said last week that the report would be published in about a fortnight. This seems to have been bought forward possibly in response to the forming of a new pressure group called Cymuned, and the fracturing of traditional support for plaid in the recent election.
The report was published today by the chaiman of Plaids task group and our assembly member Dafydd Wigley. Eleven of the twelve points in the plan were things that the assembly could acomplish within 12 months, and some powers were already with the local authorities. The only other legislation required is expected in the Queens speach for the next session of parliament, this concerns converting old buildings, this primary legislation may need amending slightly.
Peter Black for the liberals in response to the 12 point document said that nine of the points were already policy for the coalition in the assembly, and he did not expect opposition to the rest if they were to be adopted by Plaid.
One point may mean a doubling in rates for second homes in rural areas. Another concerns planning permission needed for change of use from a dwelling into a holiday home. Another allowing grants to local people towards obtaining mortgages would cost the assembly £10 million a year and result in helping 500 homeowners. If the report had been as radical as some expected, it might not have been a case of pushing against an open door. This report is practical and achievable soon but even if all measures are adopted fully, its effect alone without other measures will be minimal.
The report will now be put forward to Plaids national executive on saturday and then policy changes put forward to the party confrence in September. This report welcomed as it is goes only a short way to address some of the problems facing the diminishing welsh speaking rural communities. It does not talk about intervention in the housing market or other wider economic issues. It is unlikely to apease Cymuned's founders and does not fully address the 'narrower' issues raised by Seimon Glyn as chair of Gwynedds housing dept.

Gwynedd Ratepayers to pay £1,900,000.00 Posted Tuesday, June 19, 2001 by penllyn
Gwynedd county council have settled a compensation claim by a property developer for a reported £1.9 million. Council leader Alun Ffred was reported to have said that the settlement was a good one in view of the fact that legal advisors had said that the council could be liable for to up to £5 million.
The case goes back to 1969 when the then Caernarfonshire county council granted outline planning permission for up to 800 houses on a greenfield site at Morfa Bychan. Nothing was done at the site until the mid 1980's when protests were mounted.
This case is now resolved but the £1.9 million paid to property speculators will leave a bad taste in the mouths of local ratepayers, if not a hole in their pockets.

Byw yn y Wlad Posted Friday, June 15, 2001 by penllyn
{o Llanw Llyn Mehefin 2000}
Mae'r diwylliant Cymreig wedi ffynnu yn yr ardaloedd gwledig, amaethyddol. Mae’r diwydiant amaeth ar hyn o bryd yn wynebu argyfwng, felly mae’r diwylliant Cymreig mewn argyfwng hefyd. Gyda thai a bythynnod ar hyd a lled penrhyn Llgn ar werth am £100,000 a £l50,OOO maent, yn amlwg, wedi’u hanelu at farchnad y tu allan i’r ardal. Sut felly y gall bob1 leol aros yma i fyw? Os ydyn nhw yn symud oddi yma, sut gall y diwylliant Cymreig a’r iaith Gymraeg fyw?
‘Byw yn y wlad - cynnal, gwarchod a datblygu ein cymunedau.’ Dyna fydd teitl cynhadledd a gynhelir gan Gyngor Gwynedd ar Orffennaf 13. Y nod yw ‘Ceisio cefnogaeth i nifer cyfyngedig o gynigion a allai fod yn sail ar gyfer ffurfio polisiau gwledig yn ystod y misoedd a'r blynyddoedd nesaf.’
Mae llawer o waith da yn mynd ymlaen yng nghefn gwlad ond dirywio mae ein cymunedau ac, yn sgîl Clwy’r Traed a’r Genau, mae perygl mai cyflymu wnaiff y dirywiad hwn. Ceisio mynd i’r afael â rhai o’r materion sylfaenol hyn fydd y gynhadledd. Bydd y ffocws ar faterion economaidd a thai, ac oblygiadau’r newidiadau yn y meysydd hyn i’r iaith a’r diwylliant.
Nid problemau sy’n unigryw i Llyn a Gwynedd ydi’r rhain, ac yn ystod y gynhadledd bydd cyfle i ddysgu am brofiadau cymunedau tebyg yn yr Alban ac Iwerddon. Yn ystod y dydd bydd anerchiadau gan Yr Athro Dylan Jones Evans, Athro Menter a Pholisi Rhanbarthol, Coleg Prifysgol Cymru Bangor; Dr Dylan Phillips o Adran Canolfannau Uwchefrydiau Cymreig a Cheltaidd, Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth, ac Andrew Prendergast o Asiantaeth Datblygu Skye & Lochalsh yn yr Alban. Ond bydd y pwyslais ar drafod syniadau a chwblhau rhestr o gynigion. I gofrestru ar gyfer y gynhadledd ffoniwch (01286) 679004.

New community Presure Group-Cymuned Posted Friday, June 15, 2001 by penllyn
A new pressure group is being set up to defend Welsh-speaking communities from erosion of the language.
Cymuned - "community" in Welsh - will campaign for the preservation of the language in its heartlands by giving locals priority on housing and job lists. The group has been founded by academics and poets who believe the language will die out within 10 years if steps are not taken, and is the result of months of debate and consultation.
Cymuned has accused the Welsh Assembly of failing to address the decline of Welsh in its heartlands. The group will call on national and local politicians to use "crisis measures" to deal with the migration of English speakers to Welsh-speaking parts of Wales. Robat Gruffudd, founder of Welsh publishing house Lolfa, said: "We will campaign on the preservation of Welsh as a community language, concentrating on issues such as in-migration to Welsh-speaking Wales; out-migration, especially of young people; and the assimilation of non-Welsh-speaking in-migrants."
The group also includes poets Iwan Llwyd and Myrddin ap Dafydd, former Welsh Language Society chairman R. Arwel Jones, Barn magazine editor Simon Brooks, Cardiff University lecturer Jerry Hunter, actress Judith Humphreys and former BBC head of light entertainment Meredydd Evans.
They have drawn up a declaration of principles -entitled the Talybont Declaration - which they hope will be signed by others attending a national meeting at Mynytho, Gwynedd, on 7 July.
It reads:
"We are convinced that the death of Welsh as a community language is inevitable within ten years, unless urgent steps are taken to reverse current trends.
"We accuse the political parties, and national institutions, including the National Assembly, of failing to address this crisis.
"We call on these bodies, and the Assembly and county councils in particular, to implement national crisis measures as a matter of urgency to halt the decline of Welsh in its heartlands.
Cymuned also sets out to "tackle the huge in-migration of monoglot English speakers to Welsh-speaking areas by establishing community control of housing policy in these areas".
Members have also called for action to stop Welsh speakers leaving their homes "by giving local people priority in the housing market and creating suitable employment for them."

Ein Aelod Seneddol Newydd Posted Wednesday, June 13, 2001 by penllyn
(o llanw llyn mehefin 2001)
Wythnos wedi ei ethol i’r Senedd, mae Hywel Williams, sydd o Bwllheli yn wreiddiol, wedi dechrau ar ei waith fel Aelod Seneddol etholaeth Caernarfon. ‘Diolch i bob un a roddodd bleidlais i mi yn yr etholiad ac i bawb a fu’n gweithio mor ddyfal yn yr ymgyrch,’ meddai. ‘Mae’n anrhydedd o’r mwyaf cael cynrychioli fy mro enedigol yn San Steffan. Edrychaf ymlaen at weithio er lles holl bobol yr ardal yn y Senedd.’
Cysylltwch a Hywel - Swyddfa Plaid Cymru, 8 Stryd y Castell, Caernarfon, Gwynedd LL55 1SE FFôn: (01286) 672076

New Plaid M.P. Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by newsroom
Caernarfon has returned a new Plaid M.P. to Westminster. The new M.P. is Hywel Williams.

Enillydd y medal rhyddiaeth Posted Thursday, May 31, 2001 by newsroom
Enillydd medal rhyddiaeth Gwyl yr Urdd 2001 yw Owain Sion o Llwyndyrus ger Y Ffôr. Mae Owain yn aelod o aelwyd Chwilog.

£20,000 Arts boost for Llyn Posted Saturday, May 19, 2001 by penllyn
Gwynedd is one of four councils to receive a grant of £20,000 from the Welsh Arts Council. Gwynedd have earmarked £5,000. This follows a review of arts provisions for young people in rural areas held by the arts council in January. The pilot scheme a two year project, will concentrate on an area between Llanbedrog, Edern and Aberdaron, and will include young people between the ages of 14 and 25.
It is envisaged that the new village hall at Sarn will be a focal point for many of the activities which may include- rock schools,creative writing classes, modern dance and sculpture. One of the first activities will be a forum with representatives of all young people in the area to find out what they want.
"Depending on the needs of the young people involved, events and activities will then be funded to develop any element of the Arts within the regular programmes of clubs and institutions that work with young people." said Elen Wyn Jones, community Arts Officer for Gwynedd county council.

Environmental Grants Posted Thursday, May 17, 2001 by newsroom
Llyn is to benefit over the next three years with up to £150k to help launch environmental projects. Gwynedd Council will manage the fund in Llyn on behalf of the Countryside Council for Wales as part of the £750k Environment Development Fund set up by the National Assembly.
Chaiman of the Llyn Area of outstanding National Beauty consultative commitee- Cllr. Wyn Williams is reported to have said " Hopefully we will receive ideas which will be of benefit to the area. I would urge groups and all local community councils to put on their thinking caps so that we see benefits from this fund in Llyn."
Project ideas should be sent to Gwynedd councils planning dept..

£150,000 yn Hwb i Harddwch Llyn Posted Thursday, May 17, 2001 by newsroom
Bydd Penrhyn Llyn yn elwa o gronfa datblygu’r amgylchedd gwerth £750,000 sydd wedi’i sefydlu gan y Cynulliad i roi help llaw i Ardaloedd o Harddwch Naturiol Eithriadol ac y mae Pen Llyn ymhlith y 5 ardal yma sydd wedi’u dynodi trwy Gymru. Bydd £l50,000 ar gael dros y tair blynedd nesaf i helpu nifer o brosiectau gwreiddiol. Nid dim ond
prosiectau amgylcheddol all elwa. Amcan y gronfa yw cadw neu wella harddwch naturiol gan gynnwys amgylchedd adeiledig; hybu mathau cynaladwy o ddatblygiad cymdeithasol ac economaidd; hybu lles economaidd a chymdeithasol cymunedau lleol yn ogystal â hybu mwynhad tawel o’r ardal. Mae’r cynllun am weld prosiectau cynaladwy, rhai sy’n dangos fod pobl yn gallu byw a gweithio yn ein hardaloedd harddaf tra’n cyfrannu at werth ein hamgylchedd. Gall unigolion (gyda Phrosiectau fyddai o fudd i'r gymuned ehangach), grwpiau gwirfoddol neu gynghorau cymuned wneud cais.
Bu’r cynllun yn rhedeg eisoes’ yn y Parciau Cenedlaethol. Yno rhoddwyd cefnogaeth i gynllun hyfforddiant mewn ffarmio organig, storio hadau cynhenid, cynllun compostio cymunedol a llwybr celf. Cyngor Gwynedd fydd yn rheoli’r gronfa ar ran y Cyngor Cefn Gwlad. I wneud cais cysylltwch ag Arwel Jones, Swyddog Adfywio Llyn ar (01758) 704120, neu am fwy o wybodaeth Wyn Williams ar (01286) 679363.

New Chair for Dwyfor Commitee Posted Tuesday, May 15, 2001 by newsroom
Councillor Mike Sol Owen has been elected as chairman of Gwynedd Council's Dwyfor area commitee at a meeting on Monday 14th May, and Cllr. Wyn Williams of Abersoch was elected vice chairman.

Cystadleuaeth Tarian 2001. Posted Tuesday, May 1, 2001 by waen
Cystadleuaeth Tarian 2001. Cynnigir £100 o wobr gan cyfeillion Llyn i - Unigolyn, Grwp, Sefydliad, Mudiad, Ysgol, Pwyllgor neu Gyngor sydd yn weithredu yn Llyn ac yn dangos dychymyg mewn gwaith ymarferol i hybu'r Iaith Gymraeg, ein Diwilliant, yr Economi leol neu'r Amgylchedd yn Llyn. Cyflwyni'r y wobr a'r darian i'r ymgeisydd llwyddiannus yn ystod Darlith Flynyddol Llyn ym Mis Tachwedd 2001.
Dylid anfon enw a chyfeiriad Ymgeisydd ynghyd â disgrifiad gwaith i'r Ysgrifennydd, Arfon Huws, Bryn Haf, Bwlchtocyn, ger Pwllheli, Gwynedd LL53 7BW erbyn Awst 31, 2001, y dyddiad cau.

Public Web access Posted Thursday, April 26, 2001 by newsroom
A  new public access point is available at the Citizens advice
centre in Pwllheli following the securing of European funding.
Advice will now be available on the internet at the CAB waiting
room between 10 and 3 on certain days.
Tel : Gwynedd CAB on 0870 750 2350 for more details.    

Cyd-farchnata Posted Monday, April 23, 2001 by penllyn
Mae trafodaethau wedi bod yn mynd ymlaen ers misoedd i geisio cael strategaeth i farchnata cynnyrch bwyd lleol. Mae pecyn ariannol wedi ei roi yn ei le i farchnata cynnyrch yr ardal ar ffurf hamper, gydag arian ar gyfer hysbysebu, derbyn archebion, lansio’r cynnyrch yn y wasg ac arddangosfeydd coginio yn rhan ohono. Bydd cyfarfod yn cael ei gynnal yng Nghanolfan Frondeg Pwllheli ar Fai 2 am 7 o’r gloch i roi cyfle i bawb sydd â diddordeb mewn bod yn rhan o’r cynllun cyffrous hwn ddangos diddordeb. Yn amlwg bydd cynnwys yr hamper yn dibynnu ar y cwmnîau a’r unigolion sydd yn bresennol ar y noson, a’r cynnyrch y maent yn ei gynhyrchu. Am fwy o fanylion cysylltwch gydag Arwel Jones, Swyddog Adfywio (01758) 704120 neu Meinir Roberts, Cwysi (01758) 713527.
(0r llanw Ebrill 2001)

Local Food Project Posted Monday, April 23, 2001 by waen
Hampar yr hafan to be re-vamped...
Local food producers phone Arwel Jones (Local regeneration ) on
713527 or e-mail , or Meinir Roberts
(Cwysi) on 713527.
A meeting will be held at Canolfan Frondeg Pwllheli on May 2 at
7 in the evening.

Mental health project Posted Saturday, April 7, 2001 by waen
An Innovative mental health project sponsored by Gwynedd Councils
Social services was launched this week. Called the Iawn/Ok
campaign, it is a multi-agency pilot, headed by Unllais Mental
Health Development, Information and Training Agency. Glen Jones,
service manager for Gwynedd Council community support services
said-" Marketing is an integral part of the project because it is
crucial to catch the eye of all age groups"
If you feel you just can't cope with exams, relationships or
just life in general, phone Iawn/Ok on (01248) 353343 or visit
the web site at < > The campaign runs
until the end of May.

Bryn Beryl Posted Saturday, April 7, 2001 by waen
Bryn Beryl is the only 'Hospital' we have in the area, and it's
maternity unit closed on April 1 (April fool's day), but this was
no april fool! The unit is run by general Practitioners but since
the desision of General Practitioners in Nefyn and Pwllheli was
not to use it except for aftercare, only Rhydbach in Botwnnog
offered expectant mothers the opportunity to go there. The unit
will remain closed until North West Wales NHS Trust deliver a
review expected August. Expectant mothers now have the choice of
a home birth, a birth at Ysbyty Gwynedd in Bangor or presumably
in the ambulance on route. Comments may be sent to- Dr Sandy
Payne North Wales Health Trust, Preswylfa, Ffordd Hendy, Yr
Wyddgrug, CH7 1PZ.

Ysbyty Bryn Beryl Posted Saturday, April 7, 2001 by penllyn
Fydd yr Uned Famolaeth yn ailagor?
Mae penderfyniad Awdurdod Iechyd Gogledd Cymru i gau Uned Famolaeth, Bryn Beryl yn ddirybudd, tra maen nhw’n cynnal adolygiad ar ei dyfodol, wedi cythruddo bydwragedd a rhieni fel ei gilydd.
Yn ôl John Roberts o’r Awdurdod Iechyd, ‘Bydd yr adolygiad yn digwydd rhwng hyn a Mis Awst. Os fydd yr Awdurdod yn penderfynu gwneud newid sylweddol, yna bydd yn rhaid cael ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus,’ meddai. Mae'r defnydd o’r uned ar gyfer genedigaethau wedi gostwng yn sylweddol ers i feddygon Nefyn a Phwllheli benderfynu peidio â defnyddio’r ddarpariaeth. Roedd meddygon Rhydbach, Botwnnog yn da1 i’w defnyddio ar gyfer genedigaethau, ac roedd y tri practis yn
defnyddio’r gwasanaeth ôl-ofal. Mae'r bydwragedd lleol yn teimlo y byddai’r Awdurdod yn cymryd cam yn ôl trwy gau’r uned. Y duedd y dyddiau yma yw rhoi’r dewis i ferched lle y maen nhw’n dymuno geni eu plant, Petai’r Awdurdod isio bod yn flaengar, mi fyddan nhw’n datblygu’r uned yn lle ei chau.
Ymhlith y rhieni cyntaf i’w gael heffeithio gan Y penderfyniad i gau’r uned yw Sera ac Aled Rees Jones o Nefyn. Ganwyd efeilliaid, Rhydian a Joseff, i Sera yr wythnos ddiwethaf yn Ysbyty Gwynedd. Bu’n rhaid iddi ddod adref o’r ysbyty ar ôl diwrnod. ‘Mae'r bydwragedd wedi bod yn arbennig o dda,’ meddai Sera, ‘ond roeddwn i wedi gobeithio, yn enwedig wrth mai dyma’r babis cyntaf, cael tridiau yn Bryn Beryl i gael fy nghefn ataf. Mi rydan ni’n siomedig iawn.’
Dywed Dafydd Wigley ei fod wedi cael sicrwydd dro yn ôl y byddai’r Awdurdod yn gwarantu’r gofal ôl-eni. ‘Mae’n gyfangwbl annerbyniol nad ydi’r gwasanaeth yma ar gael ar hyn o bryd’, meddai. ‘Rydw i wedi sgrifennu at Gadeirydd yr Awdurdod, ac yn disgwyl ateb.’ Gall unrhyw un sy’n dymuno gwneud sylwadau gysylltu a’r saw1 sy’n gyfrifol am yr adolygiad, sef-
Dr Sandy Payne,
Cyfarwyddwraig Iechyd,
Awdurdod Iechyd Gogledd
Cymru, Preswylfa, Ffordd
Hendy, Yr Wyddgrug, CH7
(0r llanw Ebrill 2001)

Cheesey Exports Posted Thursday, March 15, 2001 by penllyn
Hufenfa De Arfon has won an award for it's excellence in exporting. S.C.C. is the largest independant cheese producer in Wales and one of the biggest employers in the area. The co-operative based at Y Ffôr won the title of new exporter of the year award at the Welsh export awards in Cardiff this week. About 15% of the companys production last year went as exports to Europe and America.Exports have boosted the companys turnover by an estimated £3 million last year. S.C.C. can be found at

Foot and Mouth Anglsey Posted Monday, February 26, 2001 by penllyn
Foot & Mouth has been confirmed at an abattoir in Gaerwen on Anglesey today. The long awaited result confirms the worst fears of the farming community and will heighten fears that the disease may spread nearer to Llyn. Phone 01286 674144 for advice

“Does a wnelo hyn ddim â hiliaeth” Posted Wednesday, February 7, 2001 by penllyn
Be dwedodd y cyng. Seimon Glyn gan fo eu hyn.-
Yn ystod mis Ionawr eleni cyhoeddwyd adroddiad gan Gyngor Sir Gwynedd ar y farchnad dai oddi fewn i’r sir. Roedd yr adroddiad yn cadarnhau fy mhryderon i ynglyn a’r sefyllfa dai a’r ffaith fod ein pobl ifainc yn methu fwyfwy â phrynu tai oherwydd bod mewnfudwyr, mewn rhai achosion, yn prynu popeth sydd ar werth. Roedd yr adroddiad yn dangos bod mewnfudwyr yn prynu tai ym mhob un o ardaloedd gwledig Gwynedd gydag ardaloedd megis Abersoch, Llanbedrog, Aberdaron a Thudweiliog yn dioddef yn ddrwg iawn gyda rhwng 60% a 100% o’r tai yn yr ardaloedd hyn yn cael eu prynu gan bobl allan i Wynedd
Wrth geisio dadansoddi’r wybodaeth ac er mwyn ceisio datrys yr argyfwng sydd yn ein hwynebu ar hyn o bryd, rhaid ystyried rhai ffeithiau moel: Fel arfer mae cyflwr yr economi mewn unrhyw ardal yn dylanwadu ar y farchnad dai yn yr ardal honno, ac felly, gan fod cyflwr yr economi yn Llyn yn wan byddai disgwyl i brisiau tai fod yn isel. Yn anffodus, oherwydd cystadleuaeth gan bob1 o’r tu allan i’r ardal, mae prisiau ein tai ni yn llawer uwch. Mor uchel erbyn hyn fel bod y mwyafrif ohonynt ymhell tu hwnt i gyrraedd y rhan fwyaf ohonom - a does dim gobaith bellach i bob1 ifainc sydd yn dechrau byw fedru cystadlu. Yr unig ffordd i ddatrys y broblem yw trwy ddeddfwriaeth.
Mae gan y Cynulliad yr hawl i ganiatâu i gynghorau amddiffyn eu cymunedau trwy ymyrryd yn y farchnad dai. Rhaid mynnu yr hawl honno rwan er mwyn helpu pobl ifainc i aros yn eu broydd genedigol, os mai hynny yw eu dymuniad, trwy gynnig grantiau iddynt i brynu eu cartrefi cyntaf. Ffordd arall effeithiol o helpu pobl yw rhoi grym i’r cynghorau i brynu tai ar y farchnad agored ac yna eu gwerthu ymlaen am bris is o dan gynllun rhan-berchnogaeth i bob1 leol. Mae arian ar gael eisoes ar gyfer hyn - yr unig beth sydd ei angen yw arallgyfeirio canran o’r arian sydd wedi ei glustnodi i gymdeithasau tai ar gyfer adeiladu tai newydd i mewn i’r cynllun newydd.
Byddai sicrhau tai ar gyfer ein pobl ifainc yn help i’w cadw yma. Byddai hyn yn hwb mawr i ddyfodol ieithyddol ein broydd. Byddai clustnodi canran o’r stoc dai ar gyfer diwallu angen lleol yn golygu bod llai o dai ar gael i fewnfudwyr.Mae llawer o son heddiw ein bod yn byw mewn cymunedau dwyieithog. Mae’r Cymry Cymraeg yn cofleidio’r egwyddor yn gynnes. Oni ddylai’r mewnfudwyr gofleidio dwy ieithrwydd hefyd? Cyn belled ag y mae’r mewnfudwyr yn y cwestiwn, mae Rawer ohonynt yn honni eu bod am ddysgu’r iaith - ond fe wyr llawer mai dim ond ychydig sydd yn llwyddo. Efallai fod angen sefydlu mwy o ganolfannau iaith a diwylliant er mwyn codi ymwybyddiaeth ymysg y rhai sydd yn symud i fyw i’n hardaloedd ac i gynnig cyfleoedd iddynt i ddysgu nid yn unig yr iaith Gymraeg ond am hanes a diwylliant yr ardal yn ogystal.
Trwy godi’r materion hyn a mynegi fy mhryderon ynglyn â dyfodol ein cymunedau Cymreig, yr wyf wedi cynddeiriogi’r wasg, y cyfryngau ac yn enwedig felly y Blaid Lafur Brydeinig, Mae’n amlwg fod sefyll i fyny dros hawliau sylfaenol y lleiafrif a meiddio tynnu sylw at anghyfiawnderau yn cael ei ddehongli fel bygythiad gwirioneddol ac yn peri i’r sefydliad Prydeinig bondigrybwyll hwnnw sefyll yn reddfol fel un gwr yn fy erbyn.
Deallais, ychydig ddyddiau wedi i fy sylwadau ymddangos yn y wasg a chael eu camddehongli yn llwyr gan y Blaid Lafur, fod y blaid honno yn bwriadu eu defnyddio dro ar ôl tro er mwyn creu embaras i Blaid Cymru. 0 glywed hyn penderfynais - er lles y Blaid - y byddwn yn cynnig fy ymddiswyddiad i arweinydd rhanbarth Dwyfor o grwp y Blaid ar Gyngor Gwynedd, Penri Jones. Gwrthododd Penri â derbyn fy ymddiswyddiad gan daer erfyn arnaf i aros fel aelod. Fe’m hargyhoeddwyd gan Penri bod Plaid Cymru yn gefnogol i fy safbwyntiau ac yn ystod y dyddiau canlynol derbyniais gefnogaeth gan lu o fy nghyd gynghorwyr, aelodau’r Blaid a hyd yn oed ganghennau, gan gynnwys cefnogaeth gan gangen Pen Draw’r Byd, yn ogystal â chefnogaeth pobl eraill trwy Gymru a thu hwnt. Rhaid i mi hefyd ddatgan fy niolch i Dafydd Wigley ac Alun Ffred Jones, Arweinydd Cyngor Gwynedd, am eu galwadau ffôn cyson i. mi yn ystod yr wythnosau diweddar i gynnig geiriau o gysur a chefnogaeth.
Mae’n debyg fod y Blaid yn ganolog wedi rhoi yr argraff fy mod wedi ymddiheuro am yr hyn a ddywedais. Mae Arweinydd y Blaid, Ieuan Wyn Jones. wedi gwneud datganiad i’r wasg yn cyhoeddi fy mod yn ymddiheuro yn llawn. Hoffwn trwy gyfrwng y Llanw gadarnhau fy mod wedi ymddiheuro os oedd yr hyn a gafodd ei ddweud gennyf wedi peri loes a phryder i unrhyw un drwy gael ei dynnu allan o’i gyd destun, ei gamddyfynuu, neu drwy i mi gael fy ngham gymychioli gan y Blaid Lafur a’r wasg (mae’r Welsh Mirror wedi ei greu er mwyn hyrwyddo’r Blaid Lafur yng Nghymru ac er mwyn ymosod a thynnu Plaid Cymru i lawr ar bob gafael - ac wrth gwrs fe wyr pawb fod adrannau golygyddol y Daily Post a’r Cambrian News yn gwbl wrth Gymreig). Yr wyf fodd bynnag yn sefyll yn gadarn dros y ffaith fod ein cymunedau Cymreig dan fygythiad difrifol a bod rhaid gweithredu rwan trwy ofyn am ddeddfwriaeth i warchod ein hiaith a’n diwylliant. Does dim angen ymddiheuro am ddweud hyn.
Mae’n gywilydd fod y sefydliad mor barod i bardduo ac ymosod mor ffyrnig ar unigolion am fynegi barn a phryder am faterion iaith, diwylliant a’r sefyllfa economaidd. Does a wnelo hyn ddim â hiliaeth, ond yr hyn sydd yn gwylltio cwn bach y sefydIiad yw fod pobl yn fy nghefnogi i ar y materion hyn. Bob tro y bydd ymosodiad arnaf yn y wasg byddaf yn derbyn llu o alwadau ffôn a llythyrau y dydd canlynol yn fy nghefnogi. Erbyn hyn mae drôr wedi ei neilltuo acw ar gyfer y llythyrau cefnogol a bydd llawer a fydd yn galw yn mwynhau mynd trwyddynt. Mae’n amlwg fod ymosodiad arna i yn bersonol am fod yn Gymro yn ymosodiad ar filoedd ohonoch chwithau hefyd.- Seimon Glyn.
(o llanw llyn chwefror 2001)

Swyddog Bro Posted Monday, January 15, 2001 by penllyn
Mae Arwel Jones, Swyddog Bro newydd Pwllheli/Llyn, yn enedigol o bentref y Rhiw. Cafodd ei addysg yn Ysgolion Aberdaron a Botwnnog ac wedyn yn y Coleg Normal a’r brifysgol ym Mangor. Wedi cyfnod yn gweithio gyda’r cwmni teuluol treuliodd flwyddyn yn byw a theithio yn Awstralia. Ar ôl dychwelyd i Gymru bu'n gweithio fel Swyddog Bro i Gyngor Gwynedd yn Nyffryn Ogwen. Mae’n falch o’r cyfle i gael gweithio yn yr ardal y cafodd ei fagu ynddi, ac yn gobeithio y gall gydweithio’n llwyddiannus gyda grwpiau a chwmnîau cymunedol yn yr ardal. Gallwch gysylltu ag Arwel yn Swyddfa Ardal Dwyfor, Ffordd y Cob, Pwllheli, ar 01758 704120 neu -

Cofio R.S. Thomas Posted Friday, January 12, 2001 by penllyn
Cynhelir noson arbennig yn Y Brifysgol, Bangor ar Ionawr 17, i ddathlu bywyd a gwaith R.S. Thomas. Trefnwyr y noson yw’r Academi Gymreig, ac ymhlith y cyfranwyr bydd Twm Morys, Robin Llywelyn, Emyr Humphreys, Gwyn Thomas, John Davies, yr arlunydd Kyffin Williams a Jason Walford Davies, a fu’n gyfrifol am drefnu’r recordiad o waith y bardd ddwy flynedd yn ôl. Mae rhaglen y noson yn cynnwys recordiad o R.S. Thomas yn darllen ei waith yn ogystal a cherddi teyrnged iddo. Mae'r noson yn dechrau am 7.30 o’r gloch yn Narlithfa’r Celfyddydau, Ffordd y Coleg, Bangor.

Nadolig Posted Sunday, December 24, 2000 by penllyn
Nadolig Llawen / Merry Christmas

Pen Llyn ar y we Posted Friday, September 1, 2000 by penllyn
Mae yna safle newydd cael ei lansio ar y we ar gyfer pobol Llyn. Bwriad Seimon Jones, Ty Cape1 Pen-y-graig, Llangwnnadl, sydd wedi ffurfio partneriaeth, ‘Nod y safle,’ yn ô1 Seimon, yw cael un safle sy’n cynrychioli’r ardal i gyd. Mae’n cael ei rhedeg gan bobol leol er mwyn pobol leol ac mae’n agored i bawb.
Roeddwn i wedi teimlo ers tipyn nad oedd cyrff fel Y Bwrdd Croeso a’r Cyngor Sir yn gneud digon yn y cyfeiriad yma, felly rydw i wedi penderfynu ei neud o fy hun.’ Yn barod mae Seimon Jones wedi cysylltu efo’r Cynghorau Cymuned sy wedi bod yn gefnogol i’r syniad. Mae cyfle i bob busnes, mudiad, cymdeithas neu unigolyn sydd â chyfeiriad e-bost neu safle ar y we i roi eu cyfeiriad yn rhad ac am ddim ar safle Mae'r cwmni hefyd yn cynnig gwasanaeth darparu safleoedd newydd i’r rhai sy’n bwriadu cael eu safle eu hunain.
0 fis Medi ymlaen, trwy gysylltu â bydd yn
bosibl darllen Ilanw Llyn ar y we. Bydd tudalennau o’r papur yn cael eu postio ar safle’r Llanw-
Mae’n bosibl i bwy bynnag sydd eisiau mwy o wybodaeth gysylltu â Seimon Jones trwy yrru e-bost i seimon@penllyn. com , neu drwy ffonio Tudweiliog 770468.
(o'r llanw Medi 2000)

Y Mewnlifiad yn ei ôl Posted Saturday, July 1, 2000 by penllyn
Ddeng mlynedd yn ôl roedd pryder bod prisiau tai’n codi ac yn mynd allan o gyrraedd pobol leol. Heddiw, mae’n edrych yn debyg iawn ein bod ni mewn sefyllfa debyg.
Mae eiddo - tai a busnesau -fu ar werth am gyfnod hir flwyddyn a mwy yn ô1 heb i neb ddangos diddordeb ynddyn nhw, bellach yn gwerthu o fewn wythnosau i gyrraedd y farchnad. Clywyd am un gwerthwr tai yn cael ymholiadau dros y ffôn yn holi a oedd ganddo eiddo ar werth yn Abersoch ac yn gorfod dweud nad oedd ganddo ddim ar ô1 heb ei werthu. Clywyd yn ddiweddar hefyd am lain o dir yng ngolwg y mar a hawl cynllunio ar gyfer un ty arno, eto yn Abersoch, yn gwerthu am yn agos i chwarter miliwn.
Un arwydd o faint y mewnlifiad i’r ardal yw pa mor brysur yw’r Uned Arbennig i Ddysgwyr sydd yn Ysgol Llangybi. Pan ddaw plant sy’n ddi-Gymraeg i ysgolion ardal Dwyfor, gall penaethiaid yr ysgolion eu cyfeirio i’r uned am dymor er mwyn cae1 cwrs carlam i ddysgu’r Gymraeg. Dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf mae’r uned wedi bod yn brysur, ond yn anaml yn llawn. Ers Medi llynedd fodd bynnag, mae wedi bod yn llawn ac mae rhestr aros ar gyfer y tymor nesaf.
Mae’r Cynghorydd Seimon Glyn, sy’n gyn-gadeirydd Pwyllgor Tai Cyngor Gwynedd yn bryderus am y sefyllfa. Mae’r mewnlifiad yn ei ô1 yn sicr,’ meddai. ‘Mae o’n llifo yn hytrach na diferu y dyddia’ yma, ac mae hynny’n saff o gael effaith ar brisiau tai. Fe1 arfer mae prisiau tai yn adlewyrchu cyflwr yr economi leol, ond yma, er bod yr economi gyda’r gwana’ mae’r ardal ymhlith y pump uchaf yng Nghymru o ran prisiau tai. Mae mwy o dai ar werth na sydd eu hangen yn lleol.’
Mae Seimon Glyn yn gobeithio y bydd Cyngor Gwynedd mewn sefyllfa i ddylanwadu ar y sefyllfa o eleni ymlaen. Ers dechrau’r flwyddyn, y cynghorau sir yn hytrach na’r cwango Tai Cymru sy’n gyfrifol am lunio strategaeth tai. “Rydw i’n awyddus i weld strategaeth newydd y cyngor yn adlewyrchu’r galw lleol am dai a’n bod ni’n tynhau’r diffiniad o pwy sy’n berson lleol,’ meddai.
(o'r llanw gorffennaf 2000)

Fforwm Bro i Llyn Posted Thursday, June 1, 2000 by penllyn
Daeth tua 30 o bobl ynghyd i gyfarfod cyhoeddus a gynhaliwyd ddiwedd Mai i drafod pris uchel y dreth. Roedd y cyfarfod yn un o gyfres a gynhaliwyd yn ddiweddar yng Nghanolfan Llaniestyn. Y gwyn bennaf oedd fod pris y dreth yn codi yn sylweddol bob blwyddyn ac nad ydyw’n amlwg i bobl Llyn ar be yn union y mae’r arian yn cael ei wario.
‘Mae’r dreth dros £5OO, a wela i ddim ein bod ni’n elwa fawr ddim ohoni,’ meddaiTeleri Wyn Jones o Laniestyn, sydd wedi bod yn weithgar yn trefnu’r cyfarfodydd hyn. Daeth y Cyng Seimon Glyn, E.B. Hughes o Bwllheli ac Evie Griffith o Fotwnnog i’r cyfarfod i ffurfio Panel a buont yn ateb cwestiynau ac yn egluro beth sy’n digwydd i arian y dreth. Eglurodd y Cyng Seimon Glyn fod y dreth, mewn gwirionedd, yn talu am lawer iawn o wasanaethau. Cred mai un broblem yw fod y cysylltiad rhwng yr awdurdodau lleol ac ardalwyr Llyn wedi pellhau ers yr adrefnu Llywodraeth Leol, a chysylltiad wedi’i golli.
Yn dilyn y cyfarfod mae Cyngor Gwynedd yn ystyried cais i sefydlu Fforwm Bro, lle gall ardalwyr drafod eu pryderon gydag uwch-swyddogion y Cyngor. Beth yw eich barn am hyn? Fyddech chi’n manteisio ar gyfle felly? Bydd cyfarfod eto yn Nghanolfan Llaniestyn ar Fehefin 19 am 8 o'r gloch, Beth ydy’ch teimladau chi am y dreth? Mae croeso cynnes i unrhyw un fynd i roi eu barn neu eu sylwadau. Neu estynnwch am bapur a beiro a tarwch lythyr i’r Llanw. Byddem yn croesawu unrhyw drafodaeth.
(o'r llanw mehefin 2000)

Lecture-Howel Harris (1714-73) and Sidney Griffith, Cefnamlwch Posted Wednesday, May 3, 2000 by penllyn
Caernarvonshire Historical Society hold their Spring meeting on Thursday, 4 May at the Lecture Theatre, Coleg Meirion Dwyfor, Pwllheli. The lecturer will be Dr Geraint Tudur, who will discuss the relationship between the religious reformer Howel Harris (1714-73) and Sidney Griffith, Cefnamlwch, a woman who was abused by her husband.
Their relationship between the reformer and the married woman caused quite a stir, causing a split amongst nonconformists of the time, and they both travelled across the country as he shared his vision with the people. A warm welcome is extended to all, and the lecture, entitled ?Dirgelwch y broffwydes: Howel Harris a Sidney Griffith, Cefnamlwch? (The Mystery of the Prophet), begins at 7:00pm.

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